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David is way too cool to be seen with you in public

  • yes

    Votes: 53 64.6%
  • Its true. I am way too cool to be seen with you in public.

    Votes: 29 35.4%

  • Total voters

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Why are all the props picking up peach now? first PC, now M2K. What is the downsmash coming to!

Carl, don't worry about it lol, just a simile.

It's too bad transformers can't go back to the good ol' days of YOU GOT THE TOUCH! YOU GOT THE POWERRR!

Oh and I doubt you'd school everyone at Halo Tyler >_< First of all, you've gotta be pro just to actually beat me, and then you gotta be better than Carl, and all the people better than me, (which is a lot, I'm just using me as an example sicne I know for a fact I'm decent.)
Uh first of all I have a 50 on another account, I'm better than Carl and I could probably destroy you in a 1v1 and in team play. I'll even MM you $20. I've played MLG pros and beaten them before, so I guess I would call myself pro. I play almost every day.

Secondly, PC has been playing Peach for a while now, he just decided to use him at RoM / recent tourneys because he knows Shiz has destroyed him before in spacie battles and he knows he would do it again. Plus, he quit Melee for a while so his tech skill wasn't really up to par with others.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
For some reason I have a hard time seeing Carl playing an FPS game. While I have no doubt that he's probably good at Halo 3, i just have a hard time imagining that.

But yeah, what's Blazblue?

I was considering getting a 360 and then just modding it. Now that I have steady income for the summer it's viable but... ffffffffffffffff-

Oh god 2girls1s- Oh never mind. This is actually... good.

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
I'm thick headed and incredibly rude for no reason.
Yes Tyler, we all knew this already. Go back to being cool.

(I never said I was pro, thats why I said you'd have to be good, at least)

For some reason I have a hard time seeing Carl playing an FPS game. While I have no doubt that he's probably good at Halo 3, i just have a hard time imagining that.

But yeah, what's Blazblue?

I was considering getting a 360 and then just modding it. Now that I have steady income for the summer it's viable but... ffffffffffffffff-
Carl made a "combo" video for Halo once, bet none of you knew that.

And Blazblue is a new fighter by Aksys games (the guys behind GG, as he said) and it looks fantastic, it comes out on the first of July for PS3 and Xbob360, whether or not you like it over GG I bet will rely on personal preference, but it honestly looks fantastic to me, I like the characters themselves only slightly more and the actual engine a teeny bit more aswell.

Soundtrack is epic.

Wow Darkrain's Falcon is incredibly fast.
This may be the most obvious thing you've ever said.

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
He does have a 50 on another account.

(wtf is a 50?)

edit: I googled it and got this

doble edit: I'd also like to point out, even though I'm sure I'm worse than you since I've played halo maybe 5 times, that MLG recruits the stupidest players in the world, quite honestly in the states they basically throw their money away on sponsorships. It's very depressing considering canada can't even find local sponsors, or tournaments for that matter.

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
c wat i did thar


Friday, July 3 @ 6:00 pm
(This could potentially change to Sunday, July 5 @ 10:00 am. Potentially. If there's a larger potential turnout on Sunday [and if Brad can stay until Sunday] then I'll change it. But for now, it's set for Friday)

10808 18 ave NW, Edmonton Alberta Canada.



Melee singles $2 ***BUDGET PRICE***
Melee doubles $4/team ***DO TEAMS*** Really...

Why entry fees? So there can be a prize. I don't intend this to be a super serious event. If that were the case, I'd have a larger venue rented out or something. This is still a tourney though, so... yeah, entry fees. Also, Brad gets $0.50 off for both entry fees.

Bring setups! They won't get you a Brad discount, but I will love and admire you from ages unto ages if you do. And you want that.

Also, why is it so late? Cause that's when Brad gets here. Oops. But feel free to stay overnight. As long as you're gone by noon the next day, I'm happy. I have rehearsals all next day, so... yeah.

There will be food too. I don't know what, but it'll be there.

