What kind of a fool goes into a fight expecting/hoping he loses? Even if the odds are against you, nothing is written in stone/certain.
Regardless, Different people fight for different reasons. I don't play to win (doesn't mean my goal is to fail, otherwise I would've got that done forever ago), but to push Sonic's metagame to its limits; and then take it further. This is just me for example, others will have different reaons for what they do. Anyway if I want to accomplish my goal, it will involve me having to try to win, get better, and collaborate/work with others. I really don't play for myself, but people who plan to act as the successors.
I need a lot of work. I'm not going to give up for good anytime soon though. I am posting this because it was some good food for thought, and I just felt like sharing my reasons. I have a tournament/meet-up later today. I did worse this Sunday, but I'll try to make up for that this time around and redeem my/Sonic's good n(g)ame. I want to make it easier for the successors to carry on and endure, that's how it should be done in a community. When you leave somebody one thing, they may be able to do things you never in your wildest dreams would've thought of... Destiny, I believe is what that is.