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ActiveGamers:Coast2Coast (REGISTER ONLINE BY THURSDAY 9/24 TO AVOID FEES!) 9/26 & 27


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2006
I never understood that one

Sfat tell me whats on the memory card so I can make sure its yours

Also my apologies. I took the gamecube that was attached to P's TV when I took the set-up to leave, since he was playing teams MMs and I had to leave asap. But then he got his cube without me knowing.

My point is its all his fault


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
Hybrid(?)- ledge canceled fair-> dair ***** me so hard. SICK stuff =D

S2J- yeah you ****

Phil- i'm thankful i had the chance to play you in pools.

Joereplicate- wrecked me and pbs in teams lol. JUNGLE JAPES counterpick. Croc took more stocks than
we did

SDR- thanks for the white bottom lol i've been looking for it for forever. Us SD people should play more

Sheridan- thanks for the tips in the puff friendlies. helped me out a lot.

Kira- Thanks for tips.... as usual lol. We definately need to play more. Finally won good money!

Zhu- Yeah i always have a triwing. Next time you get ***** by a 5 year old controller, come find me lol.

Pat Azn_lep- thanks for driving us around we had a blast.

Hugo- thanks for finding us housing! we would have been so screwed.

SuperRad- ohhhh YOU'RE superRad? LOLOL

Mango- you're broken. lets play dota.

Jkun- we shall meet... again lol.

Oats- rush psi chi omega

pbs- get ***** by your archnemsisesesesseses


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
hugo i just want to let you know that there was a really big problem with the registration system

a lot of people ended up registering, then decided they didn't wanna pay just then, but still were entered into the tournament without paying anything -__-

definitely fix this **** for the next big tournament


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
lol someone else? i watched u and kirra play and i wanted to get into some friendlies or somethin but i had to leave. i made it into the bracket but i had to leave early. and i wasnt driving back the next day -__-


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008

Pat- You have no idea how much I'm grateful for the rides. Thanks again!

Phil- Sounds really dumb, but I like how you always greet someone before you play them. Very friendly dude and I hope you liked Roscoe's.

Zhu- Didn't know my tag was THAT funny til I saw you at Chili's lmao. Oh and Ding is playing again! :D

Jun- Get ***** by ME in pools! And you had 3 chances too! WTF mate.

Bardull - Thanks for teaching me the art of counterpicks.....

Hugs- ****, I figured no one would ask me about my tag since I don't post that much, but yea, its out in the open now hahaha. Good **** on 2nd too and awesome tourney.

Race- Decent gief, I think Viscant's is more **** tho haha. But GG's at sf4.

S2J- "Waffle.... I wasn't really impressed by him." LOL, that made my Saturday!

My side of the Chili's table - Those conversations were TOO GOOD.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
1. Mew2King - Metaknight
2. MikeHaze - Marth
3. Havok - Marth/Metaknight
4. DEHF - Falco
5. Dojo - Metaknight
5. SK92 - Falco/Metaknight
7. Tyrant - Metaknight
7. UTD Zac - Mr. Game & Watch
9. DaoX - Diddy Kong
9. DSF - Metaknight
9. JonT - Snake
9. Ally - Snake
13.Bardull - Marth
13.FOW - Ness/Metaknight
13.Mojoe - Snake
13.Susa - Snake
17.Sleeh - Olimar
17.Nabster - Marth
17.LeoFTW - Snake
17.Valdens - Mr. Game & Watch
17.CPU - Dedede
17.FOX16 -Wario
17.Stauffy - Lucario
17.Raz - Peach
25.Champ - Sheik/Fox/Captain Falcon
25.Sky - Peach
25.YoshiFreak - Mr. Game & Watch
25.Saske - Falco
25.Jsex - Donkey Kong
25.Z - Pikachu
25.Breant - Falco
25.Bigfoot - Donkey Kong

That's top 32

Hopefully some1 post the full result soon

if any1 cares

shoutout later but got studying to do

about 110 entrants btw


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
hugo i just want to let you know that there was a really big problem with the registration system

a lot of people ended up registering, then decided they didn't wanna pay just then, but still were entered into the tournament without paying anything -__-

definitely fix this **** for the next big tournament
I knew of this flaw, but I couldn't do much but trust someone when they said "yeah, I PAID online" and their name was on an online list.

