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  • No problem!

    These things always pass. Trust me, the social will be back to normal by at least tomorrow (prob tonight, tbh).
    I can understand your feeling that way. But you shouldn't feel bad about it.... if you live in an area where there's not much of a good Brawl scene (plus the added difficulty of your age), it's not your fault that you don't have much experience.

    And you still have the This Mage's Stages thread. That in itself shows that there're ways to contribute even if you don't feel like you know much.... you can work on organizing the thoughts of others instead. :)

    Anyways, I hope you at least stick around the social. Honestly, besides you, Kataefi, and a handful of others, I think a lot of the Zeldas get way too defensive about everything. This situation just makes it that much more obvious to me..... people try to help, but unless they put it in the nicest language possible, the Zeldas feel attacked and start raging. x.x

    And, hey, you always have the Pikas. ;D

    Also, AL is right about getting scared away by arguments. They happen. I can't speak for SoR or anybody else, but I'm not angry at anybody or anything over this.... I just don't add <3s and smiley faces when I'm trying to get a point across, hehe.
    Sure thing on the MU essay. Once I find it on my USB, I'll send it to you and the other people who requested it.

    Long story short on the drama: SoR and I clashed because he came in supporting AL's "Marth/ROB/DK are similar" argument, and quite frankly, they were both being ridiculous, so me, MrEh, and Hedgedawg all made posts saying so. Stage was set for the social thread stuff.

    In the social, HSS made a post about how the Zelda boards are at war now, so I took it as an opportunity to state why I think things are the way they are. SoR, Veggie (altho he quickly dropped it), and I guess AL didn't like what I had to say, so the argument started.

    It's not a big deal, and I don't think you have to leave the boards forever. Just wait out the drama, and it'll pass. I think my tone put off some people, but I really couldn't care, because I was just stating my opinion (and the opinions of a lot of people who just don't say anything)..... they took it way harder than was necessary.

    I was going to drop it, actually, but then AL called me out on some BS, so I had to correct him. *shrug*
    I noticed this edit just now for the first time... oops =.=

    Don't worry about the skills: no one's master from the start. The more you spend time doing videos the better you get at it.

    The amount of work being a put-off is understandable. That and the amount of time needed are the two main reasons why I don't really do videos either.
    Wanna play WiFi again?

    P.S. I watched your combo video. I have to say, if that's just you playing, you land an incredible amount of lightning kicks. :0
    C ya!
    And I know Ike is good online but I'm really good with him offline too.
    Uhh... I need to get into OFFLINE tourneys...
    Thanks :D
    The FTilt on Snake is his best move IMO so I use it to start getting my 'nades out.
    Ike... lol. He was the first person I wanted to play as (seriously it was only like 2 days after the release and I was practicing him b4 I got all the characters) so I know a lot with him. I need to work a bit more on him but he's fun.
    I was born with PT exp. Idk why I loved pogeymanz.
    Samus sucks and I hate Metroid I think I was under too much medicine when I made that main choice O__________________________________o
    Oh and I've been doing a bit worse than I usually do, probobly because I'm sick.
    Yes yes, feel free to send any missing videos to me. If something is missing it's propably because I lost everything on my computer when I had to reset it. If you just can send them to me again I'll be more than happy to record them too.

    I'm sorry about all the trouble though.

    And yeah, my life has been awesome for the past few days.
    I actually got back two days ago and went yesterday into the Helsinki book fair, Helsinki wine, food and good life fair and Helsinki music fair.

    But yeah w/e, Russia was very interesting place to visit. I got to live in a normal house instead of a hotel and had few youngsters showing me around, so I got a first hand experience what it's like to live there. It was certainly worth the trouble to visit there.

    In the other news: congratulations on the new name color and the progress of the video! I'm sorry that the quality got horrible in some of the videos though, I must figure out how to improve it in the future...
    You have recovery, spacing and attacking patterns. Most of them are not very safe or practical. They are also very easy to remember and punish after seeing it once or twice.
    Just post who you want in the sig such as Zelda or Sheik and what alternate costume you want (from Brawl, not Brawl+)
    Oh well. :/ I'm not sure how long I'll be playing today. But I might still be on.
    I noticed that you have a video camera and since I don't, do you think it would be possible to film some friendlies then upload them so I can get my Peach critiqued? I would be extremely grateful. :)
    Yeah, and I've been really inactive with brawl over the past couple weeks, but things should be calming down now, so we can go back to our femme fatale matches. :evil:
    I'm not sure what time I'll be up tomorrow, but try and maybe contact me around 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST if you're home. I'll try to see if my brother will let me play with his Wii so we can play.
    Not at the moment, no. I saw you on earlier and I was going to play you, but I was about to play someone else. Eventually it got really laggy, so I left and you were playing someone. Maybe tomorrow or something if you or I get that chance. :/ I hope you get well soon.
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