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Alabama Thread! (10/26/2016 update)

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Down-b didn't get any damage because I was able to almost totally avoid it with the whirlwind. Just because a strategy fails doesn't mean it wasn't attempted.

Just stop whining about a strategy used on a stage you picked. I refer you to the quote before the 3rd match of the set, "I don't think you can do that...I mean, I want to go back there, but I don't think you can do that" - Kalm Febriary 7, 2009 [emphasis added]

Man, for having a pitiful excuse for a secondary, I sure did better than you in the low tier Kalm!

You are pretty bad at this whole trash talking business!

Mr. Referee

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Millbrook, Alabama
You ain't any better cause you just trash talk right back Munkus. And why is it that I always seem to place low in the rankings but always get known for something infamous. Like at the tourney that I hosted I made this little kid cry for beating him (Nice1 can attest to that, he was there) and now at this one I somehow was able to 0% to death chain grab into a spike combo on Kira's Marth with Falco that wasn't even supposed to be possible.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
LMAO i remember that u still are a mean person. i wonder whats the next thing u gonna do at the next tourney u attend


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
You ain't any better cause you just trash talk right back Munkus. And why is it that I always seem to place low in the rankings but always get known for something infamous. Like at the tourney that I hosted I made this little kid cry for beating him (Nice1 can attest to that, he was there) and now at this one I somehow was able to 0% to death chain grab into a spike combo on Kira's Marth with Falco that wasn't even supposed to be possible.
No offense to Kira, but he really doesn't play competitively. I mean, he has good spacing and timing, but he doesn't use shield and hardly ever uses counter. I'm not surprised you comboed him.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Ville of the Hunts, Alabama
You ain't any better cause you just trash talk right back Munkus. And why is it that I always seem to place low in the rankings but always get known for something infamous. Like at the tourney that I hosted I made this little kid cry for beating him (Nice1 can attest to that, he was there) and now at this one I somehow was able to 0% to death chain grab into a spike combo on Kira's Marth with Falco that wasn't even supposed to be possible.
That's hilarious. I wish i could have seen that.

The only reason that chaingrab worked was because Kira has no concept of DI. ....or shielding.
Still, it was fun to watch:laugh:

@munkus: you misspelled February:p


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I don't give a **** about trash talk, it's not my thing.
The low tier tourny was a major fluke, I should've placed way furthur than I did, but I managed to screw it. It's not going to happen like that next time, I'm not even going to be humble about it. Next Low Tier Tourny I'm taking at least top 5, write it down if you want.

Down B didn't work, yes I attempted it, but I still won without it. Did you win without your 10x cheaper strategy? Yes actually you did, you were able to win the first matchup on FD. You can call it whining if you want, but this was being talked about before I even got here, so really all I'm doing is stating that I didn't enjoy the three gallons of gay that you injected into my brawl experience. There's really no other way for me to vocalize disliking the matchup, and I think that everyone is aloud to not like something.

Maybe I did say that, I don't remember. I don't remember half the crap I said or did near the end of my stay there. But I do remember thinking I wanted to go to Norfair when you were hovering over it. I didn't detest the idea of Luigi's Mansion even after knowing downB doesn't work because I didn't know that you could use whorenado 75 times and destroy any chance I had of getting a victory.

I'm pretty annoyed because I actually feel like I got sucked into a debate that's about me. There's no point in arguing with someone so arrogant and bull-headed that they don't even feel bad about using the most looked down upon, cheapest strategy in the entire game period. That they're so stubborn that they actually want to justify it by saying that it was in response against a new guy who tried to use a cheap strategy that didn't even work, but won anyways.

I'm so ready to completely not care about what happened it's not even funny, but now I'm sucked into a debate over whether or not you're a complete jerk for playing the way you did. This isn't even a dispute over if the win is legitimate or not, it's as simple as "Wow you're a total asshat, I sure won't let you do that to me again.".

