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Act 3 Clear!!: Sonic Tournament Results & Discussion Thread


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
As long as they don't throw in that speed boost crap that's gone into Unleashed and the Rush series. =/

And I wonder if Sonic 4 will clear up how he ended up on Earth. Randomly jumping planets was quite lol. Then there's the episode 1 thing. Not cool.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
You don't like speed boost??? Roflmao. You don't even mention the werehog. U go right to the awesome Speed Boost that made me love the Rush and day time stages of unleashed.
Jun 26, 2008
Rhode Island
Kid Craft 24
I for one am Hyped for sonic 4 and could care less for the story but i just want some nice gameplay. But idk if there going to have speed boosts becuz they have the power sneakers.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada

that peach was goooood. we played some friendlies after, it was crazy.

I 2-0'd two peaches in my pool. but that one, like I kept falling for frame traps, because his timing was a lot better than the others, and didn't fall for as many traps.

question on that front: I guess I need to look at peach frame-data, but say you're shielding all of her Dair hits, is there anything we can do? like Uair OoS should be able to get in-between two dairs amirite!? or do we roll away?? or spring!?!?!?

and yeah I should've camped more when I got ahead on japes
and stop lettting her bair me predictably lol

also i1337 2-0'd me in $2 MM on livestream lolllllll
stupid DK, I had that mess too.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
The timing to punish a Peach after a DAir with Sonic is just far too risky. You're better off eating the shield pressure, rolling, or running away to reset the situation. If they're slow enough though, be my guest and UAir OoS. Careful though. If you're the slightest off on the left or right or wherever? That NAir comes out stupidly fast.

Peach vs. Sonic is all about patience here. I should know. DTP is a really sick Peach over here on the West Coast, and playing Praxis at Genesis is flat-out frustrating (it was a friendly, and I won, and Praxis needs/needed to learn the match-up more; but that doesn't debunk the difficulty of that match-up and how if we played in a pool/bracket match he'd put me through the ringer if he figured out the match-up)

Thankfully, with Peach, you can afford to be patient and take it easy. Going aggro on a character like her just doesn't work unless you have the right approaches.

On a big stage like Japes, or anywhere really? Don't try to combat Peach if she's on the offensive. Just DI away, jump, reset the situation.

I can't wait to see the results! I woke up to watch you just in time on that Livestream. Keep up that work on the East Coast, bro.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
No johning on an opponents behalf allowed, thats their job so we can lol @ them when they come over here and complain :) This is losing to a sonic you know... the creator of 'mountain johns'


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
The timing to punish a Peach after a DAir with Sonic is just far too risky. You're better off eating the shield pressure, rolling, or running away to reset the situation. If they're slow enough though, be my guest and UAir OoS. Careful though. If you're the slightest off on the left or right or wherever? That NAir comes out stupidly fast.
It doesn't seem reasonable to just take the shield pressure: afaict she can easily get 2 Dairs and a Nair or Uair from a float (if you let her get close in the first place, which is apparently bad bad bad), and that seems enough to wreck your shield and poke in with the hit. idk maybe I just wasn't angling it enough...

Dodge-rolling seems good unless she's fast enough to follow along in the float.
up-B OoS might be best option :S yipes.

But if we have a guaranteed Uair / Fair OoS between her Dairs, then I'm going to learn the timing. That's just a techskill issue, don't think I can let it hold me back.

I can't wait to see the results! I woke up to watch you just in time on that Livestream. Keep up that work on the East Coast, bro.
d'awww :) except.... results are pretty sad :( lol
there's no thread so I don't know what # I placed, but I got 3rd seed in my pool (8 pools of 8, and lost both my bracket matches. blargh!

Once agan, I had an easier pool; it included two peaches that were also in my pool last tourney :urg: kind of sad, both 2-0s... and one guy who actually just picked random characters against everyone; against me he chose Falco, then Random in his counterpick.

My first pool match was against a wario named Gi, I lost 0-2 but the matches were close, I've got huge johns that it was my first match I played that day (no friendlies beforehand) and all my button inputs were coming out wrong, it was kinda dumb. Like I'd VSDJ instead of spinshot, how does that even happen?? ergh. Always play friendlies at the venue before your matches!

SilverDoc was next in pool, he's reeally good (took 3rd overall). First match was vs. his Diddy on battlefield........... I went for something risky and got side-B'd to death from basically 0%. He was only at 9% damage. :'( It was too low for it to actually work (on Sonic!) but somehow I did a Uair after I was released instead of up-B, idk how :(

Second match, I CP'd Japes, so he want Falco. Blaaaaaaaargh! Never played a good Falco on Japes. Ouch.

