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Act 3 Clear!!: Sonic Tournament Results & Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Lol. ITT you should just reconsider the matchups in which u do the dair. Sensibly...rob is not the character you want to be recover against in that situation. Don't remove something entirely because u had one bad experience. U need to make use of every move if ur gonna play sonic.

Edit: Because hes a bad character (had to throw this in somewhere)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Well, good news and bad news for me, lol:

Good News: I got 2nd at a small tournament. Beat Phantom X (although he did go Ganon in a game) in a set in loser's bracket.

Bad News: In winners bracket vs. Hylian's Ice Climbers. SoPo @ ~150%, I'm at ~50%.
I get star KOed by dair.

Figure it out.


It was hilarious.

Overall, I felt like I played a little wonky. Too dangerous and not even proper punishment going on in my matches. I didn't really pressure my opponents too much, and I just felt like I was a little off today.

Having said that, I'm pleased with my results anyways. It was just one of those days.

Videos will be up soon, and you can see me ****ing up all you want. :D


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Spring -> Uair fail.

First, you Homing Attack his G&W, now that?

Taking too many risks, you'll grow old young. :(


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
OS went ROB not MK vs you?
I'm pretty sure Overswarm went MK if ITT got stage spiked by a DAir move. With ROB, you just get spiked. XD!

It's not a good idea to try and use down air to hit an MK when he's recovering. EVER. Unless you're already on the stage, using the spring puts you in such a dangerous spot sometimes against MK.

Got a monthly coming up on the 30th. Wish me luck. I plan on trying to win it all, for certain beating KillL0ck and Alphicans (2nd and 3rd best in my province); SuPeRbOoM? ... I'll just hope he decides to go MK against me if I end up facing him. I have the best luck against that.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
I'm pretty sure Overswarm went MK if ITT got stage spiked by a DAir move. With ROB, you just get spiked. XD!

It's not a good idea to try and use down air to hit an MK when he's recovering. EVER. Unless you're already on the stage, using the spring puts you in such a dangerous spot sometimes against MK.
But I WAS on the stage when I tried to dair off to stage spike him. I messed up my timing and he springed me when I recovered. Then M2K made fun of me for dairing off the level.

Lol. ITT you should just reconsider the matchups in which u do the dair. Sensibly...rob is not the character you want to be recover against in that situation. Don't remove something entirely because u had one bad experience. U need to make use of every move if ur gonna play sonic.

Edit: Because hes a bad character (had to throw this in somewhere)
I know. I've just been experimenting around with it with the players I play against all the time as a little mix up and I see what I can get away with and when. It was kinda funny cause I played Kel in pools (he used to main sonic for like... 6 months) and after our matches he was like "don't you wish Sonic was a good character?"

I was all like "What fun would it be then?" I have a job for making money, brawl is for having fun and nothing is more fun than beating good players using good characters with Sonic.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I got a big tourney coming up on the 30th in my region.

I know for a fact that I have the skills necessary to beat everyone thats going to be there for brawl. I just need to figure out how to fight snake.

Im trying to go to a canadian tourney the week after that.

ITTs tourney the week after that.

and VC7 at the end of the month.

february should be a good month for me.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
Iowa's Bi-Weekly #3
January 23rd
Out of 11
3rd - Trent (Sonic)

Lost to Razor (De3) first round
Beat Light (Mario)
Beat Mduo (Ganon/MK)
Beat Ptato (MK)
Beat Bolt (Falco)
Lost to Joker(Snake) Loser's Finals

I at least won my entry fee back.

Finally broke my losing to MKs habit by beating Ptato for the first time, with a 3 stock in one match. Just a small tourney though, with recorded vids only being friendlies.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Gold Mountain
Iowa's Bi-Weekly #3
January 23rd
Out of 11
3rd - Trent (Sonic)

Lost to Razor (De3) first round
Beat Light (Mario)
Beat Mduo (Ganon/MK)
Beat Ptato (MK)
Beat Bolt (Falco)
Lost to Joker(Snake) Loser's Finals

I at least won my entry fee back.

