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6-4 Matchup 27: - November 30th, 2013 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
dammit peter of all days?

As for parking, i remember how mad i was when i was told there was "free parking" lol to find out it fits like, 4 small cars, or 2 big ones.
|A B
|--------------------------- ----> towards exit/entry
|C D

kinda like that. it's 2x2, and if you're in A or C, you're usually stuck there for the day til B and D leave or you drive on the sidewalk to get off. it's basically like a narrow driveway from the street that turns inward toward the storefront.

only davidrose and josh drive. so i don't think there'd be too much competition other than other potential randoms or anc staff

but yeah, get there early. A is probably the best seat. also, if it does get to 4 cars, don't expect to be able to even open car doors next to the adjacent car xD

it's really tight. i remember bam actually made contact with davidrose's car, but somehow didn't leave a mark haha


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Alright, so regarding changes:

let me say that Some of this is my fault for showing late. I also apologize for having to cancel amateur bracket. But anyways:

- Due to new time constraints randomly and some serious screwage. I'm gonna be starting everything an hour earlier. Doubles at noon. Singles at 3pm. Food break is at 2pm, and I will try to sort out a second one. Please don't leave randomly before anything is called. I had to wait for half of the entrants because they all left for food when I was trying to announce singles pools. On top of that I had to wait for doubles matches to be played out for the same reason.

- Please do not register late. Around 4-6 people registered late / came late and not only did this screw with the pools in terms of seeding, but it also wasted some time. If anything, at the least try to contact me and tell me that you are coming late or whatever so that I can put you in ahead of time.

- Please record you matches thoroughly; sometimes there are people that only record half of their result and I miss it. Or they do not record anything and either leave for food once done the pool, and therefore I can't record, or I have to scramble looking for certain people to get the results when it comes near to the end of the pools.

- I'm going to be assigning the pool captains with a new role (which will include myself probably): I need you guys to organize the matches within your pools. Do not let one person hog a setup to play all their pool matches at once. This will create more delays once people start having to wait for other people to play out their sets.

That's all for now. Thank you for your time


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
no offense, but i feel like a lot of the problems you mention should be able to fix themselves with common sense. but i'm aware it's everyone's responsibility and i'm not try to say something abuot your to'ing


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2009
no offense, but i feel like a lot of the problems you mention should be able to fix themselves with common sense. but i'm aware it's everyone's responsibility and i'm not try to say something abuot your to'ing
what do you expect. were dealing with children here.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
no offense, but i feel like a lot of the problems you mention should be able to fix themselves with common sense. but i'm aware it's everyone's responsibility and i'm not try to say something abuot your to'ing
thats the problem. Some people are new, or they know me on a personal level and think they can leave / not play / delay things without consequences.



Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
More changes:

Pools will be done in 2 waves. We'll try to finish them in an hour per wave (maybe an hour and 15 mins). I did the math. Make sure you only get food if you are not in that wave. If you want food later, only do so if you are eliminated from all the events you are entered in.

I think I could finish the tourney by like 6pm. But then there's amateur bracket which may eat up a lot of time. So I'd say 8:00 probably



Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
^cool, makes more sense for pools, i think a lot of tourneys in general suffer from not having a designated food time

if we're done early, draft crews


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
draft crews are the most pointless things in this region LOL

2 waves of pools is a good idea too. doubles the amount of tv available per pool would in the long run get things faster


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
How about no draft crews?

But yeah, also regarding registration: well this time I was really distracted because of people talking to me about stuff which affected my concentration, but I know that a lot of people that know me will do all the following things:

1. Drop the money in front of me while I'm registering someone else and just walk away

2. Cut the line in lieu of problem #1

3. Keep asking when the event will start WHILE I'm taking registration. Once maybe I can understand. But multiple times?

Regarding each problem I sometimes miss people due to being distracted or not seeing who dropped money at me, and therefore you don't get entered. Make sure I have actually registered you before walking off.

I may miss people if others distract me as well. I can't listen to like 2-3 people at the same time always

I can't reg 2 people at the same time, and I probably won't remember who gave me money with all the people I have to reg

Also I was jk about no draft crews



Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2012
Mississauga, Ontario
I only say draw crews are king pointless cuz it depends who has a high combination of tier 1/1.5 players.

Otherwise it's just...so meaningless lol
yeah i know what you mean, especially considering people like david can single handedly take out like 3 people at my level.

It would still be entertaining to overhype something like this though, especially if we had time to do it and at least tried to split the crews up evenly.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
In dat a**
Draft crews of all mid level players next tourney, after gfs, IF WE HAVE TIME. And we put money on it

I'd be down as ****



Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
We can have KK and unknown go first, clash of the titans and force them to save stocks.

Either way even if it's just mid level I'd be down to make a bet lol


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
In dat a**
@summonedfist everyone that's not David Camilo Ryan Mike Imadh

This would ensure mad hype. No one would take out 3 ppl in one shot lol

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