AvariceX was in my pool, he's really cool and mains Ness. First match I was beat pretty solidly. I wanted to abuse our CG but I was rarely able to land a grab; Ness is beastly up close. He banned Yoshi's Island... I don't remember the second match at all, but I won somehow. I remember I started figuring out Ness' tricks, and ... avarice made a huuge mistake and while standing on the stage, PKT2'd horizontally right off the stage :( so I won my CP. Then he CP'd Brinstar.. and I realized, crap... always ban Brinstar against a Ness!! However, I was able to avoid many of the tricks he was going for, and somehow won. I think beating Avarice in my pool was my biggest accomplishment at the tourney.

Then in my pool there was an MK called Tasty. No offense to him, he was pretty terrible, and yet I lost 1-2 against him. Basically all he did was spam 'nado, and I couldn't take it seriously, I was just kinda experimenting with it and stuff, rather than solidly focussing on winning. dumb dumb dumb dumb, almost cost me making it out of pools. I lost my last match against him, I was travelling underneath Battlefield to recover, and he pulled off an obvious stagespike. Blech. Nado nado nado: I need to learn the timing better; I was going for grabs at its landing lag when he had time to spotdodge, etc.... n00b mistakes I didn't think I could make anymore.


Bracket matches: 1st was against a Zamus, and was the funnest match I played the whole tourney. I had no idea what to do against Zamus and he had no idea what to do against Sonic. First match on BF and he combo'd me like crazy and 2-stocked me. I CP'd Japes hoping to just like, time him out or w/e, but it turns out Japes is a horrible zamus stage, and I 2-stocked him. 3rd match was PS1 and he was at last stock high percent and landed a kill, it was suuuuuper fun. Zamus is weird, she can combo in air and other nonsense.

and then I had to play vs. that peach.... owch.

fun tourney, and I didn't do that poorly for my own standards. Yay I consistently make it out of (easy) pools!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. good peaches dont double dair on shields any more, its bad. sonic can up tilt oos and beat it. dair to nair is a different story tho. you cant beat that out of your shield with anything. just roll away from that.

2. friendlies at the venue is important, when I TO my tourneys it makes it kinda hard to get friendlies in, and i suffer for it later.

3. you can beat falco on japes, you just have to take things slow and be REALLY good at powershielding.

4. sonic beats ness pretty soundly.

5. you arent that good fizzie, I dont know why your getting an ego, and underestimating people...

6. Why are you experimenting with random ideas in tournament matches, you do that mess in friendlies. in real tourney, just be like shado and do what works.

7. Japes is probably zss's worst stage, i dont see why they dont ban it every set ever.

8. zss has madddddd gimmicks. very odd character.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
How is i1337 in person infzy. I really wanna know how this sck troll is. Is he white, black!? Does he talk like and average human bein or does he just lol all day?! Tell me!


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
1. good peaches dont double dair on shields any more, its bad. sonic can up tilt oos and beat it. dair to nair is a different story tho. you cant beat that out of your shield with anything. just roll away from that.
oh that's good to know. Really Utilt OoS? That's 7 frames for shielddrop + 7(?) frames for Utilt, tho I guess her Dair comes out slow?? oh wellz, guess it doesn't matter if I could just as soon expect an Nair instead and should be rolling away.

3. you can beat falco on japes, you just have to take things slow and be REALLY good at powershielding.

4. sonic beats ness pretty soundly.
lolz ok, I needz to practice teh matchupzz
like the falco, for some of the match I just tested my powershielding, and failed on like every laser lol.

5. you arent that good fizzie, I dont know why your getting an ego, and underestimating people...

6. Why are you experimenting with random ideas in tournament matches, you do that mess in friendlies. in real tourney, just be like shado and do what works.
oh, I know I'm terribad. But this has always been a reeeally bad habit of mine; my mind gets lazy when it thinks it doesn't have to think as much. Trying to break this, but like if someone would say "let's have a match and all I'm gonna do is spam Dtilt" idk that would make it harder for me to take the match seriously and I'd prolly lose. It's baaaaaad mentality. These posts help me break out of that though :) so thx.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
il337 will forever remain a mystery.



Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta

Totally doesn't afraid of anything.

I gotta bring some of West Coast over there some time. Or you gotta find a way to get over here. I'd even team with you and we'd go Double Sonic for the lulz.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
Alright guys here's my UPDATE!!!

so at SCSA I won over 50 money matches and didn't lose a single one!!!

I ended up teaming with Vicgrip, didn't make it far but we ***** some people!! so fun!!!

I 2-oed everyone in my pool and advanced to amatuer bracket, then i didn't lose a single set and advanced to PRO bracket were I got 9th!!!! i beat mojoe, dannykat, fallen, commander beef, FUTILE(finnally!) and a lot of other people i can't remember... lost to tyrant and an OLIMAR player named rich brown. ahhh oli!! anyways I did wayy better than I expected!! sooo happy!!!!
im glad i did way good that day.

