C-PO: I'm really happy with our placement in doubles. We had some tough matches and you really stuck it out for the win. It sucks that you didn't make it out of the qualifiers. Picking up Snake is probably a good idea. Keep it up! dere u go
XOFF: I'm mad proud of you, man. I told you that you're the best R.O.B. in FL. That combo on Vericz was insane!
ReDD: Good stuff, man. Those doubles matches would've been so much easier without that nasty G-dub on my back. Too bad you and Chip had to play each other in the qualifiers...
Broke: What happened, man? Better luck next time!
Ansel: I don't think Ansel's brackets is ever going to be implemented into the competitive scene. By the way, you should have entered singles. Oh well, you're a funny kid. Thanks for keeping morale high. Way to mess with Loto though...
Fearless: I'm glad you could make it after all that ****, man. Good job placing in singles!
Loto: You're such a funny dude. You were so ready to punch that one guy in the face. That Kirby is sick. Keep at it! I hope you and Fearless can come up to Jax some time.
OWNTU in general: That set against Nick was so amazing. Who said Brawl isn't entertaining? Make it known that Jacksonville elevated Brawl to a whole new level of entertainment. I appreciate it so much, guys!
Ghaude: Thanks for recording those matches. I'd love to see those some time. It sucks that your bro couldn't make it... Good **** in both tournies though!
Mixed Nuts 'n crew: You guys are mad cool and got so much better. Thanks for cheering me and the others from OWNTU on. The stuff that was said was too funny. I apologize for not doing more friendlies with you guys, but I just don't usually do a lot of friendlies during a tourney. Maybe we can have a smashfest or something the day before the next Gigs. By the way, countering skullbash off the ledge... WTF? I wish I saw that ****! Amazing!
SheerMadness: Thanks for letting us crash at your place. I wish we got some more games in though.
GDX + Force: I didn't see much of you guys. We were too tired to head over to that hotel after the tourney, but thanks for the offer. We've got to chill some more at some point, heh.
Fenrir: You're so smart, dude. What a close doubles match.
Abe: You're a funny dude. Keep repping Wario.
Danny: You're so cool, man. It was awesome to finally play against a good Pit. Now I've got to go back in the lab and work on that matchup, heh.
xYz: That G-dub is so nasty. I just can't figure him out... yet.
Alvin: We barely even saw each other at Gigs... We should change that next time.
Kei: I still didn't get to see your Peach... Oh well, maybe next time... Good job in doubles with Alvin!
Afro Thunder: You're a cool dude. Good job taking both tourneys, man! That **** you were saying during my match with Rx- was hilarious. Record my matches and make a DBZ-esque show out of it. I'll let you have all revenue from it.

Thanks for the shouts to OWNTU.
Bonesaw: What an intimidating name... You're mad cool. Thanks for cheering me on against Nick. Your MK is sick!
Actionb@stard: I'm sorry we couldn't give you a ride. I wish I was there to see those moments you had. Thanks for the shouts and keep at it, boy!
Rx-: That was such a fun ditto. Good ****!
Kyon: Nice Pikachu, man. Keep it up!
Nicholas.Riddle: Those were some intense matches and good games, but stop johning. This is competition. You've got to handle the pressure and counter with your own. Your Zamus was really impressive.
Everyone I talked to outside throughout the day: You're all cool as ****. Keep playing!
QDVS: I play MK and Wario, but I went strictly MK for this tourney so I could get a better feel for his matchups.
So, yeah... I had mad fun at this Gigs. The cheering that went on for me and other members of OWNTU was crazy as ****! I appreciate all the support that we got. If I forgot some of you, I'm sorry. I can't wait until next month, all.
The only thing that bothered me was the ever-present johns about MK. Guys, get over it. He's good, but not unbeatable and many characters and players can handle that tornado very well. You all need to adapt to it and quit *****ing. Oh, and I don't want to hear any johns about Snake. Lots of characters in this game are **** and have mad potential. Just deal.