Mr. Referee

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Millbrook, Alabama
Have no idea. Maybe something crazy like taking all three stocks on a Metaknight with Luigi's fire jump punch. lol I think Kalm took the cake for the crazy thing at this tourney though. That particular DK punch = win. Too bad nobody recorded that match, I wanna see that again cause it was weird and crazy.

Mr. Referee

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Millbrook, Alabama
I grab released the **** out of everyone with yoshi in low tier
Yeah, I remember watching that. It only works on Metaknight and Squirtle thought, doesn't it? I tried to use it against Munk's squirtle but for some reason I grabbed him and then slide off the stage which just caused me to get edgehogged and lose a stock. And then we went to Norfair so there wasn't much chance to use it there.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
Yeah, I remember watching that. It only works on Metaknight and Squirtle thought, doesn't it? I tried to use it against Munk's squirtle but for some reason I grabbed him and then slide off the stage which just caused me to get edgehogged and lose a stock. And then we went to Norfair so there wasn't much chance to use it there.
I would think it would work on Ness and Lucas too.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Ville of the Hunts, Alabama
I don't give a **** about trash talk, it's not my thing.
The low tier tourny was a major fluke, I should've placed way furthur than I did, but I managed to screw it. It's not going to happen like that next time, I'm not even going to be humble about it. Next Low Tier Tourny I'm taking at least top 5, write it down if you want.

Down B didn't work, yes I attempted it, but I still won without it. Did you win without your 10x cheaper strategy? Yes actually you did, you were able to win the first matchup on FD. You can call it whining if you want, but this was being talked about before I even got here, so really all I'm doing is stating that I didn't enjoy the three gallons of gay that you injected into my brawl experience. There's really no other way for me to vocalize disliking the matchup, and I think that everyone is aloud to not like something.

Maybe I did say that, I don't remember. I don't remember half the crap I said or did near the end of my stay there. But I do remember thinking I wanted to go to Norfair when you were hovering over it. I didn't detest the idea of Luigi's Mansion even after knowing downB doesn't work because I didn't know that you could use whorenado 75 times and destroy any chance I had of getting a victory.

I'm pretty annoyed because I actually feel like I got sucked into a debate that's about me. There's no point in arguing with someone so arrogant and bull-headed that they don't even feel bad about using the most looked down upon, cheapest strategy in the entire game period. That they're so stubborn that they actually want to justify it by saying that it was in response against a new guy who tried to use a cheap strategy that didn't even work, but won anyways.

I'm so ready to completely not care about what happened it's not even funny, but now I'm sucked into a debate over whether or not you're a complete jerk for playing the way you did. This isn't even a dispute over if the win is legitimate or not, it's as simple as "Wow you're a total asshat, I sure won't let you do that to me again.".
No.1: don't use DK against MK. it's a bad, BAD idea. Unless your name is Will_, and even he probably wouldn't do it.

No.2: I understand you having a bad experience with Brawl, but that's Brawl! That's the way the game was engineered. It's ******** and it pisses you off b/c of the crap ppl can get away with. But winning is winning. You can't be angry at munkus for giving you a bad experience. All he did was abuse DK's weaknesses and capitalized on them. You can't be mad at someone for "being gay." That's how you play Smash. You have to fight dirty sometimes. The only way to avoid being gayed is to use a different character. Hate the game, not the player.

No.3: Don't misunderstand munkus. As moogle said a long time ago, and I'm paraphrasing here, he should come with a disclaimer tag stamped to his forehead to warn everyone that he's a Philosophy Major, is good at arguing, and loves to do it. He can be an ***, but so can anyone else.

This whole "gay" discussion never should have taken place. Being gayed has been in existence since Smash 64. If you REALLY want to see "gay," watch Fox gimp Marth (or any other character for that matter) off the stage at 7% in Melee and take a stock.

At any rate, don't worry about it. I'm sure this isn't a debate that's an effort to attack you.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I get and agree with just about everything you said Majist. But come on, name one person on these boards who WOULDN'T ***** after having something like that happen to them lol.