Results are here, i got 9th out of like.. a lot of people (counting pools and amatuer brakcet and pro bracket hahaha)


then onto world 2-4 (last socal tournament)
I won 5 money matches and didn't lose once! i won a money match of of havoks marth.
ummmm In singles I beat a lot of people!
Mojoe again, tearbear, TKD, uhh other people i can't remember again hahaha I lost to DSF and HAVOK. So i got 5th out of like 65( please check to correct)

low tier teams i got 2nd with tyrant!!
low tier singles i took first!!!!
it was harder than I thought haha i beat TKD's fox, DSF's zelda, and other people hahaha

Finals were me and VICEGRIP and I 3-2'ed him so it was pretty close!!!
such a great tournament!!!

Results are HERE (check more for low tier details and stuff stuff)

EDIT: I 2-0ed a METAKNIGHT with my GANNON in a 1 dollar money match!!!!hahahaha it was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GANNON ELBOW!!!

so it was all good!!!! I loved how I did in cali!!!!
but now its time for me to go back to utah.

Im finished with california now. Im also gonna travel all around the world to show everyone this sonic :)
I hope you guys loved how i placed! I'll say this again - I did it for you guys!!! and UTAH!!!!!
and of course i couldn't of done it with out my brothers who i love so much!!!


My brothers, thank you. :colorful:

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
thats pretty legit, although i must say, I would have had to slap you in the face, (possibly with my ****) had you have lost low tier singles.

olimar is a really goofy matchup, unless you play it alot i could see how that would throw you off.

didja Cg that ness? ima guess no. since im the only one that does. lol

only character that should even be challenging sonic in low tiers is ike, and he beats him then too.

Sexy Yaz

Smash Apprentice
Nov 3, 2008
Alright guys here's my UPDATE!!!

so at SCSA I won over 50 money matches and didn't lose a single one!!!

I ended up teaming with Vicgrip, didn't make it far but we ***** some people!! so fun!!!

I 2-oed everyone in my pool and advanced to amatuer bracket, then i didn't lose a single set and advanced to PRO bracket were I got 9th!!!! i beat mojoe, dannykat, fallen, commander beef, FUTILE(finnally!) and a lot of other people i can't remember... lost to tyrant and an OLIMAR player named rich brown. ahhh oli!! anyways I did wayy better than I expected!! sooo happy!!!!
im glad i did way good that day.

Results are here, i got 9th out of like.. a lot of people (counting pools and amatuer brakcet and pro bracket hahaha)


then onto world 2-4 (last socal tournament)
I won 5 money matches and didn't lose once! i won a money match of of havoks marth.
ummmm In singles I beat a lot of people!
Mojoe again, tearbear, TKD, uhh other people i can't remember again hahaha I lost to DSF and HAVOK. So i got 5th out of like 65( please check to correct)

low tier teams i got 2nd with tyrant!!
low tier singles i took first!!!!
it was harder than I thought haha i beat TKD's fox, DSF's zelda, and other people hahaha

Finals were me and VICEGRIP and I 3-2'ed him so it was pretty close!!!
such a great tournament!!!

Results are HERE (check more for low tier details and stuff stuff)

EDIT: I 2-0ed a METAKNIGHT with my GANNON in a 1 dollar money match!!!!hahahaha it was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GANNON ELBOW!!!

so it was all good!!!! I loved how I did in cali!!!!
but now its time for me to go back to utah.

Im finished with california now. Im also gonna travel all around the world to show everyone this sonic :)
I hope you guys loved how i placed! I'll say this again - I did it for you guys!!! and UTAH!!!!!
and of course i couldn't of done it with out my brothers who i love so much!!!


My brothers, thank you. :colorful:
Sad how I didn't get mentioned.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
thats pretty legit, although i must say, I would have had to slap you in the face, (possibly with my ****) had you have lost low tier singles.

only character that should even be challenging sonic in low tiers is ike, and he beats him then too.
Why is Sonic allowed in a low-tier tourney again? =(

X said they had Fox, so I can only assume that Sonic, being lower on this current tier list, was allowed as well... fuahahaha.

