my impressions

: Down, for certain. Not only has the character had relatively poor performance for #5, he has little representation, and his best player (ESAM) is inconsistent.

: Up. Top 3, for sure. There's a lot of arguing about who's best at the moment, but he seems like a top 3 contender to anybody except top level Diddy mains.

: Down. He's still good, but where he might've risen to top 5 without nerfs, I think he's going to climb down now that a lot of players dropped him and his meta is a bit worse. Even the best MK main atm (Leo) opts to secondary Cloud in certain matchups, as does Tyrant (who has a Sheik instead)

: Waaaaaay up. Probably top 3-5, stunningly good character but he hasn't won a major yet. Counterplay imo will make him bearable (people recognize Limit setups and pressure him a lot at the edge) but he's stupidly good.

: Down. I don't think the character is anything above upper-mid, personally, and his results (even among his best players) tend to reinforce that. I think Ranai was carrying Villager hard at G3 the more I think about it.

: Down. Once insanely overrated mid-tier now correctly recognized as upper mid/mid tier. Has decent representation and results to compare with characters like Peach, Corrin, Toon Link, etc. Plenty good, but not top 15.

: Down. Nasubi and reflex need to do really well at majors to salvage opinions of the character imo, he's fallen off hard since Abadango dropped him and it's been even worse since Reflex has garnered occasionally mediocre results (and it wouldn't surprise me if Reflex went more towards Mewtwo at majors anyway)

: Up, especially if Kamemushi has a breakout performance. As-is right now, I think he's a suitable top 20 character now that people have really learned him a bit.

: Way down. His performances as of late have been something compared to nothing, but he has all the makings of a bottom 10 (or 13) character. He's 32nd ATM, I expect high 40s.

: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up. Will definitely have the biggest move on the list, going from 37th to (maybe) 10th or higher, and, like, 15th at worst. No need to explain, character is plainly amazing now.


: Up. Buffs have given them a more functional gameplan and they've made much more of a splash since. I predict somewhere in the low 30s.

: Up. Does too well in Japan, and I think Japanese players on the 4BR Panel will likely influence this. Nowhere near how much higher, but he's done enough work at Umebaras to justify being somewhere in the mid-upper 30s.

: Up. Too many Palu mains do too well with the character for a 50th position. I doubt she'll climb too much higher but I'd be very surprised if she remained bottom 10.