Festizzio, do you need to cancel with Beverly?
Just tell her it's for me, she loves me.
EDIT: And I'm quite serious about expecting full WC support, and even more serious about expecting full Socal support.
Like, if I remember you and say "Hey, wtf, ______ didn't show up?!"
I will probably loathe you for a really long time, and make you feel guilty everytime I see you.
This includes pushing people to NOT to give you rides to future tournaments, ripping on you endlessly at smashfests, and choosing YOUR friendly tv for my tournament matches every time.
Oh, and everytime you find a teammate, I'm going to steal him from you at the last minute.
That is, if you don't have a good excuse.
Transportation is hardly an excuse, sleep deprivation is no excuse, illness is barely an excuse, too far is NO excuse at all, and being broke is somewhat of an excuse though. But there may be a price reduction coming soon, working on it.