Finally broke my losing to MKs habit by beating Ptato for the first time, with a 3 stock in one match. Just a small tourney though, with recorded vids only being friendlies.
Good shit.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
i took a stock off my brothers snake in grand finals a while back with HA... lost the match but still it was great :)


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Espy is such a troll when he plays. Its so disrespectful killing someone with HA.
Is it really? Its kinda awesome killing someone with it. But in tourney with high level players? Uh, i dont know. I might use it vs Snake offstage.

Not as disespectful as getting 3stocked. On livestream.
...that's...you...Shado wasnt....Argh.

Malcolm ur a flnas;flas. I'll go falco everytime vs you from now on.
Fixed. @_@

Shado, honestly, i need to know if you're gonna stick to Sonic or Falco. Or even if you plan to get back into the tourney scene. You said something about being inspired?

my prediction is coming to life. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! YES!!! HA KILLS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!
THIS IS DELICIOUS!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Yus. You didnt fall for the muschoe combo though. But i did catch many Snakes with it. That darn thing works wonders. Once, A snake anticipated the HA, so i jumped off and waited, and he ultimately used the cypher. HA hit snake and the cypher sent me back with Snake, so the bair took the stock. I was like o_O

Treeeeent. Keep it up man, and make sure to take care of those MK's.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
Funny story bout that Speed..a wise fggt told me that every sonic main should reach a level where they pick up another character. Ill start joining tournies again I think..maybe. No promises that ill go all scourge. But yyeeaaa u "inspired" me to play sonic again. Even tho he sucks


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
I must not be wise using only Sonic, but i'll do it anyway. :sonic:

Also, lol @ the pound 4 thread and this whole "Best Sonic" thing. Im gonna say what i said in that thread. Its not even that important to me. Im just gonna play. I lose, get better. I win, good job, but dont let it get to my head.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Yus. You didnt fall for the muschoe combo though. But i did catch many Snakes with it. That darn thing works wonders. Once, A snake anticipated the HA, so i jumped off and waited, and he ultimately used the cypher. HA hit snake and the cypher sent me back with Snake, so the bair took the stock. I was like o_O
Funny. The same thing happened to me once.

Fun Fact: I honestly put Speed up there in the top 4 for Sonic. Mm-hmm.
I mean, he DID make it past round one pools at Pound. That's something, right?

Just quit being so **** emo about losing to things, Speed. That's my job. :p

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
4. No one important lululzzz where u @ KID?
Dang. KID gets called out like, every five minutes on SWF. What's up with that?

Sorry for the double post. My phone is gay.

Out of all the sonics even the ones who dropped him. Everyone in their prime.

1. Shugo

2. Malcolm

3. Idk. Idc.
You know, even now, I want to play Malcolm. I actually want to play Malcolm's Wario more than his Sonic.
Malcolm, come to WHOBO2. I'll run circles around your Wario.[/gets ***** by PhantomX on a monthly basis]


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Funny. The same thing happened to me once.

Fun Fact: I honestly put Speed up there in the top 4 for Sonic. Mm-hmm.
I mean, he DID make it past round one pools at Pound. That's something, right?

Just quit being so **** emo about losing to things, Speed. That's my job. :p
Yeah, thats a fatal flaw. Like i said, i hate losing, but thats a path to failure. Learn to accept it. Nao.

Also, say wut Espy...Im just gonna play dude. I could have made it out if i had beaten June. I'd played a buttload of Lucario's and i saw so many oppurtunities to do this and/or that, but losing to Ks1zz1e and H@v0k was uuuugh, i was down. But thats changing as we speak. It might not be overnight, but its changing. And you're my dad. You dont get to be emo.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Yeah, thats a fatal flaw. Like i said, i hate losing, but thats a path to failure. Learn to accept it. Nao.

Also, say wut Espy...Im just gonna play dude. I could have made it out if i had beaten June. I'd played a buttload of Lucario's and i saw so many oppurtunities to do this and/or that, but losing to Ks1zz1e and H@v0k was uuuugh, i was down. But thats changing as we speak. It might not be overnight, but its changing. And you're my dad. You dont get to be emo.
Come to WHOBO2. You need a direct, father-to-son talkin' to.
That, and if you do, we'll team. <3

Oh, and why are you dodging the name drops? Is it taboo or something?

