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Adventure Time Mafia | Game Over: Aren't You Cold...?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Half-skimmed posts reading upward.

Bardull is insufferable. I claimed Jake because he would feasibly be a Watcher. Cinnamon Bun is not a major player.

T-Block needs to develop a case on me or go to hell because both of us know that this isn't going to stick.

Assuming two scum, T-Block can force a No Lynch tomorrow.

J needs to play the game because he's dying tonight.

I predict that Vlade is going to make LyLo, one way or another.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Half-skimmed posts reading upward.

Bardull is insufferable. I claimed Jake because he would feasibly be a Watcher. Cinnamon Bun is not a major player.

T-Block needs to develop a case on me or go to hell because both of us know that this isn't going to stick.

Assuming two scum, T-Block can force a No Lynch tomorrow.

J needs to play the game because he's dying tonight.

I predict that Vlade is going to make LyLo, one way or another.
Gee, imagine that. Ryker said pretty much exactly what I expected.

Now can we lynch t-block please? He's not a liability we can afford whether he does or doesn't use his ability, and I hate having to try to read him.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm also really confused on Raz and it reminds me of a past dilemna between the two of us in F&L but not with Ryker really, different vibes from him. Still his "make a case on me because I'm not making one on you." is not helping his slot for me.

Raz, from your posts, you feel Ryker is town and TB is scum?

Also, why are people solely just trying to lynch TB now based on claim alone and not really his play anymore? Seems cop-outty to me. =x

Uhm Bardull is town, Vlade feels town to me *need to ISO him again*, Kanty is probably town. RR needs to get here. Ryker should go toDay but I can see the light in lynching TB and in actuality it's not that much of a difference from lynching Ryker in my book.

Hmmm....I may be willing to let Ryker live toDay and delve into him toMorrow. Regardless of TB's flip, Ryker needs to be looked into.

So yeah, wherever the votes go on Ryker/TB, I'll vote them. It seems to be leaning towards Ryker at the moment. Oh my. xD

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Oh right forgot to do this:


Also just re-read the last page since I wanted to find a vote-count. Seems I was a tad wrong, people are leaning towards TB lynch based on claim alone while people find Ryker scummy but don't know whether to lynch him.

Gonna be an interesting read till I get back. ^^

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sorry College stuff going on.

So we wanna lynch T-Block off his claim alone, how sure are we this will result in him misusing his ability?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Bardull is insufferable. I claimed Jake because he would feasibly be a Watcher. Cinnamon Bun is not a major player.
Is that so? My, my, that's news to me. Last time I checked, I was going to get to do my big reveal. I thought it was gonna be all cool and ****. You know, especially since I you and I met up last night. I guess we're at an impasse. Not going to get anywhere with this. Guess we move forward.

I claim Jake and I have an investigative result on Bardull. That is all I am claiming at the moment. Bardull claims now.
Here's problem #4: Ryker displayed a degree of ambiguity in his "fake" claim. He said he had an investigative result on me, which dictates in his thought process that he was afraid of getting CC'd. He did not claim Watcher as he claims in his above post.

For these intents and purposes and this line of thinking, Ryker, as Town, would not have needed to claim Jake or Cinnamon Bun; he would have only needed to claim an investigative result if he was afraid that Cinnamon Bun wasn't strong enough of a claim. Town would not have used Jake as a claim in this scenario for just the same reason as being ambiguous with the investigative result; being afraid to be CC'd.

Ryker now saying that he was "claiming Watcher" reads as he just read Raziek's post, figured there was nothing wrong with using that reasoning, and then "forgot" that he was intentionally being ambiguous with his "fake" claim.

Raziek also forgot that Ryker was intentionally being ambiguous with his role as well, which is peculiar since Raziek would not have known that Ryker was trying to claim Watcher since Ryker confirms that that was what he was trying to do. <===not sure if scum slip.

I honestly don't think I'm reaching here. Maybe I'm just tunneling Ryker and actually being obnoxious. I don't think so though. There are too many mistakes being made and people being "too forgetful" that I feel a Raziek/Ryker scum team is the most likely. They've also been trying to pin myself and Vlade as scum when they aren't looking deeper at the bigger picture and trying to get a stronger read on the both of us (sans Raziek to an extent; Raziek reads Vlade scum though without looking further and asks Ryker who the play is, Ryker is just too set on Vlade/Myself/T-block for no good reason. Ryker has simply gone with his reads from D1 and pushed them to no end on T-block and myself, but he hasn't considered alternatives (RR/Raziek). He's too set on his reads and he's not being open minded whatsoever. He tunnels me and cries "scum" when I'm not actually scum, go figure.

I don't think there are 4 mafia/1 indy in this game, so lynching T-block (either alignment) should be fine since there will be a plethora of information that comes from his flip anyway, and it won't be end game no matter what if this happens...I think.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It's important to note that Ryker hasn't made any attempts to try and gauge Raziek's play AT ALL since Raziek got active. :/

I'll rest here. I'm going to leave my vote on Ryker since I'm 100% sure he's scum, but I'm just as OK with a T-block lynch if that's what ends up happening. Everything seems to connect and fit together for me.

