You say I'M illogical, but then you try to argue that it's ok to believe in something because "it makes you feel good". What kind of crap is that?! Believing in something does NOT make it a reality, regardless of how it makes you feel!
In school, I don't believe things just because the teacher says so. I believe because I understand the ideas, PROVEN FACTS and/or method behind the material.
There's is a big difference between being open-minded and being a gullible fool. Open-minded people consider all possiblities and factors before coming to a decision about something. However, gullible fools are the ones who believe things because "it makes them feel good" or "because it sounds right". And true believers don't believe in God because "it makes them feel good". They believe in Him because it provides an explanation and a meaning to life that other ideologies can't offer. There's also that little book called the BIBLE that they use to SUPPORT their beliefs. So-called Christians who don't understand what's in the Bible are weak at defending their faith when it is challenged because they don't even know why they believe in God.
You can't give me one sound reason why I or anyone else should take what this "leaker" says as fact. Don't give me your crap about what you think the meaning of "believing" is. You are a gullible fool if you would think that a person such as this, who is so much more likely a liar, is telling the truth. A reasonable person can see that he is just a kid looking for attention.
Why would a real leaker CARE about his credibility? With no way to prove that he's the real thing or not, he would just present all his facts and let people take it how they will. That's how the fabled "Melee" leaker did it. This guy, however, acts like a child when his credibility is compromised instead of just presenting the rest of his supposed info while people still care to listen to him.
Also, why the f*** would a member of the Brawl development team leak info to some guy so that he could leak it to the internet, DAY BY DAY, instead of just presenting it all at once personally if he REALLY wanted everyone to know? The game is about to freaking come out. What would he stand to gain from divulging company secrets? No matter what, leaking info on a game is illegal and he would be risking his own job and possibly criminal charges.
Do you really think Nintendo is so dumb? Do you really think that they would let such secrets leak out without promptly taking action? If this leak were real, you'd here about Nintendo striking down this guy and all of his associates with a big lawsuit.
Furthermore, this supposed leaker has already changed his position. One day he says he DOESN'T know the full roster. Then he says that a third-party character would be revealed by the end of the weak.
Last night, he says he's so enraged "he could reveal the whole roster".
But I thought he didn't know.
Now, he says that next week, we'll get 2 more newcomers and a third-party.
But I thought we were getting a third party THIS week? Switching your plan since Olimar's confirmation pretty much revealed your lies? Sounds like it to me.
I'm sure that people will STILL have faith in this guy despite all the evidence against him, but even if he turns about to be a TRUE prophet, it is STILL foolish to take him at his word for NO REASON at all because he "sounds good" or "hasn't been disproved yet".