Friday July 3/09

Doubles Registration/Friendlies 6:00pm
Doubles 6:30 - 8:00pm
Singles Registration/Friendlies 8:00pm
Singles 8:30pm - whenever

Mad friendlies afterwards. Everyone should have at least one set with everyone else. I don't want to see any "omg ur kewl but we nevah really playd eachother." None of those shenanigans.

Also, I'll have someone a Sheik vs Sheik MM. $2. FD. It wouldn't be a Bread event without Brad combos.

The full bracket will be available for participant view at all times. Please make good use of this and check often to see your position and upcoming matches. Make sure you report your matches as well.

I have 3 screens here. One is great, and the other two are lackluster. Bring a TV if you can. I have two setups as well. I will need one extra.


Final Destination
Yoshi’s story
Dreamland 64
Pokemon Stadium
Fountain of Dreams (except for Doubles)

Green Greens
Jungle Japes
Kongo Jungle
Kongo Jungle 64
Mute City (except for Doubles)
Poke Floats
Rainbow Cruise
Mushroom Kingdom 2

Everything else.

-Double elimination bracket.
-4 Stock.
-No items.
-8 Minute time limit.
-Matches are best of 3 games, except for winners bracket final, losers bracket final, and grand finals which are best of 5.
-First game is on random stage, unless players come to a consensus within the allowed stages.
-Double blind pick may be called by either player/team during any first game of any set (a third party will be told each competitor's character selection) to avoid counter-picking
-Advanced slob picks
-Dave's stupid rule. Daves stupid rule does not apply in best of 5 situations during the winners finals, losers finals, and championship match.
-Pausing other than in the event of an emergency or by accident (at opponent's discretion) will result in a loss for that particular game.

Doubles rules same as above, as well as:
-Team attack ON
-SHARE STOCK allowed

BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER! I don't have very many, and they're not the greatest controllers. If you can't bring one (or forget), then borrow someone else's.


All event prizes will be distributed as follows:

First place - 60% of pot
Second place - 30% of pot
Third place - 10% of pot

Say we get 16 participants for singles.

$31.50 pot
1st - $18.90 prize
2nd - $9.45 prize
3rd - $3.15 prize

See you all there.
This .

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
Well you'd have to consider it depends how mant people come.

It should be incentive to come, considering all you have to do is win, which is easy, and you get to have fun, instead of work.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
If the date stays on Friday, I'll probably miss Doubles due to work.

But I'll most certainly be able to make singles, and I'm gunning for first.

YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- not really.

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
Dude It's gonna be so cool (breadoshi-) Don't even.

Matt you're on for finals.

Also winning is easy, you just have to beat me matt and sid, (currently I believe were the top playrs, I dunno how edmonton ranks and I dunno whos all coming) but red deer sucks (LLOLOLOLOLOLOLO)

I think tehre may be food at sids too.

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
=[ You should come.

It's overnight if thats anyones issue. Besides West ed the next day =3

Also I'm kinda agreeing with you, Depends how good Matt is, I just keep hearing good things about him.

And I play lots of people now actually, but yearp, Ganon will probably be my player for this whole thing, Unless I feel like showing people my hidden char, or even just my newfound pressuring with Sheik.

edit: or I'll just suck since I'll be too focused on Blazblue

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
I don't get how that matters.

Protip: Carl also mentioned it to me once, in fact he might've shown me first.

edit: levi your posts are getting worse =[ we need more good topics

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
Thats Carl. and not unusual for marth.
and Levi I know, I get infracted all the time, not that I'm funny, but I know the criteria for gettnig infracted.

c wat i did thar


Friday, July 3 @ 6:00 pm
(This could potentially change to Sunday, July 5 @ 10:00 am. Potentially. If there's a larger potential turnout on Sunday [and if Brad can stay until Sunday] then I'll change it. But for now, it's set for Friday)

10808 18 ave NW, Edmonton Alberta Canada.



Melee singles $2 ***BUDGET PRICE***
Melee doubles $4/team ***DO TEAMS*** Really...