****it I'm getting boards mixed up, I need to post this part in the other one. xD


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
Yeah, I remember watching that. It only works on Metaknight and Squirtle thought, doesn't it? I tried to use it against Munk's squirtle but for some reason I grabbed him and then slide off the stage which just caused me to get edgehogged and lose a stock. And then we went to Norfair so there wasn't much chance to use it there.
lol actually
it works on metaknight, squirtle, ganondorf, lucas, captain falcon, bowser, sonic, diddy kong and pikachu
also it is a standing infinite against wario
they say it works on other characters with perfect timing, but I dont have that sooo

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Kalm, is it cold up there in your white tower?

To quote outkast, you seem to think that your shìt don't stank! You didn't get dragged into any debate, you jumped headlong into it with such terribad trash-talking.

And calling me arrogant two paragraphs after you called top 5 placement in the next low-tier tourney? That you losing out was a total fluke? Why my name must be Pot, Mr. Kettle!

No, I don't feel bad about responding in kind. Like I said, it wasn't even the worst I could've done (the worst would have been to run out time on ya). You are bìtching because I responded to down-b camp with nado-spam. NO SIR! THERE IS NO SIMILARITY BETWEEN THE TWO ACTS! NO SIR! I CAN NOT DRAW ANY INFERENCE! It's called justification. Look into it!

Don't give a thing about trash talk? Not your thing? Man
I can never hope to play as cheap and gay as you can no matter how hard I try
In that case I look forward to you either not participating,
or wrecking whatever pitiful excuse for a secondary you might have.
It's not going to happen like that next time, I'm not even going to be humble about it.
Next Low Tier Tourny I'm taking at least top 5, write it down if you want.
bout willis?

I don't mind it if people take the higher ground, I think it's kinda silly when they jump in the mud and act like they are a pretty pretty princess.

In Summary: Justification, Poor Trashtalk Skills, You think your Shìt don't stank

@Ref: I said he was poor at trash talking, not that I wasn't talking smack. Assumptions are ze devil! You played a good Yoshi, I don't know about chain grabbing shenanigans, except that Yoshi's is supposed to be hard to do, and it's only a release grab thing so it doesn't rack up the damage as fast as others.

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Lol, munkus. you should counterpick weegees against me. :)
I counterpick weegees alright.

Then I switch controllers and choose pokemon trainer.

Whoop whoop

(I have zero strategies for weegees)


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
yeah thats why i dont feel bad by being a gay rob when people take me to japes

what you guys are missing is that Mansion is a ******** stage that should neither be legal nor be used to judge who the better player in a match is
i only have it unbanned because its the norm in this region
lol and yeah i remember your rob on there, janitor. as soon as i said it i was like "wtf why did i cp that against a snake AND rob main?"

Mr. Referee

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Millbrook, Alabama
lol actually
it works on metaknight, squirtle, ganondorf, lucas, captain falcon, bowser, sonic, diddy kong and pikachu
also it is a standing infinite against wario
they say it works on other characters with perfect timing, but I dont have that sooo
Wow really? I tried to do the standing infinite and it seemed like it worked for the first couple of grabs but then Wario went too high up and could double jump out of it. I don't know though, maybe with perfect timing.

@Ref: I said he was poor at trash talking, not that I wasn't talking smack. Assumptions are ze devil! You played a good Yoshi, I don't know about chain grabbing shenanigans, except that Yoshi's is supposed to be hard to do, and it's only a release grab thing so it doesn't rack up the damage as fast as others.
lol at the Outkast reference, and yeah I was assuming when I said that. lol at trash talking in general. It's quite stupid unless you're just playing around. Like if your gonna get up in someone's face and talk **** you might as well just fight and get it over with. If anyone gets in my face like that they would receive an instant headbutt. Yeah though it's not as effective as a chain grab but at least Yoshi has one. And it apparently works wonders in the low tiers. I've been able to chain grab people to the edge of the stage and then walk off and fair spike them before, but so far it's only happened to MK.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I'm going to say this one more time. How do you respond to down-B camping with tornado spam, when you...

