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☁ Wichita Kansas Area Discussion ☁ Let's Play Every Mario Party Board

Should we start doing the Kansas PRs again?

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Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
My thoughts on the stages that should be banned are similar to Stealth's....except, my character doesn't benefit on that stage at all.

Pictochat is somewhat up for debate because the drawing that has cat like eyes and a long, diagonal line in-between them, can really screw with any character at any given moment. In regards to japes, I understand that its a counterpick and I learned to watch the time at X:X5 and X:X7 (<----this is when the crocs will appear) and also learned how to play on it with different characters.

Happy new year!!!! ^_^

Royal Nynja

Smash Ace
Apr 30, 2007
wichita, ks
Glad someone agrees with me.

Honestly, the only reason I brought this up is because of the reactions I got from Seibrik and other good players here in Florida after telling them what stages the Midwest normally allows. JJ and PC were the two stages they couldn't believe were still legal here. It got me thinking...

Jungle Japes and Pictochat simply aren't stages that should be seen in competitve play IMO. Remember: This is competitive smash. I just have a hard time understanding how stages that can drastically alter the outcome of a match can be considered competitive.

But yeah, I just wanted to start up some discussion on the matter. I won't be bitter if no changes are made.
i been tellin you this for so long. if we play on stages like this lets play on that mario kart stage the wario stage etc. had to go to fl to understand....

if a stage can hurt you i dont think it should be legal is a large scale tourney.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
isnt that why its a COUNTERpick? After that you do have the option to switch characters so your character will perform better onthat stage than your main.

If I am honest though, I could care less, I usually counterpick neutrals anyway.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
why dont we get rid of ps1 cause it has a screwy edge then, that can hurt you. or brinstar, that has some lava lets get rid of that. hey delfino has water we can DROWN in. omg get rid of that ****.


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2009
Strafford MO
On top of having the chance to switch your character before entering a stage you may not like, you have the option to ban one before the CPer makes their choice. Leave them both in: the essense of competition is adapting to and countering your opponent, is it not?


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2008
That essence is slowly becoming "make it to where the only difference between each legal stage is how many platforms there are and where those platforms are located."


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
remember back when we had enough stages for counterpicking to be considered an art?

Royal Nynja

Smash Ace
Apr 30, 2007
wichita, ks
why dont we get rid of ps1 cause it has a screwy edge then, that can hurt you. or brinstar, that has some lava lets get rid of that. hey delfino has water we can DROWN in. omg get rid of that ****.
Neither of those can kill you. ps1's edge is dumb but it doesnt jump out and take a stock off. if your under any stage and mess up coming back you can get stuck under the level.... If you drown in water, stop playing the game... Brinstar can also inflict damage however i dont feel that its a match changer like a clap trap. it still does damage so i stand by my word.

People forget smash is still just a party game that was turned into a 1v1 and 2v2 fighter. Most of these stages are meant for a "party game". I like the idea of counter picks BUT some stages that are legal should be reconsidered. Its like seeing a smurf come out of the background in Street fighter or Tekken, and can kill you randomly or...every time a seven shows up on the timer... I think with all the hacks going around there should be a way to turn off the hazards in the game and free up even more stages to make legal in tournament instead of having to keep making the list shorter. Sooner or later it will come down to only neutrals. If that day comes oh what a happy man ill be.

remember back when we had enough stages for counterpicking to be considered an art?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2008
Wichita Kansas
No stages should be banned, if they're going to allow the bs stages that are currently legal then why not just gay the game up all the way? A lil Shadow Mosses Island and Mushroomy Kingdom isn't gunna hurt anything.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2008
Well, that's the thing. If the issue is random hazards, then get rid of pictochat, since there's no defending yourself against them (but only while they're appearing, otherwise they're simple enough to deal with). Other places, jungle japes in particular, only happen in set intervals, so they're easy enough to avoid. Norfair gives plenty of fair warning of impending hazards, with the slowly launching/rising/waling lava or the river of death in from the background. Halberd also gives fair warning with it's claw, its slow to aim/charge laser, and super slow bomb.

Picto's hazards are annoying, but they don't randomly kill you (most of the time). Same for japes; if you die from the water or croc, it's your fault, since you always know when it's going to be there. Sure, someone could hit you into them, but then it's more or less the same issue with ice climbers; don't get grabbed, or you'll likely lose a stock. Same here; don't get bitten, or you'll likely lose a stock.

Royal Nynja

Smash Ace
Apr 30, 2007
wichita, ks
im not saying its not avoidable, im saying that for a 1v1 tournament game, stages with hazards should be banned because its more of a party stage. There are alot of avoidable items but why aren't they legal? no other Tournament viable fighter has hazards... No matter if they kill you or just inflict damage, for a fighting game that everyone wants to be taken serious, it shouldn't be legal in a large scale, serious, tournament in my opinion. Other wise its just a party game with a tournament mode that people are putting money into.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
People in 1v1 tournament matches are expected to know the stage list though...some of these stages are ridiculous but if you are aware of the possible hazards that can appear out of no where (refers to pictochat), then you SHOULD be fine most of the time


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
im not saying its not avoidable, im saying that for a 1v1 tournament game, stages with hazards should be banned because its more of a party stage. There are alot of avoidable items but why aren't they legal? no other Tournament viable fighter has hazards... No matter if they kill you or just inflict damage, for a fighting game that everyone wants to be taken serious, it shouldn't be legal in a large scale, serious, tournament in my opinion. Other wise its just a party game with a tournament mode that people are putting money into.
nate posting more, boner on.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
welcome back from california, hitmontop

i think i'm going to start practicing in a way that no one in the world has practiced before. but it'll take a lot of work
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