Why entry fees? So there can be a prize. I don't intend this to be a super serious event. If that were the case, I'd have a larger venue rented out or something. This is still a tourney though, so... yeah, entry fees. Also, Brad gets $0.50 off for both entry fees.

Bring setups! They won't get you a Brad discount, but I will love and admire you from ages unto ages if you do. And you want that.

Also, why is it so late? Cause that's when Brad gets here. Oops. But feel free to stay overnight. As long as you're gone by noon the next day, I'm happy. I have rehearsals all next day, so... yeah.

There will be food too. I don't know what, but it'll be there.

Friday July 3/09

Doubles Registration/Friendlies 6:00pm
Doubles 6:30 - 8:00pm
Singles Registration/Friendlies 8:00pm
Singles 8:30pm - whenever

Mad friendlies afterwards. Everyone should have at least one set with everyone else. I don't want to see any "omg ur kewl but we nevah really playd eachother." None of those shenanigans.

Also, I'll have someone a Sheik vs Sheik MM. $2. FD. It wouldn't be a Bread event without Brad combos.

The full bracket will be available for participant view at all times. Please make good use of this and check often to see your position and upcoming matches. Make sure you report your matches as well.

I have 3 screens here. One is great, and the other two are lackluster. Bring a TV if you can. I have two setups as well. I will need one extra.


Final Destination
Yoshi’s story
Dreamland 64
Pokemon Stadium
Fountain of Dreams (except for Doubles)

Green Greens
Jungle Japes
Kongo Jungle
Kongo Jungle 64
Mute City (except for Doubles)
Poke Floats
Rainbow Cruise
Mushroom Kingdom 2

Everything else.

-Double elimination bracket.
-4 Stock.
-No items.
-8 Minute time limit.
-Matches are best of 3 games, except for winners bracket final, losers bracket final, and grand finals which are best of 5.
-First game is on random stage, unless players come to a consensus within the allowed stages.
-Double blind pick may be called by either player/team during any first game of any set (a third party will be told each competitor's character selection) to avoid counter-picking
-Advanced slob picks
-Dave's stupid rule. Daves stupid rule does not apply in best of 5 situations during the winners finals, losers finals, and championship match.
-Pausing other than in the event of an emergency or by accident (at opponent's discretion) will result in a loss for that particular game.

Doubles rules same as above, as well as:
-Team attack ON
-SHARE STOCK allowed

BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER! I don't have very many, and they're not the greatest controllers. If you can't bring one (or forget), then borrow someone else's.


All event prizes will be distributed as follows:

First place - 60% of pot
Second place - 30% of pot
Third place - 10% of pot

Say we get 16 participants for singles.

$31.50 pot
1st - $18.90 prize
2nd - $9.45 prize
3rd - $3.15 prize

See you all there.
Guys stop taking the top of tha page

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
@Tyler: Kyle is better than you.
Uh how the hell would you even know, you're a 10 and you've never played with us. Plus, I already played with Kyle, he's good but I did better than him when I wasn't trying lol.

"Learnt" is not a legit word. GET GRAMMAR SON!
Really? I'm pretty sure it is, but I could be wrong. I googled it and it didn't give me the "Did you mean..."

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
Tyler you're right, and Sid is right too, it depends how American you are.

Learned is proper American English (no I don't mean the states **** you)

Learnt is proper Britain english.

edit: I don't see why so many of you are gripeing to me about Breadoshi- being friday night, it's overnight, it's summer, friday night is basically weekend anyways.

Not to mention, Protip: Adat2 is friday.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Tyler you're right, and Sid is right too, it depends how American you are.

Learned is proper American English (no I don't mean the states **** you)

Learnt is proper Britain english.

edit: I don't see why so many of you are gripeing to me about Breadoshi- being friday night, it's overnight, it's summer, friday night is basically weekend anyways.

Not to mention, Protip: Adat2 is friday.
Not if you work everyday except Sunday :X

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
>_< Arn't you coming anyways?

Also if we made it sunday, it would have to be started by 10am, is that better?

edit: Yeah, trust me, it's not. (and I actually am leaving that morning, or the night before so you know)
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