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  • You play too much:( When I was saying that I meant the joke thing, that's why I changed it. I don't know if you're serious or not anymore now...
    Meh, I'm just glad I learned something like this to the point where that joke doesn't faze me. I am 10 year old proof now :laugh:
    He gave this to us as a gift for dong some work on the internet, I learned how to ping a computer and change IP adresses and subnet masks and stuff like that. This proves that I am not a 10 year old because they don't have these kind of classes, I'm happy now:)
    lol, im going to use this for now.

    I hate to be a douche, but is there anyway you can make the mew bigger? because of the color scheme, its hard to see him, but that would make it perfect if he was either a deeper color or just bigger.

    Since i hate being such an unpleasable ****, ill still use this one in the meantime.

    So I'm supposed to wait for ____ days until someone else posts before I can post again? I'll still post when ever I make an update though.
    I somehow fixed my profile pic ^_^
    I just right clicked>show pic (did this a few times till A1guilera showed ^_^)

    again, thanks for the awesome pic.
    yes, it says ToKneeOrNotToKnee's profile picture..
    I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means what you just said >.<
    how can I fix this? Or will it fix itself?
    thanks in advance
    I have never had a profile picture, so excuse my anti-knowledge, but how come I can't see my own profile picture? (I used the A1guilera as my profile picture)
    Xiivi I love you.
    thank you so much, that christina one if PERFECT.

    why aren't I allowed to use it as an avatar yet though? (I will wait, but I would like to know why please ^_^)

    Again, thank you :)
    seriously, this avatar is awesome

    I hope you can make me a christina aguilera one too :D
    then I'll <3 you even more

    again, thanks ^_^
    Well actually, it's just a persona lrant (and I'm sure it will still reflect the views of most if not all of the frequenters), but I'll go ahead and do just that.

    I'll see about getting it known to the people, I don't want to rub it in their faces, but it's not cool how we get put down because of what we do (which isn't hurting nobody but us when we're the ones who get infracted when we get a little riled-up).
    Yes of course Xiivi, thanks a lot for your reply.

    However I do have one more question I need to ask you.

    Me and Magnum were also talking about a lot of other things last night, and he was endorsing the idea that I make a thread talking about the boards and their problems... probably better off going somewhere in the blog or the creative minds section huh, since it doesn't affect Sonic in Brawl as a whole?

    I was just wondering, because apparently our problems have escalated to the point that I HAVE to do something to get people aware of our position, and why we do what we do.

    Good/bad idea regardless?

    And by position, I mean things like why we are much better off without people like IthrowThings and his so-called friends coming to our boards and telling us it's our fault we scared away potential new players to play... when in fact, we're the people who have created the Sonic to this day who can match the liese of Meta Knight, and we have done nothing wrong (except of course going way off-topic), and they probably would not have contributed anything interestingly new to the plate (get it?).

    Edit: Go right ahead, you're the boss... but do you mean making your own post or are you going to edit mine?
    You know, I seem to be bothering you for so much now, but it still seems like it's fine since you're a mod and you have to answer mah n00b questions. :)

    Anyway I was wondering, I just made a thread in the Sonic boards for Genesis and discussion for it from the Sonic boards perspective.

    It seems like it's justified and at the same time it shouldn't even exist.

    I know that being able to meet up with a bunch of other people from the same group I work with and the same interesting would be... interesting to say the least, but am I breaking a forum rule by maknig a thread for something that could already go in the tourney thread or something?

    Perhaps not, since it's most just tournaments that already ended and we talk about the results, yes?

    Edit: And the thread I made... eh, well you an tell me what I'm trying to say I guess and even answer my own question.
    Good luck convincing the other Sonic boarders to do this.

    I'm just doing this because I feel like had you not let me off in that thread, that last number I did was BANworthy. >.>
    I see now why we can't allow threads for just one video to critique and all that jazz. >.>

    Thanks again Xiivi, you're too good.

    Except everything else about you fails, I mean seriously, you bring Weepingbell into our true SBR.
    Thanks again Xiivi, you're the best.

    I know sarcasm/seriousness is hard to tell over the internet, but I'm really sorry I had to do that, I wasn't paying attention. :/
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