I was experimenting with graphical effects hoping to find ho-oh's shot without the hitboxes/bird/pokeball. I didn't find it but I figured I may as well share what I found out. Some of these numbers were included in the previous graphical effect list (didn't realize that when I tested them) but I got entirely different results. A few of those original ones might still be in here. Just sayin' that so it's not plagiarism.
My descriptions are a little wordy because I value detail. My apologies for the ones that just say 'lame', they were the ones I didn't like and by the time I realized the info might be useful to other people I'd forgotten what they were.
Any mention of size is relative because size is controlled by the codes and I had mine all set to a huge size so I could see them all more clearly.
Whenever I say a direction the effect goes in, I'm probably right but that's also controlled by the codes and the character/attack I used might've been affecting it. I've got no way of knowing. Not sure if this is a valuable contribution, but worth a shot =)
11 little round flash
12 cool flame
13 Lightning
14 sparkly shield bubbles that stay there till you block
15 Small Dust
16 what looks like a bright flash radiating outward
horizontally with shards of broken glass
17 the KO effect
18 Explosion
19 explosion with a few yellow sparks shooting out
20 bright white shield lookin' thing
21 Dust
22 upward wind
23 explosion with a little green/blue
24 lame
25 radiating wind around the feet/ground
26 lame
27 sweet outward rush of wind, one way
28 lame
29 large dust blast
40 forward puff of smoke
41 lingering flame
42 color-changing smoke effect, stays permanently
43 white strobing sparks, stays permanently
44 lame, permanent
45 what appears to be a big pile of ****, permanent
46 dust =/
47 faint yellow lightning bolt from top to bottom, vaguely
resembles pikachu's DownB
48 floating flame, goes through entire color spectrum,
49 flash, kinda like a firecracker with some color
50 several colored boomy thing, kinda cartoonish
51 orange,then purple boom with a radiating white circle
52 blue sparkles and purple bubblebursts, kinda looks like a
healing spell from a video game
53 faint floatint flame, only regular fire colors, permanent
54 intense slightly lingering fireball, stationary
55 quick burst of purpley-black flame
56 quick spinning/growing flash around the feet/ground with
all cold colors and a little pale orange
57 mario-esque coin effect
58 rainbow boom with what looks like the raygun green line
that stays permanently on the ground
59 rush of forward pale green stuff, kinda like a really weak
close-range hadouken that never takes shape
60 a lot like 53
61 burst of ganondorf-lookin' energy, slightly random in size
and direction
62 creates circle of light coming from the ground up, like the
platform you come down on after dying
63 pale yellow sparkly stuff. not so much like electricity, more
like something girly you'd expect peach to do
64 very fast and short white/black strobing flash followed by
65 smart bomb effect
66 sends what looks like shards of wood in all directions as if
you broke a board like in martial arts
67 a lot like 66 but the shards are green and all the same
shape, kinda like celery
68 rainbow confetti bursts out from the center and then falls
69 looks identical to 68 =/
70 a kind of circle of fire that at first glance looks like it's
from either the firefox attack or when captain falcon's car
takes off, permanent
71 kinda heavenly lookin' white/yellow/green lingering thing a
little like a portal. much longer horizontally than it is tall
72 a spikey rainbow boom with shattering rainbow glass.
looks like when you pick up an item in the newer mariokart
73 much like 54 but permanent
74 same as 72 but a concentrated shot upward
75 more silly heal-looking sparkles. I think it might be zelda's
teleport effect
76 like 75 only covers a relatively smaller area
77 radiating multicolored circle with a boom in the middle,
followed by rainbow sparkles and music notes. happens very
78 more !@#% sparkles
79 I don't see anything, but that doesn't mean nothing's there
80 not sure but looks like the effect from Pit's UpB
81 really cool lingering shock effect, mostly blue with a little
82 pale yellow circle strobing and changing size with a bigger
red one around it doing the same
83 sparkles again
84 my guess is powersuit effect from samus. it's a strobing
white light and the energy appears to be getting sucked into it
instead of coming FROM it
85 very very quick yellow spark, almost invisible
86 dust, darker than usual
87 round blue/green flash, probably from zelda
2a puffs of smoke to both sides on the ground, defined lines of
it going in upward directions
2b I see almost nothing
2c black/red boom that turns multicolored right away
2d popping yellow bubbles, very small
2e I see nothing
2f bubbles from jiggly's rest
3A fire Explosion
3B Better fire explosion
3c puff of faint powder and shards of ice flying out. looks like
when somebody gets frozen
3d confetti going downward
Edit: just found out that all this is included in the list in the big psa list thread. I copied and pasted the thing and filled in the blanks so I dunno where the blanks came from XD. Wasted some serious time lol