8-Bit if you wanna put those videos up (for public viewing rather then private), im okay with it.
I still hate being recorded though.
But other snakes (like QDVS and chops) need to watch to learn.
HRnut: Rx- style is a different case than bonesaw's since i can take on bonesaw easier than him... and it's getting quite annoying that he tornados more...
That's it afro...
Summary of all of this: Back in july he complains about do not record him... days later he says it's ok.. and now after gigs and says do not record me again...
seriously.. i'm gonna freaking charge the next time i come to a tournament to setup a recorder and live feed...
This conversation dates back to july:
[22:36] BadMisterrrFrost: why would you upload that video
[22:36] BadMisterrrFrost: of me gettin owned by noucles
[22:37] Never Shoot Me: i posted a reply
[22:37] Never Shoot Me: i'll remove it
[22:37] Never Shoot Me: ..
[22:37] BadMisterrrFrost: nah
[22:37] BadMisterrrFrost: ont
[22:37] BadMisterrrFrost: ong as you can honestly tell me you didnt do it just to spite me
[22:37] BadMisterrrFrost: or somethin
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: alright cool thats what i thought
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: then im not angry
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: but i thought that
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: you uploaded like
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: LOOK AT AFRO GETTIN OWNED
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: and i was thinkin
[22:38] BadMisterrrFrost: wow if he did that
[22:38] Never Shoot Me: hell no, i wouldn't even put that in the description
[22:39] Never Shoot Me: everyone gets picky and angry when someone uploads something of them losing a match
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: no i didnt just lose
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: i got
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: embarassinglyh
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: stomped
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: destroyed
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: theres videos of me losing to icekid online
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: im not ashamed of them
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: that video is just like
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: oh dear
[22:39] BadMisterrrFrost: look at this kid'
days later:
[17:20] BadMisterrrFrost: yo wassup
[17:20] BadMisterrrFrost: i've decided to overcome my fear
[17:20] BadMisterrrFrost: and you can now record me
[17:20] BadMisterrrFrost: lol
[17:21] Never Shoot Me: ok?
[17:21] Never Shoot Me: dude it's not like i have a camcorder sticking to your face
[17:21] Never Shoot Me: there's a difference
[17:21] BadMisterrrFrost: lol
[17:21] BadMisterrrFrost: i hate it when i get recorded meng
[17:21] BadMisterrrFrost: i choke
[17:21] BadMisterrrFrost: everyt ime i **** u pim like
[17:21] BadMisterrrFrost: **** people will watch this on youtube and laugh
[17:22] Never Shoot Me: it's like the 2nd time i've ever recorded your matches anyways
[17:22] BadMisterrrFrost: lol i know
[17:22] BadMisterrrFrost: i mean i hate being recorded PERIOD
[17:22] BadMisterrrFrost: by anything
[17:22] BadMisterrrFrost: my family knows this
[17:22] BadMisterrrFrost: as its plagued them worse thena nyone else