Pokemon fans wouldn't rejoice if Mewtwo is deconfirmed ... Unless he's a boss AND he's playable. I used to be huge into pokemon, and if they remove Mewtwo I'll be dejoiced.
Also, I heard there was a leak of a similar nature for melee that was met with much disgust ... until we all found out that the person who leaked the information was correct.
I believe this could be the case once again here. (But of course, that remains to be seen)
Ahem. As far as leaks go though, this is the most legitimate I have read. Everything he has said makes sense- And I don't see how people think he's being vague, to me he's clear as day. In the assist trophy updates he describes EXACTLY what they'd do.
-Sega and Nintendo seem real buddy buddy right now. NiGHTS is owned by Sonic Team, a NiGHTS game JUST came out on the Wii, and he's made a couple cameos in Sonic games so I can believe that he has an assist trophy. Also, if he was looking for attention, why would he include frikkin Pak E. Derm in an update? If that were to appear on the dojo, people would be facepalming themselves at how lame the update is.
-Ness being playable goes along with something he said in a previous entry - That some veteran character's movesets will be given to newcomers, and their moveset will be changed. The above claim states that his updates are not contradicting themselves, so either it's real of he's very careful.
-As for his typo on 'returning', how does him spelling a word wrong ruin his credibility as someone who possibly has a connection?
Perhaps I'm naive, but why would someone bother to fabricate daily update lies? Everybody says we'd be seeing leaks soon with the release fast approaching, but when they appear they are immediately shot down. I'm not saying that I believe them %100, and I know it's hard to believe a leak when so many before it have been outright lies, but I believe this person deserves the benefit of the doubt.
I'll continue reading.