the reverse dair chainthrow cannot be DI'd up, i've done it against all characters (against my bro) and he couldn't jump out with anyone, the reverse dair CT is dthrow to nana dashing forward, jumping, and doing a dair, and if they are able to DI, there's not enough time for the character to jump because it takes longer for a character to recover from a hit that sends them horizontally than it does for them from a hit that sends them vertically, and in that time frame there is virtually not much time to escape, the only way to is to hope the IC player messes up
a way to prove what i said earlier on how characters take longer to recover from a hit that sends him/her horizontally than vertically is fox on falco
have fox uthrow the falco, if falco DI's up, he is able to press down b right before fox can grab him again, if he DI's to the sides, he is unable to do this
marth vs. link, it's 5-4 in link's favor.
marth has a hard time against the heavyweights, yes even bowser and DK can serve him trouble, why, because most of marth's juggles can't start until the characters are at mid percents, with the exception of samus, but it's still a lot of juggles taken away, marth loses almost all throw juggles against anyone falcon/link and heavier, for whatever reason, marth suffers from a lot of lag after throwing heavyweights, what makes it harder is that marth is also KO ********, as he has a really hard time setting up for KOs, what makes matters worse is marth does not like projectiles, even though he has an advantage over doc, mario, peach, samus, and yoshi, their projectiles save their butts from being countered, link is a heavyweight with projectiles, like samus only a faster faller, and marth cannot cancel link's projectiles like he can with the pills, fireballs, or missles, because link is capable of sending another projectile at him faster than anyone (except for samus and falco), but that's really not the main reason why link has the upperhand, the main reason is most likely link's throw juggles, once link grabs marth, the marth should expect at least another 20%, almost everytime, of if at high percents, marth will die, DI cannot save him at high percents, and link will not die as easily as marth will