We could cross reference names with a list of people that actually paid. So if anyone did sneak by me by lying and saying they paid, I am going to find out. And you'd better believe you won't be allowed to any of my tournaments again unless you pay up.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
maybe your handwriting sucks ***
it does
but i didn't think it did in that case
whatever haha

hugo, i know that there are people who didn't pay, but several who i talked to would have if they were asked so it's not like they were deliberately lying, trying to sneak by you, or be shady or anything

iirc they were told they could pay at the door the day of, but then never got asked to as they were already in the bracket

maybe for the next one you could go by only the list of *paid* people before entering them into the bracket or something


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2007
I paid by echeck via paypal on the 23rd, so I think thats why I may not have shown up on the list seeing as it takes 3-5 business days to process. I completely forgot about that whole bit


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
it does
but i didn't think it did in that case
whatever haha

hugo, i know that there are people who didn't pay, but several who i talked to would have if they were asked so it's not like they were deliberately lying, trying to sneak by you, or be shady or anything

iirc they were told they could pay at the door the day of, but then never got asked to as they were already in the bracket

maybe for the next one you could go by only the list of *paid* people before entering them into the bracket or something
Well no one on the melee side was put into a bracket unless they went by me.

So if they said "yes" to the question "Did you pay online" when they didn't really pay online, then there's a possibility they were trying to sneak by.

Plus, most people aren't dumb, they know if they are in a bracket without paying, then a mistake has been made and they could easily inform me of such a thing. Like when Zhu was cool enough to tell me mid-day Saturday that I hadn't asked him to pay me.

I understand that some people might not deliberately do it, and I understand why someone wouldn't speak up after accidentally making it through the payment process. That is why I am not going to care about a lack of payment as long as they pay me back eventually.

But I will find out.

But you're totally right, there were definitely things that could have been done to make the whole payment process more organized. It's something we are absolutely going to work on.

The Greater Leon

Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2008
socal, 805
i would feel lucky and probably keep it to myself if i slid by the payment process

but i would also pay up the first time i was asked to


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
lol someone else? i watched u and kirra play and i wanted to get into some friendlies or somethin but i had to leave. i made it into the bracket but i had to leave early. and i wasnt driving back the next day -__-
wow you should've said something, show up to more tournaments!


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
nicole kidman- you ****

hugo/romeo- you guys **** for coming up with that, it should be a new rule that you have to bag on all the entrants at your tounies hugo

i'll do the rest of my shout outs tomorrow


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
The full results aren't up anymore so I might miss some of you scrubs who didn't make it out of pools

Mango - you're ok
HugS - this tournament was stellar (except the turnout, but that wasn't your fault)... playing you makes me feel stupid. nice shooting
Lucky - i'll get you next time, though it's much more likely that i get obliterated next time
Zhu - get whooped
Kira - way to **** phil and brandon and crush norcal's dreams
Phil - thanks for carrying
Connor - haha you lost to boback
Brandon - :mad: i'll get around to beating a norcal doc one of these days
macd - you're the *****'s *****
Lovage - that last stock of our teams set was the most nervous i've been in a LONG time... thanks for embarrassing me
Julian - weird seeing you in SOCAL
Azn Lep - you're a swell guy
Sfat - haha you lost to boback. Best teams combo-er in norcal though!
S2j - as legit as your reputation
NeighborhoodP - thanks for the games, you're welcome for my money
Replicate - i haven't gotten wrecked that bad since i last played mango
Bone - PLAY ME IN TOURNAMENT - I'm fairly sure you'll get me if ever we do though; your float spacing is incredible
Cubaisdeath - wtf i didn't even realize you were there til halfway through day 2
sheen - nice jammies
SDR - ban kongo jungle
m2k (Forfeit) - way to crap on my inui-hating party
Sheridan - your gas system sucks, and you lost to 'matt'

Brian - step your confidence game up
The Greater Leon - you and your house are awesome, though you should've let us know about the trampoline the second we got there
Plan 9 - did you even play at all
birdsnatch - you're pretty good and you got the FIRE - you'll be beating up on dudes in no time
Jkun - asian driver 100%
Dunskies - your place is legit and you are legit... except for randomly leaving mid-day without telling anyone
Miles - hope you survive the wallet ****

falcomist, luninspectra, zoap - you guys suck for not going
ender - hope you had a nice naked weekend

barlw kids - you play barlw


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
San Luis Obispo
Where did this birdsnatch nonsense come from? God****it.


