Since we are in a multi-char meta more and more every day... what MUs could a pocket BowJ come into play? I really like the character, so a few top or high tier MUs that validate him might give him a powerful niche. Id imagine mechakoopa ground contr and fsmash might hurt marth? But SHAD and edgeguarding... idk. Thoughts?
As a dedicated Jr. player, my opinion right now is not many, sadly. To figure out what matchups Jr. would be good in, first we have to look at what his major strengths are:
+ Great juggling ability
+ Strong edgeguarding
+ Disjoints w/good hitboxes (mostly)
So the kind of characters Jr. excels at are characters with lackluster disadvantage states, limited or predictable recovery, and lack of disjoints/projectiles to compete against Jr.'s. Unfortunately, most of the top tier characters in Smash 4 tend to have good-to-nonexistent disadvantage states, strong recoveries, and oppressively good hitboxes themselves, lending Jr's positives moot in a lot of matchups against high-to-top tier characters. There are, however, a couple of exceptions of course.
Compared to most top and high tiers in Smash 4, Ryu has a very honest neutral and disadvantage state, making his claim to fame lie in his solid frame data, high damage, and reliable kill confirms, (which is probably why he doesn't do as amazingly well as the top tier characters in this primarily neutral based metagame, but that's another topic entirely.) In the neutral, Bowser Jr. can compete against Ryu because his disjoints beat out almost all of Ryu's buttons and allow him to stay just out of Ryu's ideal range. Mechakoopa ground control is especially annoying for Ryu too, as he has very committal jump arcs, so it's easy to punish his attempts to avoid Mechakoopa. Ryu's weight and falling speed also make him more susceptible to juggles as well, (though he can FADC past pretty much all of Jr.'s aerials,) and his very linear recovery is easily intercepted by Bowser Jr. I'm not sure the exact matchup ratio, but it's not that bad a matchup at all, and can easily be won if the Ryu player lacks experience.
Here's the infamous set between Jade's Bowser Jr. and Trela's Ryu. Of course, Trela makes a lot of mistakes in this set which clearly stem from him not knowing the matchup that well, but I think it's still a good example of how the two cjaracters interact in neutral.
Captain Falcon
At this time, I still think this matchup is slightly in Falcon's favor simply due to his better mobility and overall frame data, but even so it's relatively close to even and I might even call it in Jr.'s favor if I got more Falcon experience myself... anyway, my point is it's definitely doable for both parties. Like Ryu, Falcon dislikes disjoints, is juggled easily, and has an even easier to ruin recovery, and Mechakoopa restricts his amazing options out of dash, though it can be hard to get one out on the field against him sometimes. A well practiced Jr. might serve as a good Falcon counterpick, though there are almost definitely better ones.
Finally, he has one more surprisingly decent relevant matchup, at least in my experience...
For the longest time, I couldn't comprehend why I had a good success rate against Cloud with my Jr. One time in bracket, I encountered a Cloud who I won a game against with my Jr., counterpicked to Mewtwo against figuring my win was a fluke, lost against with Mewtwo, counterpicked back to Jr., and won against a second time to advance. I started thinking about all the aspects of the matchup to find out why I was able to win at all, and now I think I have a *decent* idea why this is a doable matchup for Jr. Not winning, just... doable.
To begin with, let's tackle the obvious: Cloud's recovery is ass. Not every character can exploit this because his nair is really hard to challenge, but Bowser Jr. has descending fastfall fair/dair and Mechakoopa to pretty safely gimp Cloud with limited risk. I struggled to understand why Jr. has any chance in all in neutral though, but I believe it's that because Cloud tends to approach with short hop or full hop aerials, he tends to struggle with Jr.'s fair and bair a lot, which tend hits him under his nair, through his dair, and well before his fair unless he spaces it perfectly, so he can't afford to be lazy in neutral and plan his approaches carefully. However, unlike a lot of swordsmen, a lot of his grounded buttons hit Jr. at kart height, meaning he gets less reward off of them. Finally, though Jr. struggles a lot vs. shield, Cloud does not get very good reward on his grab, (but Limit is always a pain,) so it's not too risky for Jr. to play a bit aggressively against his shield compared to most top tiers. So basically, Mechakoopa forces aerial approach that Jr. can win if he plays well, Cloud lacks good grounded buttons v. Jr., Jr. can afford to pressure his shield, and he is very easily edgeguarded. I still feel he wins the matchup handily, and Jr. is
not a Cloud counterpick by any means, but it's workable with Jr.
That's about it as far as top/high tiers are concerned, almost all of the other ones beat Jr. pretty handily. His other positive matchups tend to include characters like


who aren't that relevant in the metagame anyway, so I can't really recommend Jr. as a counterpick unless you really want to play off of matchup inexperience.