This post is not only NOT insulting (first one yet?) but also thought out AND contributive. Why cant there be more posts like these? However onto the Rebuttal.ok...i think you may need a lesson in reading comprehension. i did say that not all players fall under the descriptions listed, and Afro may or may not. i personally played him in GGXX at FAST1, and he played robo-ky. also, most people who play brawl do not come from other fighting games. most have either played melee competitively or no fighting games at all. just playing a game does not count in this discussion, as they have to at least go to tournaments, compete, and try to get to the top level of play. and, a lot of people that play smash just like Nintendo characters a lot. in case you haven't noticed, i like Peach a lot. she's one of my favorite characters in the video game world, so i'm not trying to bash anyone with what i'm saying. i'm simply stating what is true. no one would get interested in any fighting game if they didn't like character designs. it is part of what companies use to draw people to games, and there's nothing wrong with that, as i believe i stated before.
but, don't take my word for it. go and ask the majority of your brawl community what other fighting games they have played competitively. also, ask them what they think the elements are that make a solid, competitive fighting game. more than likely, you will receive a lot of "I haven't played any other competitively." or "I don't know." it's simply the majority crowd that smash attracts, both brawl and melee. smash is a bunch of characters that apply to younger children, for the most part, so that is mostly who is playing the game. being so, those kids haven't been alive long enough to play other games competitively, so how would they know what is competitively sound? they only know of one thing. again, not trying to bash you, just stating facts.
even a good number of the top echelon of players in melee and brawl have only smash under their belts for competitive fighters. please correct me if i am wrong on that, but i think that's true. so, just check this stuff out before you try to blow up on me about your argument here. while i think that melee may be the better competitive game, i'm not very adamant about either one, as i play both rather casually now. but, i used to play brawl and melee competitively, and am pretty decent at both, so i know about each of the metagames to a good extent.
this post has a lot to do with the purpose of this thread. people aren't just upset with brawl because more people are just playing brawl because it's better, etc. they are upset because a newer game is killing another gaming community simply because it is new, not necessarily because it is better for competition. Even when SFIII came in, people still had a solid community in ST because they knew both games were sound competitively. a good number of the higher echelon of players that i have talked to have simply said that they play brawl simply for money, not because they feel it is a worthwhile game to play. a lot of people play it, so they do it to beat people they address as "n00bs", and take their money. easy as that.
in closing, i am really not for or against either game, but i do want you to see the other side of the picture, as your view seemed to falsify the thoughts of a lot of "melee enthusiasts". hopefully this will help people at least understand where i and a few others are coming from, if nothing else.
and @ Gingerr - yes, for relatively balanced fighting games, GGXX is the answer. very good game.
I see where you're going there. But it seems like a limited judgment and it's categorizing and partially false to say quite a few Brawl players are like this. Are there some? Sure. But I know quite a few Brawlers that weren't active in Melee and competed in Guilty Gear and Street Fighter tourneys. It just seems... well... pointless to what we're discussing at hand in the thread whether you are correct or not, or whether I'm correct or not.
The experience of fighting games and its complexity is subjective, and a Brawl player's opinion of Brawl being in depth is no less just because they haven't experienced other works, to which I know quite a few players that have.
We're speaking of the competitive Smash base here and they're certainly not young children, what's your point? Unless I misintrepreted it your post, correct me.
Brawl did not kill melee, people who decided not to play melee anymore did. There is nothing stopping you from hosting melee tourneys or playing melee with friends or playing melee at brawl tourneys etc. The scene has always and will always be there as long as people WANT it to be there. It will only die if the people let it/want it to die. Hating on brawl for the lack of melee tourneys is the wrong way to approach the situation, especially when the brawl hate is false.
This post does not even refute what we said responding to you. Do you not see what we are saying?dude this isnt an english composition essay, we dont like it cuz its simpler aka dumbed down aka scrub like aka no L cancel aka no hitstun aka cheap aka simple i could go on for a while but the point has been made, it lacks all the things that made melee amazing
Dumbed down = Less hit stun does not equate to being dumbed down. Less hit stun, if even adding more elements to defensive play, adds more thought, as we've stated many times.
L-Cancel = Pretty minor thing to ***** about. No offense. There are many aerials in Brawl that you can automatically jab out of. Not only that, but it makes you rethink which aerials you can use strategically based off of lag (i.e. Wolf's fair) So yeah.
No hitstun = Already addressed
Cheap = ?
Simple = Simplistic elements do not make it more simple. We've argued this a thousand times also. Rock Paper Scissors is not simple, there's a lot of psychological reading involved in that. Please address our points.