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Dang. KID gets called out like, every five minutes on SWF. What's up with that?
You see this post count right?

Im always putting my self out there, and since i live in a tiny region whose tournaments dont really matter, people think im wack.

but by the beginning of march, pretty much everyone will know who I am, and exactly where I stand in the list of smash players, and sonic mains.

i got 4 tourneys within the next 30 days or so, and theres going to be some high profile names at a few of them. so after this run, people shouldnt have to guess or assume how good/bad I am anymore.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
They called Speed the next Shugo loll.

Also espy if you beat Malcolm's Wario I will praise you as my father till death do us part. I can't touch him as Sonic. It makes me pissssseedd.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
They called Speed the next Shugo loll.

Also espy if you beat Malcolm's Wario I will praise you as my father till death do us part. I can't touch him as Sonic. It makes me pissssseedd.
What if I lose a close game? I'm talking last stock, last hit scenarios?
It happens all the time between PX and I.

If Speed's the next Shugo, does that make me Shugo's father too?


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Next Highlight Match: Espy vs Malcolm?!


I dont really like namedropping. Sometimes it got some people *****. WHOBO 2 is when? School might be a loser for me...that and you're like 4289384923084290 miles away from me. And dont worry vs PX, you always get so close and dont you win sometimes?

I already know you're legit dude. I like watching your style...its so conservative and then they get that random fsmash. KID too good. :bee:

Shado, I just told you man. You're up there with the top imo. You havent even played the game for how long? And come back rapin these top names like Will and others. Dont just think about others, you're definitely legit.

We all are above the average...(i dont know about me) But we got Kuraudo over here takin out the top names in his crew battles, Kinzer gettin more recognized, Tails rapin people and learning what to do, Kojin learnin the offstage game, Trent gettin top 3 (i dont care if its a small tourney, you got top 3 D:<) Chis and Gf handlin things in their regions also.

I dont know, you guys shouldnt mind me right now, im just...kinda pumped. :dizzy:


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
hey guys!! so i just got back from 2 tournaments!!

I won over like 25 money matches!!!

in the first tournament i got OWNEEEDDDDDD.
I spin dashed off the stage... nothing i can do! hahahah!
ummm BUT i did beat fictions wario! wooo hooo!
and also his meta ;)

second tournament I placed 5th
and beat a lot of people. I beat mike haze again yay. and commander beef. yay again!

and other people.

oh i 2 stocked DSF's snake!

ummmm and other stuff... i can't seem to remember but results will be up soon.

if you guys have any questions just ask okay???

:colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful:


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
hey guys!! so i just got back from 2 tournaments!!

I won over like 25 money matches!!!

in the first tournament i got OWNEEEDDDDDD.
I spin dashed off the stage... nothing i can do! hahahah!
ummm BUT i did beat fictions wario! wooo hooo!
and also his meta ;)

second tournament I placed 5th
and beat a lot of people. I beat mike haze again yay. and commander beef. yay again!

and other people.

oh i 2 stocked DSF's snake!

ummmm and other stuff... i can't seem to remember but results will be up soon.

if you guys have any questions just ask okay???

:colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful:


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
hey guys!! so i just got back from 2 tournaments!!

I won over like 25 money matches!!!

in the first tournament i got OWNEEEDDDDDD.
I spin dashed off the stage... nothing i can do! hahahah!
ummm BUT i did beat fictions wario! wooo hooo!
and also his meta ;)

second tournament I placed 5th
and beat a lot of people. I beat mike haze again yay. and commander beef. yay again!

and other people.

oh i 2 stocked DSF's snake!

ummmm and other stuff... i can't seem to remember but results will be up soon.

if you guys have any questions just ask okay???
You didnt answer my text. :( But thats ok, maybe a match went on or something? If so, im sorry.

But yeah, bolded stuff just for fun. All I can say is nice stuff man. Keep it up!

Shado, i thought you werent gonna call me troll anymore? :( <3
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