The Duck walked to Bayonetta's church's Lemonade Stand, and saw Wario kissing gay Soldier 76 and Bayonetta at a nuclear bomb. Bayonetta backed out with her gun, Duck wanted grapes. What could he possibly do with them? Hopefully something extremely wicked. Yes, he is crafty... like a Fox. Reaper killed Duck. Then its corpse burst into flames like Bayonetta predicted because she knew it would happen. Ducks are flammable in Dark World. So Reaper decided to cast a grape into existence for the Duck. They are acidic and cause onset of violent implosions... but they are the most DELICIOUS, so enjoy cautiously!
Ganondorf proceeded to DAB on them...
Or not. Phew.
. . . “Dabs don’t exist" SAID NOONE EVER!!!!!
“Please don’t dab” . *Ganodorf dabbing noise*
Such a trickster...
‘Please stop dabbing. .’
Then, Ganondorf nuked himself and died.
is not a word, but I guess I'll let this slide... for some reason... because dabbing is the worst craze of all existence...