well think of it this way
same with falcon too, uair only has one hitbox. But similar to the shine, if u hit with a different part you will get a different result - hit with the top of the shine, and you can sometimes get a TR bair (fox) because the part of the hitbox u hit with sends them at the same angle, but your in a different position. Same applies to uair, if they are at a high % then u want to hit with the middle of the hitbox, as close to the attack sending them the wrong direction (without actually doing it) as possible. For lower %'s that might not send them far enough, so u need to use the tip of the uair, because in effect that will put more space between you and your opponent.
Yeah, actually thats a good way of describing it, there is no difference in knockback but the further from the centre of the hitbox (so marios belt) u hit, the more distance u put between you and your opponent. No difference in knockback atall. If u still dont understand, try shine-dair with falco, but the really fast version. Jump, shine and hit your opp with the very bottom of the shine, and itll be alot easier. Now try hitting with the middle of the shine, alot trickier.
soma - i made a thread called hamonyou i think which detailed recovery, but i was quite a nub comparatively speaking so ill go into a little bit of detail here. Incase ur not aware, the best order for an edgehogging opponent is
Tornado, Cape, cape, cape, cape, cape (etc like marth does)
fireball at person holding the edge (if possible)
FF (only if u can definatly make it, FFing makes u less predictable but u loose some horizontal distance)
double jump (you can always fireball after a double jump, the first fireball only applies if u get lucky and get lined up)
sweetspot upB
If you hit them with the upB after 1 fireball on battlefield it is OVER FOR THEM. Some stages, DL for example, if u can hit with both fireballs it is MAYBE OVER FOR THEM
People catch on pretty quick, part of edgeguarding in smash is (unfortunately) making a total guess (wrong guess = death in many cases, especially for mario

), so when your opponent decides to try a sneaky edgehog from ur sweetspot, u must anticipate this before u have stopped tumbling

fireballs work wonders against an edgehogging opponent, but again with people catching on, probably after one. Oh, and btw dont fireball marth unless ur sure, A because he is prolly stalling the edge making it useless, B because that bair has alot of range to knock you outta the sky.
Erm where was I, gdam all of my posts are so disorganised. Yeah, when ur opponent catches on, try ur very hardest to anticipate it before they do, so you can save your tornado and cape. Cape sometimes does the trick i must say, but your better off using tornado at the time that you would UpB, they roll to edgehog you, they fail, you cape -upB :D job done, dont get knocked off next time xD
LOL i just read ur post u didnt actually ask any of that, idc, owell. To awnser ur actual question - Tumble recover always, i think its best to do that with thumb and first finger cause its alot faster once muscle memory is down. For Max height out of tornado u need to press it 15times a SECOND, this is impossible, but about 7/8 should be fine. You wanna tumble, press down B then while furiously tapping B hold the control stick *picks up controller to refer to muscle memory* well i hold it totally sideways, do what u want.
recently i have been holding the control stick sideways with my little finger, while tapping B with both hands. I would seriously, seriously get into the (at first very uncomfortable) habit of doing that, watch perfect control and you will see how rediculous 15taps per second really is in terms of height.
To quote eggz, if u can make it to the top platform of FoD your doing fine
and another thing, use control stick for uairs - for a move this fast no frames should be spared getting ur hand to the cstick
j3ly out
j3ly 4 pres
two more things now that i am re-reading my post, 1 - check green mario v noobking (that dude is seriously nice, hes giving fuzzy money to help towards a flight to canada) on DL is a good example of how to appropriately switch up recovery
2 if ur asking questions on recovery i remeber i had questions on DI at that time so incase u do too, lets say ur back is facing the edge and your really close to it, and eat a marth fsmash. if u di away from him, 30% you very well may be KO'd.
Keeping it simple, with the control stick, just be holding up and towards him before he hits u
(if u smash the direction [while ur flashing white for literally like 9/10 frames i think]thats smash DI, its stronger and sends u in the direction u smashed the control stick[you can smash it as many frames as you are flashing white, if ur hands are that fast u can do some godly shiz with that]a tiny bit as u smash it), so like diagonal up left/right, and be holding the c-stick directly towards the attacker before he hits you
(before the white frames, against the trajectory of the attack, thats automatic smash di [sdi]. ). That angle to recover from should serve you well with Mario, i once survived a non-sourspotted fox fsmash at 143% with that on fd just off the stage.
lol an idea for a video if anybody has AR, its been done slightly different by somebody already but samus full charge shot on jiggs, smash DI to the edge, tech and sing cancel that would look cool if its possible, i dunno the specifics.
Gratz to anybody who actually read that whole post, but no gratz to those who scimmed and caught this sentence out of the corner of their eye