I agree with MIRAI87, pretty much fully.
I don't know if this guy is for real, but I do know this: the updates on the Dojo have sucked continuously for a substantial time, even after the hiatus. This "allmightygoat" fellow is giving me a well-needed distraction. He seems believable to me, but I'm not a freaking idiot, and I'd imagine that most people are smart enough to be able to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Even when reading with great suspicion, though, I'm surprised to see that people claim that the predictions are vague. If you actually READ them, they are pretty specific, especially regarding how ATs work. Some are vague, yes, but so are so many of the Dojo updates (if i see one more argument about the meaning of "until now," I'mma choke a b*tch).