Can Ike really be a problem? So sad how Ike really is too slow.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
lmao, fail SolCal, getting worked in Low Tier by characters that aren't allowed. LOL When will they get the hint that Sonic is just dangerous in Low Tier.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson & Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
VegasSmash Gameworld Weekly #32
February 7th, 2010
Out of 15
9th - Kinzer (Sonic)
13th - Tails (Sonic)

VegasSmash Gameworld Weekly #32 Amateur Bracket
February 7th, 2010
Out of 7
5th - Kinzer (Sonic)
4th - Tails (Sonic)

Right now I don't have time to explain what happened since I'm trying to get ready for class. I'll try to edit this post during my gap between 9:45~11:30am pst unless I decided to join in the student walk out that we are having at UNLV today in protest of budget cuts proposed by our governor of Nevada. Most likely I won't join because of quiz in my CS370 class today :(

Since I'm on my break and not attending the student walk out right now, I guess I have time to post what happened. I should be studying for my CS370 quiz, but oh well...I guess this is my protest against the budget cuts...lol.

In the regular singles bracket, first I had to play against Z again. Strangely enough, two weeks ago he asked me to play against my Sonic back at UNLV. I told him sure, but I didn't expect for me to play him in a tournament match. Anyway, both matches I had to play against his Pikachu. First one, I brought him down to his last stock on Smashville. I could of brought it back, but when I was trying to recover back to the stage, he used thunder and I air dodge missing the ledge after I used my spring. Then I don't know why I CPed Frigate, I got two stocked by his Pikachu. He did say that I am improving a lot.

Then I had to play against Grek and his Wario. Dear god, I hate Wario. I should have won in the second match, but me being impatient trying to get him killed while he was at a high percentage cost me the game. I won't go into too much detail on the match since I'm going to upload the matches sometime this week and post them on the video topic to be criticize.

In Amateur, first match I had to play against Hino and I wasn't in the mood at the time since I did horrible in singles and in doubles. So I went Toon Link in the first match. I so got owned by Falco. It kinda didn't help when Vic, the TO, said "I know what you should do, DAIR!". When I got CG to spike to footstool on my second stock, I went "Screw this" and did a Dair suicide. Then Hino went Sonic, so I went back to Sonic and did a Sonic ditto against Hino. Well, I won that one. Then he went back to Falco. Being CG by Falco, I was trying to get out of it and did my Spring, but not knowing that I'll Dair in the wrong direction and finding out that I'll Dair right off the stage. That was pretty much game.

Next I had to play against Kitamerby. First match he went Ike. I won that one. Then he went more serious on me in the second match and went Marth. That was tougher battle than Ike, but I was still manage to win. Those matches posted on Kinzer's YouTube account.

Now, this match was probably the best one I had at the tournament. I had to play against Kinzer and his Sonic. I won't go into too much detail since the matches are up on his account as well. Please note you decided to watch the matches, the order of upload was messed up thanks to Youtube giving him an error on the first upload. The match order are the following, Battlefield, Green Hill Zone, and Final Destination. Yes, we went to Green Hill Zone since Kinzer CPed that stage on me and I agreed to it. In the end, I did win against Kinzer

My final match I had to fight against Firebullet. I hate Diddy Kong. Got 2 stocked in both matches and I wanted to go Toon Link on my second match, but Z told me to stay as Sonic.

At least I had a good time this week. Wearing a Sonic costume. Hopefully I'll get better over time.


Smash Champion
Dec 11, 2008
Redondo Beach, California
I 2-oed everyone in my pool and advanced to amatuer bracket, then i didn't lose a single set and advanced to PRO bracket were I got 9th!!!! i beat mojoe, dannykat, fallen, commander beef, FUTILE(finnally!) and a lot of other people i can't remember... lost to tyrant and an OLIMAR player named rich brown. ahhh oli!! anyways I did wayy better than I expected!! sooo happy!!!!
What the h***? We never even played at SCSA. What are you trying to prove here dude? I'm not joking either lmao....
You were probably thinking of someone else.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
What the h***? We never even played at SCSA. What are you trying to prove here dude? I'm not joking either lmao....
You were probably thinking of someone else.
you sure??? i swear we played........... unless that was another tournament hahahaha then my bad!!!!!!


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2008
Fullerton, CA
yah X u noob. dude glad u got back 2 utah safe and sound. Let me know when u return we gotta ditto some more its too good haha.



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
Test Your Might VIII!
February 13th, 2010
Out of 28:
9th - Ithrowthings (Sonic)

So happy I finally managed to beat our region's best wario player (Blue Rogue) I convinced him to Sonic ditto me the first round (he used to main Sonic so he agreed) and I 2-stocked him on FD. He CP'd Smashville and I made an amazing comeback to finally beat him for the first time.

I ended up getting knocked into loser's by Lain (4th time in a row now....) and getting knocked out of loser's by a G&W. This is the first time this G&W has ever beaten me and he got me last game last stock he was at 180% and I was at 80% and I died to an upsmash.

I think I'm starting to scrape off some of the rust on my playstyle and starting to play the way I want to.
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