I saw that, and felt sorry for you having to play a bad MU so early.
Who was the Lucario anyways? I wasn't aware WA even had one, and I know Yugo and I didn't attend. Was it CLU7CH/Casey? imo that MU is actually not too bad for Lucario even when the guy can consistently CG lucario, but Lucario has to play really pokeish all the time, because although his crossup game is really good, as soon as he spotdodges or bairs, you either try for fsmash/AS at longer ranges, or you gtfo out of there and reset (all of this is as lucario, of course), and you have to know how to space dair and do frame 1 FP in that MU or you're going to get bodied.
But yeah, we have a lot of D3 annoyers besides MK around in PNW lol

, even our Warios know that MU really well (you remember Pwneroni, right?)