One note though: I feel like in a 12 man set up, 3 mafia + 1 anti-town Town role is not unfeasible and kind of makes sense. Thoughts on this? Anyway:

Final reads:

Ryker - Scum
Raziek - Lean Scum, probably Scum
RR - Null (Town by PoE)
Vlade - Noob Town
J - Town
T-block Null/Scum (Town/Indy PoE)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Raziek also forgot that Ryker was intentionally being ambiguous with his "fake" role as well, which is peculiar since Raziek would not have known that Ryker was trying to claim Watcher since Ryker never said he was claiming Watcher before Raziek said it. <===not sure if scum slip.
Fixed in quote tags.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Actually, that's my last question for toDay:

Raziek, what do you think of Ryker pretty much copying your reasoning word for word without putting in his own thought process? (This is evident due to Ryker forgetting that he was intentionally ambiguous with his PR claim and he did not, at all, elude specifically to Watcher.)

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Actually, that's what I was implying with my intentionally ambiguous PR claim. It's the only major investigative left that isn't Cop, who isn't ambiguous at all, with the Tracker outed.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I'm also really confused on Raz and it reminds me of a past dilemna between the two of us in F&L but not with Ryker really, different vibes from him. Still his "make a case on me because I'm not making one on you." is not helping his slot for me.

Also, why are people solely just trying to lynch TB now based on claim alone and not really his play anymore? Seems cop-outty to me. =x
Are you kidding me? My slot has been COMPLETELY open with why Asdioh and now T-Block is scum.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
J, get your head out of your ***. Re-examine Bardull. Re-examine Vlade. Raz could be scum, but I don't think so. If he is, he's playing to me.

For the love of God, explain how a Ryker/TBlock scum team makes sense.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Town Asdioh would be more relaxed, more blunt. You're trying to be honest and reasonable.

Trying to make friends. Friends don't lynch each other.
Apologies for the delay, I was busy being good.

Well, with people as dumb as you in this game, town needs a hero.

I believe in RF.

So you're scum and think he may be indie? Interesting.

Hilarious, this must be a typo.


Well, moving lynches based on Swiss' choice, historically, has been a very good idea. I could give examples, but I'm sure he'll give them himself.

Amusingly true. OS also tried to start the mindgames, but they were pretty shallow. Was hoping for something smart from him. Shame.

If this OS wagon falters because OS reacted nonchalantly I'm going to rip town a new hole.

Interesting, to try and curb the wagon, instead of calling people helping scum, you call them townie sheeps, not just 'sheeps' - better to clarify you hold them no ill will. After all, you need them, scum.

There no case on Kosha Boy that isn't completely nullified by "Wait, would newbtown do this?". Look for things newbscum WOULDN'T do, such as giving clear reads continuously.

Yes but each player, statistically, has the same probability of flipping town.

QUOTE=Asdioh;13874167]I've only played with OS once before, but I know a little bit about him.
I know that he's smart, I know he enjoys playing as scum, and I know that, as scum, he doesn't mind getting lynched, as long as it creates a slew of confusing connections that will most likely help his scumteam win.

He wasn't here for the first half of this Day phase. He hasn't put much effort in since then. He doesn't seem concerned with the wagon on him. And perhaps most importantly, the fact that he's done so little means that there is barely anything in terms of 'connections.' I would think that, as scum, there would be a ****load of WIFOM surrounding a number of players upon his flip. As it stands, if he flipped scum, what would we have? We'd have the fact that he seemingly gave out townreads on Nabe and I, and that's just obnoxiously obvious.
Yes, and thanks to dumb**** reasoning like this, he can AVOID the lynch purely by NOT POSTING because it doesn't fit the extremely limited meta you have. This way, he can create connections and die at a better time!


We would agree, if necessary. Provided OS is dead upon the morn, which he will be. I'm positive our vig is smart enough to shoot him.


The figure grinned, grimaced. The irony of the insult and the tacit implication that it was infact, the other way round, proved almost too much to contain.
The figure's eyes twinkled, praying to himself that Nabe were allergic to nuts. Alas, he knew this not to be true since he had been sucking on OS' all game.


We should likely admit we had Vlade as town for the majority of our pressure. Stubbornness and that.

Asdioh because he was being townie, as in open, clear - progressive. That rapidly changed.

Other half needs to answer Raz. Also, I guessed the Asdioh reasoning. Probably true though. Definitely Scum Asdioh though.