1. Didn't have to put up with downB camp in the first round, you just lost from playing a more standard match by breaking the mansion.
2. Took me to the place where I'm supposed to DownB spam, even though I just got through proving I could succeed in that stage without being able to DownB spam, and then countered this downB spam we have yet to see with tornado spam.

That was like my third time ever going to that stage. I pick it because I'm trying to figure out what makes it so good for DK. You did not counter my cheap strategy with your own cheap strategy, stopping me from downB spam was as easy as breaking the mansion, which is what you did in the first round, and I won without it. You just wanted to press B, and you saw a good chance to do it and pretend like it was my fault that you did it.
So what is this? I never exploited/spammed/cheaply fought against you, but because it was possible you had to pull off the least respectably tactic in brawl history? You had to literally take me to the stage I'm supposed to be cheap on and instead be cheap yourself? DownB spam obviously isn't going to work on any Meta Knight, with or without infinite whorenadoes. I'm sorry that somewhere in your head you decided that because I even considered it, you were completely respectable in pressing B nonstop, somehow you managed to tell yourself that you can really do this, and I should not be allowed to be mad over it, there's no reason I should complain in any way. I really am sorry for that. Keep arguing with me until you get tired then, when you do make sure you state how it's not worth your time to argue with me, and point out more things about trashtalking, because you can't win tournies without being able to trashtalk.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
Cam, word of advice. Erase that post.
Heck no.

I'm sorry, sue me. I like brawl better than melee. Yeah, melee was faster and had L-cancelling. It's more fun to watch too. However, when I'm playing, I hate the huge hitstun that allows for massive combos as well as the much easier gimping of recovery. I also don't like that you have to learn a bunch of glitches like L-cancelling and wavedashing in order to be good. Finally, brawl is more interesting to me because you really have to learn a character and their strategies, specialize as it were.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
aaaaaaaaaaah I really want to say things.....


*goes to hit rocks with face to stop himself*

ugh there

What's up AL..? *collapse*


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I feel the same way Cam, in Melee against great players, making a mistake often meant nasty damage. Seeing someone with a stock or 100% damage lead wasn't surprising at all and really wasn't even considered a big lead.
Melee is just a huge display of pure skill, and Brawl is much more of a balance of skill and strategy. In the end it's all opinion of course, so that's just mine. I do love watching Melee matches though still, maybe even more than Brawl. There's a lot more "holy crap" moments in Melee than in Brawl.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Heck no.

I'm sorry, sue me. I like brawl better than melee. Yeah, melee was faster and had L-cancelling. It's more fun to watch too. However, when I'm playing, I hate the huge hitstun that allows for massive combos as well as the much easier gimping of recovery. I also don't like that you have to learn a bunch of glitches like L-cancelling and wavedashing in order to be good. Finally, brawl is more interesting to me because you really have to learn a character and their strategies, specialize as it were.
I respect your opinion even if not particularly educated in Melee. DI down and away against combos. Recovery was easier to gimp of course, but the mechanic of edgeguarding and recovering was way more balanced...if you get hit off the stage, you should not have an easy time getting back.L cancelling can't possibly be a glitch no matter how you look at it and wavedashing is exactly a consequence of the physics engine and not anything like falling through a stage (which happens in Brawl and Melee >_> ). Even if they were glitches, you should enjoy having to learn many aspects of the game. Oh yeah, play Melee more before you say that last statement.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi

I just GOTTA say one thing...

Don't say trash about wavedashing when freakin Snake can do that dashattack cancel upsmash garbage which allows him to go across every stage in a super wave dash esq type way..


