Woodbridge Presents: Goodbye Quick Place!
Doubles: 3rd out of 11
Singles: 9th out of 27
Da1AndOnlySonic -
Overall, I am happy with my performance at this event. My mindset is getting a closer to what I've been aiming for for quite some time now, and it was evident in a lot of the doubles matches and singles matches I had.
In doubles, although me and Kadaj didn't have much team chemistry, we ended up holding our own and clutching it out enough to make it all the way to LF after losing our first doubles match. I was stock tanking a lot better than I have been in previous doubles tourneys, and it aided a lot in some of the close calls we had.
In singles I lost to Iota and Kadaj, Iota playing Wario and Kadaj playing MK. I took Iota to game 3, the first match I won on Smashville (1 stock low %, the second match I lost on Delfino (2 stock kill %), the third match I lost on FD (1 stock mid/high %). After that Iota wanted to play a few more matches to get a bit more Sonic experience, and I accepted. The following match I was able to get a 2 stock win on him, which shows me my Sonic's potential when I reach that level of skill -with consistency- that I desire. Unfortunately after that loss I had to face Dark Flame, who I didn't really want to run into this tourney considering our history in SoVA, though this is what happens with early losses. After winning against Dark Flame and then winning against Smash I had to face Kadaj who decided to play MK. I lost both matches on Smashville, 1 stock low and 1 stock mid respectively. Both matches I threw away an early first stock by spindashing into a shuttle loop off stage. That aside, I feel like I played relatively solid against his MK (especially since he was playing very safe and relatively campy).
Games aside, the only other thing I was disappointed about at this tourney was not being able to use my primary controller (which is the controller I've been using since I first got a gamecube). Apparently there's a problem with it where my character will automatically guard, regardless of what I am holding down. Therefore, I had to use my backup controller, which unfortunately has a slight problem with control stick sensitivity. It's not too big of a deal though, I should definitely have a new controller purchased and be ready to rock and roll for the next tourney I go to.