I do wonder if anyone will read this closely enough to.... [/QUOTE]


Point out the post where you said why I'm scum lol

Not done going through our posts, but this is a start. My ride's here.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Actually, that's my last question for toDay:

Raziek, what do you think of Ryker pretty much copying your reasoning word for word without putting in his own thought process? (This is evident due to Ryker forgetting that he was intentionally ambiguous with his PR claim and he did not, at all, elude specifically to Watcher.)
He already addressed it, but it doesn't surprise me, given that it's the motive that makes the most sense.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
his actions have believable pro-town intentions, and he's put himself out there to hunt scum without really worrying about what it means for people's impression of him. i also think people aren't giving the points he brings up enough credit.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

Vote Count
T-block [3]: Ryker, Raziek, Vlade
Red Ryu [1]: T-block
Ryker [1]: Bardull
Raziek [0]:
Bardull [0]:
Kantrip [0]:
Vlade [0]:
J [0]:

Not Voting: Red Ryu, Kantrip, J

With 8 players alive, 5 votes are required for lynch.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
If T-Block flips Town/Indy, Ryker dies tomorrow IMHO. If T-block flips mafia, then this is going to be a strange game and I'm not really sure where to look next. I'd say lynch Ryker anyway but Ryker has been trying to lynch T-block's slot since D1. I still don't get how Ryker has this mega scum read on T-block when T-block really doesn't feel as scummy to me, regardless of the weird meta Ryker is using against that slot.

On another note, I'm not comfortable with players trying to lynch T-block simply because he's a potential alpha strike tool, I want to see evidence first that he's scum from those very same players.

T-block honestly reads null/slight scum to me but not as strong a scum read as Ryker.

Can anyone present a good enough case to lynch T-block? I'd like to see T-block vs. someone and see how that turns out. I wouldn't mind doing it myself but I have another essay to write so I'm not sure if I have the time to compile a thorough analysis of T-block's entire play.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
He already addressed it, but it doesn't surprise me, given that it's the motive that makes the most sense.
I'm not going to argue this point any further because too much information was exposed during my conflict with you before Ryker could respond. I will say this though:

It is awkward that you think it's ok for Ryker to copy your reasoning instead of coming up with reasoning of his own.

As for Ryker's response, to my assertion regarding ambiguity, if Ryker felt that a Watcher claim was the obvious feasible claim left over, why didn't he just claim Watcher and not be ambiguous about it?

Ryker's "bait/gambit" was overall terrible and horribly executed. I feel like a Town player trying to make a bait/gambit me like that would have done a thousand times better of a job in preparation (i.e. looking at my play/my gambit/my claim/etc.). I still proclaim that the "bait/gambit" was unnecessary and awkward on Ryker's behalf since his scum read on me is somewhat baseless and unfounded at this point in the game. I'm not sure how to read this other than RykerScum. If Ryker is Town, he is giving me far, far, far too much credit than I'm worth of having.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Ugh, I need to not write up posts when I'm really tired/have a headache. My grammar/sentence structure starts sucking. :(

P.S. is quick editing allowed?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Actually, here's what I propose:

Ryker vs. T-block. I think lots of information can be gained from this and I think it's highly beneficial to Town at this point in the game.

Ryker asserts that T-block is scum, and T-block asserts Ryker is scum, and since both are looking to be the lynch for toDay, it just makes sense to assume that this will give us what we need to make the right choice.

We still have plenty of time for this to happen. No one hammer or put T-block at L-1. In the worst case scenario, I will put my vote with the majority and make sure someone is lynched.

Questions to start us off:

T-block, why does Ryker read scum to you during my interactions with him? Also, what do you have to say in regards to Ryker's case on you? Do you feel that he is reaching? Tunneling? Trying too hard? What's your read? Do you feel he's right, but still wrong in his read?

Ryker, can you give a recap as to why T-block is auto scum? Put some time and effort into it so that it's somewhat convincing, please. If you give me **** to look at, I'll give you **** right back.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Actually I think Bardull vs Ryker can continue. It's much more valuable for me and you're not in a position to pit other people against each other.

Also if Ryker is town you're definitely setting up that mislynch by advocating the T-block lynch but also saying we should lynch Ryker practically regardless of flip. That's scummy, and if you want to lynch Ryker so bad why aren't you for doing so now?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Damn and if we had our Jailer still we could get T-block roleblocked and then he wouldn't lose his vote but also wouldn't threaten to **** everything up. T-block as part of a 2-person faction and we DON'T catch his partner is a forced NL followed by a loss toMorrow. Do not like.

J I presume you'll be using your 1-shot bulletproof toNight? :)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I already said that I had a null/scum on T-block, but also a mega scum read on Ryker. I'm not trying to set up a mislynch for TownRyker, this just feels like the best move in my honest opinion because people are advocating a T-block lynch again. Even if I feel Ryker is scum, it doesn't seem any more productive to argue against him since it will only lead us arguing ad nauseum.

I've stated my points and he has refuted them or refused to acknowledge them...or simply not address them. I've displayed that the thought process of TownRyker is awkward and paranoid at best, and that ScumRyker is much more likely. There's nothing more that can be done for now in that area.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Not going to say what it does yet of course, and with good reason. I didn't mention it before because it wasn't really important at the time. ^^;

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Actually I think Bardull vs Ryker can continue. It's much more valuable for me and you're not in a position to pit other people against each other.
Good luck with that. I'm leaving for a tournament in 2 hours and won't be back until after deadline.
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