For anyone who doesn't want to watch this here are a couple things Zero claims.
Diddy Kong is not the best character in the game, he is not the best at any one thing but pretty good at everything.

has the best neutral in the game.

has better juggles

has the best combos
He seems to imply that DIddy is either the 5th or 6th best character in the game, but doesn't outright say his opinion and we will eventually get this in his tier list video.
Diddy's 6 losing match ups.

For mario and fox, he doesnt talk about matchup specific stuff, although in this case its probably excusable since this is an interview, but he does mention MVD losing to a lot of fox palyers and Zinoto having a large losing record against Ally as evidence of these matchups being bad.

nothing at all on these guys

Very swingy matchup, depends entirely on gimping cloud otherwise cloud beats Didddy in apparently everything.

This one he feels isn't that bad and may end up even.
Zero brings up that diddy cannot be the best character in the game because he has clear bad matchups as opposed to other smash top tiers like


and pre patch

who at worst had even matchups. Later he says to look at Mr R and KEN's matchup charts as an example of what he would expect the best character in the game to look like.
This part of the interview is from about 37:40 to 47:30 so I would recommend rechecking my translations for accuracy before really going in on any one opinion.