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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Didn’t I unvote? I can check when I’m on a laptop.

Wam is my strongest read.

My read for LaserGuy comes from agreeing with logic put forward by the group. From the likes of Xivii, Fonti, Mala


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
LaserGuy(5): Bessie, Vicarin, Maven89, Fontisian, Malakandra
Bessie(5): RedRyu, Wam, Ryker, Xivii, Eido
Wam(2): UtopianPoyzin, FrozenFlame
Xivii(2): LaserGuy

Not Voting(1):


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
You have had 23 hours 50 minutes, still waiting.
Still waiting.

It's not about that. I want a scumflip I can build off of. I feel Laser is scum, so I want his flip.
Where has your tunnel gone?

ok found the 180

def very conspicuous, he even goes out of his way to call himself out on it being an overt 180

why did you say he was defending wam the entire time tho? intentional or not it was an exaggeration, and wouldnt it have been more helpful to say "LG 180'd on wam" originally instead of what you said?

wasnt trying to imply you were hardcore town!wam I was just recounting what came to mind when I was trying to remember pro wam takes off the top of my head
Font keeps exaggerating to push her view.

Actually, ideally we should vig wam tonight if that opportunity is available to anyone.
What why? Either you think I'm town or you dont.

Someone who's played with this slot more than me. Does it always read like it's given up?
Stop putting deadlines on Friday nights!

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Needs two more, including a surprise return from Laser or a UP appearance alongside the already present Boom.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
real talk we gonna let this slide?
Chasing that is like playing with a live grenade. You never know WHAT reason someone has to be away from thread. You can imagine that Ruy is working given his stated situation. I don't know about UP. It can be a strike, but not the reason to tie the noose.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
If you're not at work or something, Bessie has not been so crazy active that you couldn't ISO the slot in 40 minutes.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
The largest thing I want to know from you, Boom, is how confident you are in your Laser analysis posted previously. There's now an option available that allows you a different choice.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
Yes I am at work and dealing with a serious work situation and I'm reading but will not be able to catch up before deadline.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Xivii Xivii what's the case in your own words?

#HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu same question.

The goal is always to move out of RVS as soon as possible. Anyway, as I said, we had left RVS before the end of page 1. You made this post here on page 4 and hadn't voted. That's what caught my eye. From experience, I do think you genuinely believe that you are being normal bessie and that I am catching you for the wrong reasons, but there are subtle differences in how you behave as scum that you may not be consciously aware of. It's the same way Sabrar caught you with the joker picture. There's a certain carefulness that comes from scum!bessie and that's what I was trying to get at page 1 but was premature. I do believe that town!bessie would have reacted to the joker but that scum!bessie believes that she wouldn't have because she's coming from a place of being informed. She knows Sabrar is town, so she doesn't want to bring attention to the joker picture in case it's a crumb. Town!bessie wouldn't know Sabrar is town though and so wouldn't be weighted toward the view that it's a crumb and ask about it. Similarly, town!bessie would have gotten on Ryker right away from the 'clear' statement and ignoring her. But scum!bessie knows Ryker is town and so doesn't react to it as she would as a town bloodhound. To her, she's being normal because she's clouded by her scum perspective.

Town bessie reacts to everything. She would have reacted to Sabrar's opening. She would have reacted to Laser claiming she missed a handshake. She would have reacted to me pointing out the MAS spelling by her and Ryker. None of this is occurring. Ninja-edit: and we add on top of that, what wam posted above. It doesn't feel like you're trying to drive the game forward, similar to LaserGuy. It's more like you're just reacting. And I don't really think the pacing is an excuse. There have been times the game was speedy, but for the most part it's been at a fairly balanced pace.

What did you mean?
Thank you, I see your flow of thought now. The response to Fonti is still scum indicative, however. You were trying to pick at her read.

This is indeed looks like scumbessie, I think. What does this mean for wam. What does this mean for Red Ryu. What does this mean for LaserGuy. Hmm. Hmmmmmm.

LaserGuy is still scum.
I'm not so certain on wam, but Fonti said he likes to bus, so he can still be scum. Not the lynch though given how many people want him to be.
Does Red Ryu have a genuine scum read of bessie and town read Laser because of sharing that read. Or is he informed. I'll have to look again.
The outcome is still the same. You did not notice it because you knew his alignment so it didn't stand out to you. Things stand out to us when we are ignorant of them. Once tainted by knowledge, it's hard to see how we would perceive things otherwise.
#140 was page 4 and when I was expecting you to vote.

I'd like to know what you meant about the way I worded them.

Not blindly following fonti is different than actively chipping at her read. Especially because you're not voting UP right now. I think town!you would have just kept her post in consideration while pushing UP on your own. There's a difference between building a case and chipping at someone else's, and town!bessie adamantly plays using the former method.
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