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
I respect your opinion even if not particularly educated in Melee. DI down and away against combos. Recovery was easier to gimp of course, but the mechanic of edgeguarding and recovering was way more balanced...if you get hit off the stage, you should not have an easy time getting back.L cancelling can't possibly be a glitch no matter how you look at it and wavedashing is exactly a consequence of the physics engine and not anything like falling through a stage (which happens in Brawl and Melee >_> ). Even if they were glitches, you should enjoy having to learn many aspects of the game. Oh yeah, play Melee more before you say that last statement.
Call L-cancelling whatever you want. I honestly couldn't think of a better word for it. Wavedashing is an unintentional aspect of the game, so it's a glitch in my opinion. Learning the two is just annoying to me, and yes, I can do both. I have played melee way more than I've played brawl, and what I meant by the last statement is that melee is much less dependant on your character's strategy than their ability to gimp or spike their opponent. Also, in melee you can be great by just using a few moves. In brawl, you have to be able to utilize every move, especially now that they go stale.

Also, one thing I have to say about brawl is that it is more inviting to new players. New players in melee will be much more discouraged by pros who can wavedash, L-cancel, and combo like there's no tomorrow.

I hate that people assume if you don't like melee better, it's just because your ignorant or haven't played the game enough. I'm sorry, but that's crap. I love both games but I like brawl more. I don't give you guys a hard time because you like melee more, and I can even see why you do, but this is just my personal preference.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Call L-cancelling whatever you want. I honestly couldn't think of a better word for it. Wavedashing is an unintentional aspect of the game, so it's a glitch in my opinion. Learning the two is just annoying to me, and yes, I can do both. I have played melee way more than I've played brawl, and what I meant by the last statement is that melee is much less dependant on your character's strategy than their ability to gimp or spike their opponent. Also, in melee you can be great by just using a few moves. In brawl, you have to be able to utilize every move, especially now that they go stale.

Also, one thing I have to say about brawl is that it is more inviting to new players. New players in melee will be much more discouraged by pros who can wavedash, L-cancel, and combo like there's no tomorrow.

I hate that people assume if you don't like melee better, it's just because your ignorant or haven't played the game enough. I'm sorry, but that's crap. I love both games but I like brawl more. I don't give you guys a hard time because you like melee more, and I can even see why you do, but this is just my personal preference.
I won't argue any more but the last point.....it is not that you like Brawl more, it is your reasons for them that make you sound like you don't know Melee and by I mean know, I mean actually know.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
I won't argue any more but the last point.....it is not that you like Brawl more, it is your reasons for them that make you sound like you don't know Melee and by I mean know, I mean actually know.
Ok, whatever, I can tell people are getting riled up about this for no reason. There's no point in arguing about it when it's obvious most of us like both games.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
/raises hand



Also, hi Alabama Thread! It's been a long time since I've posted here and even longer since I've played with you guys. I miss you all.

...even Joot.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
l cancelling was intentionally programmed into the game by the developers, much like z cancelling in 64

also, about getting punished badly for making one mistake, obviously you've never played moogles fox, or george's kirby lol
theyll put 60 damage on you easy if you're not careful

these arguments are lame because ppl talk about the games as if they're really that comparable. melee has hitstun because that's what works for that game. brawl lacks hitstun because that's what works for that game. etc. they're both smash, and they're both excellent games. if you want to say a game is bad, lets try to think of games that actually suck, like Fighting Force 2 or Kasumi Ninja for the Atari Jaguar

@ cam, people get riled up when you say things like "omgz you have to learn glitches to win". You're playing the "i dont give you a hard time" card, but obviously saying something like that is an obvious attempt to somehow discredit the legitimacy of the game. you couldn't think of a better word? how about "techniques"?
you specifically wanted to use the word glitches in order to be derogatory. keep it real son

also, you guys take intarweb arguments too seriously
melee > brawl
brawl > melee
nintendo > xbox
god doesn't exist
conservatives are ********

who cares, we could have a very fruitful conversation about the pros and cons of each game if you guys weren't so married to your video games and didn't get butthurt whenever someone said something negative about it

playing brawl has made me better at melee. and then when i play melee i get some ideas for brawl

Mario 3 is better than both games.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
omfg t1j I just played moogle's fox youre a scrub youve got no idea what youre talking about

i agree with everything you said, lets argue about it anyways for 5 pages

I had way too much fun playing Smash64. Let's also argue about how much better 64 is than Melee. Go!

Anyone keeping up with the INSANITY of COT4?
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