I'm going to resume moderating this thread pretty heavily in the build up to Smash 5, where this place will be needed again. Consider this the only warning.
If no one has mentioned it yet, a Chicago weekly has decided to ban Tyroy, and by Tyroy I mean Bayonetta, and by Bayonetta I mean Tyroy. This is worth talking about because the idea that Smash 4 Bayonetta of all fight game characters could be banned shows that this will never stop, and there will always be a social inclination to identify and punish some random social pariah. The more competitive games you've played, the more painful and repetitive the pattern gets.
I'm not sure what the solution is. Grassroots always gets thrown around as a positive word, but it has a lot of dark sides, including hysterical populist nonsense. "Grassroots" political movements are spoken of fondly, but are also the ones that include anti-vaxxers, racial-supremacy groups, and nut-job anarchists. And well, we're currently a grassroots community, and this is our cross to bear.
The limiting agent for competitive Smash has always been Word Of God, aka official sanctioning. This honestly is the main Smash 5 news I've been waiting for--I honestly don't care what characters are in or whatever. (They could put in Kim Kardashian, Ren & Stimpy, and Madeline Albright and we'd all still pay $300 for it Day 1.) And I don't expect much from Nintendo, but even a drop of water in the desert could be huge. For Glory almost did more harm than good, but hey it was something.
I thought patches would help some of our social woes, and they probably did somewhat. (Populism needs stagnant water to brew, so stirring things up can fend it off.) We certainly didn't have any of this stuff happening while the game was actively being updated. If we assume that Smash 5 is even more service-based, that's most likely good news on this front. (Plus better for balance too, but it's obvious now that fine-grained balance is not actually related to game health in the slightest.)
Edit: Stupidly made it sound like I was talking about Ignition