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  • be right back I need to add someone else's wii friend code for a potential AT-related replay!
    It kinda grew on me... besides, I have no idea who this Richfield dude is...
    I think I refreshed my page at least 8 times just to see if you really changed your avatar... WRRRYYYYYY? Also... the only thing noteworthy I got was Animal Crossing... I only asked for one thing because my parents aren't very rich.... or nice for that matter...
    I would play Animal Crossing right now, but my Wii's sensor bar is being really unmanly and won't let me point. My Dad literally walks in front of the TV and doesn't seem to care. Also, I had that realization a while ago in my first Melee tournament! ^^
    No he didn't. Don't worry... if anything goes wrong, just blame the tiers!
    Sure! I just heard from SkylerOcon that you got WiFi! That's really cool! I'm looking forward to our matches! :D
    It's hard to judge on wifi (F-ING LAG!!) but he is good.
    But u have a scary armaldo 0_o
    I can brawl on Sunday (I'm on vacation right now)

    My phone won't load all the pictures, I'll look at ur yoshi later:)

    OK, I can do digital better:bee:
    You got WiFi? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Il have to play u sometime;)

    So for the DrawWYP can we alter an existing drawing?
    Go to the friends list section in the 'with friends' area on wifi. Then go to 'enter friend code'.
    Gosh, Zook, you're only ONE HOUR LATE! :mad:

    Seriously though, whats your FC? Mine is 2964-8275-1288
    I'm not using the Wii this late at night. Parents and my "supposed" addiction to video games and all that. Hopefully, if nobody's draining my internet tomorow, (which is highly unlikely :cry:), I can get on... Why don't I just change my name to john already?
    I say we start voting tommorow, and announce the winner/next theme on the day after.

    Can I suggest we do fox next? o:
    A majority of my mates have, they bag me out for play Melee still... but I know I'll be always better in Melee anyway, would you be better Melee or Brawl?
    I just got back into it, I realised my natural habitat is Melee more than Brawl, not that I hate it or anything... it works on alot more thinking than Melee does. But for me Melee is too funh, just being able to sit there having no life and doing 0 - Deaths all day! :chuckle:
    Haha, I know! I really want one now that I lost my Debater pink name >.>
    I'm not sure I'll do all that well, but hey, you never know until you try.
    Awesome! I have checked it out, and I really want to enter one!
    Good luck to both of us when it starts! ^^
    well actualy it's not supposed to be prnounced "Quor'an, or Kor-in" its pronunciation is "Kow-ran"
    I misspelled it in my first forum in registration, it's suposed to be Spelled Kaorin, but I just stuck with the wrong spelling cause it reminds me Of my n00bish typing skills.
    ..a sorry for not say something early i was in culiacan in a ranch and i can access to the internet please accept my apology ok
    sure, but we'll have to do it when i'm at home lol. i work 2 jobs and am busy a lot haha.

    keep reading my thread for more war stories
    Best show ever. It was on for four years (1995-1999) and had an amazing cast of Dave Foley, Maura Tierney, Stephen Root, Andy ****, Vicki Lewis, Joe Rogan, Phil Hartman, and Khandi Alexander. I'm not surprised you've never heard of it, it wasn't all that popular in the first place. It doesn't run in reruns anymore, either -- TBS recently stopped running reruns either this summer or last summer. But I have all 5 seasons boxed on DVD, so I can (and do) watch them whenever I want.

    Zim isn't still on, once again I have the entire series on DVD.

    And see? Latin IS useful. For when you're talking to me and I decide to be awesome and use it. :p
    Meh, I still enjoy it when I watch it from time to time (although NewsRadio definitely takes the very delicious cake as my favorite TV show). Suum cuique.
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