Leon- Good seeing you again, as usual. Hope you got crunk at your wedding, and we need to go to a tournament together if we are ever going to be rivals.
Plan 9- Still one of my favorite peeps to chill with. Keep up with your arcade games, I hear you ****, now I just want to watch you ****.
Oscar- Lol at you ripping on the brawl kids over and over. I'll make you my b*tch in no time.
Joe- Any couch of mine is a couch you can sleep on. You best be coming down in two weeks.
Sheridan- you crack me up. Oh and uthrow rest is lame, but I got you next time.
Pokemonlamerinreallife- I heard you macked on some b*tch instead of going to the tourney. WELL DID YOU GET SOME?
Brandon - God**** you ****, keep up the good work.
Phil - Good meeting you, you're a gentleman and probably a scholar.
Pockydizzle- I'm coming.. just you wait.
sfat - rofl at upsidedown/sleeping smash.
Dunski - Hey man you're pretty cool, glad I got to be housed at your place. Let's kick it sometime.
SuperRadBrian - Man you're just as superrad as I hoped, maybe I'll see you soon.
Bone- GODD*MN you f*ck my sh*t up.
NastyNate- Our rivalry continues...
Alex19- Our friendlies and your advice was one of the highlights of the tourney for me. You helped me improve alot, I'll be up and running in no time.
Bardull- LOL GET *****. TWICE. (You owe me 3 dollars now)
CubaIsDeath- Yup, you were always right. Melee owns.
Pat/aznlep- You owe me 10 bucks/a meal! I'll hunt you down soon enough.

To all my brawl peeps, I miss you guys.
Samuleson-keep living the dream.
Hall- You were my only brawl match in over 3 months or something. And it was amazing.
Stauffy- :D
MikeHaze- Lol good work. Bringing hype to brawl ain't easy.
Junk- Man we didn't kick it at all. it's long overdue.
JonT- lol you suck.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2007
Popping and locking butt naked.
Where did this birdsnatch nonsense come from? God****it.

Pokemonlamerinreallife- I heard you macked on some b*tch instead of going to the tourney. WELL DID YOU GET SOME?
I mumbled your name and they (Pocky and Sheridan) were like "Fishsnatch? Birdsnatch?" They were sorta making fun of me, but it just became so fun to make up spin offs of your name.

YOU HAVE MY PILLOW, it has a black pillow case I left it on the couch I was sleeping on.

Oh and hell yes I got some, wtf? You know who I am? PokemonMasterIRL son...Ladies love that ****.

Im just like "Want to see my Gyrados after we finish this blunt?" and the ladies go crazy for my pokeballs.


The night of drugs sex and alcohol was clearly more fun then I would of had at day 1 of Active Gamers.

My only regret is that I didnt get to get drunk with so cal or any smashers for that matter. (But I guess getting drunk with several hot asian chicks is better.)

Gisnatch we are gunna get trashed next time I am in so cal. I saw your pad I know you are down now. heh


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
i had fun at this tourny which i was worried about being smashed out and what not so good stuff hugo

hugo- teams was good, sorry i suck against ganon :(
zhu- i hate you for ditching me less than 24 hours before the tourny, but thanks for dinner
mango- stop letting me think i'm good by letting me beat your falcon
joey/cathy- ****, i'll give you a granola bar next time joey, i had one in my car for you and everything
fly- we should play in tourny one day
connor- stop using peach, i don't want it to be better than mine (why is it so good???)
lovage- great set, we still need to team, and that way you have to play against me ;)
larry- brawl johns... but good stuff in brawl
kira- help jason next time he's driving
romeo- "only for nicole kidman" ahahaha
azn lep- sorry we had to play twice, too bad you can't play more with SD people, commentating was fun
kouryuu- nice to see you, wish you'd go smash more often, we need to team one time and show so cal what's up
bone- cool to see you and talk while waiting to get into chili's, i remember OC3 bone... i hope he comes back
durrr- when you come back after a month, guess we'll have to team mm again (or team in general)
johnny- we should have played a little

brandon- thanks for letting me commentate, i had a lot of fun and it was a cool way to watch matches
phil- dang i thought i could beat your puff again, maybe next time
pocky- dinner was nice good choice maybe we'll play next time
superrad- stupid zelda, her kicks are mean :(
sfat- thanks for those massages and it was fun to play some of those teamsies, next time just remember, i'm not a weaking like lovage ;) <3 oscar
meleeislife- glad you got that chance to make it out of pools, some were easy, some retardedly hard, my fav combo of the tourny was usmash>usmash>usmash>usmash>usmash
joe/sheridan- nice teams matches, challenging and fun, wish p didn't ahve to leave so we could have done friendlies, and you should have had some of those rests sheridan, idk why you didn't

stab/sdr/others who asked me to play- sorry, i'm just a little smashed out right now, i swear i'll play you guys when i don't feel that way
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