Hmm. I tried to send it today but "there was a problem with WiiConnect24".
I wanted glory and mystique of sending this by replay first, but I'm not too stupid to hold out on that.
I may in fact never be able to send the replay I have.
Good thing the input is
reaaaaaaally easy. It still amazes me no one found it before.
Okay. So you do an ftilt.
You wait until a certain point after Mario's right foot is on the ground behind him, and before he pulls his left foot back to his normal stance.
You then enter
spot dodge
and or possibly others (but definitely not jab...)
And you
move up to the length of Mario's leg backwards.
EDIT: It's easiest to do with spot dodge, to get the feel of it at first. I don't know why.
I swear to God, this looks like sex with ftilt -> dtilt.
I think this is a universal physics mechanic because it can be compared to Ganondorf's Demonic Step and Pit's Angel step, which as yet have no explanation.
They seem to all three be explained only in reference to the physical motion of the character model. I am somehow reacting to Mario's "back-pulling" force of his left foot. I am using a move that, itself, takes pressure off of that foot.
Enjoy. I hope I don't get flamed for repeating known stuff.
I know about Usmash's supposed reduction of friction. If there's any special interaction, I couldn't confirm it, mostly because I could never successfully time a Usmash input if I charged... because I suck at actually tapping the control stick.
would be sex if we could slide into Usmashes backwards though, wouldn't it?