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The Real Gamer
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  • I'll be sure to whenever I find the money for it. It'll probably be after Black Ops, maybe Christmas time.
    Hey, if you're ever interested in revamping the Halo series thread, let me know. I'll make you the new OP and you can edit it.
    As long as you are there at 9, either day is fine.

    If you get there any later, I can't guarantee anything.

    Also, I'm banned from the Beta Server on PO for various reasons, so if we use PO, we have to go to /tr/... or just use Shoddy.
    I assume we're gonna be doing some Invasion this weekend? ;DDD
    It's pretty cool mang.
    DMR is like the FAL, sorta. Or the G3. I'll do Campaign/MP with you or whatevs.
    Mr. Eddo, big ol' Senior! I look forward to hopefully playing some Reach with you!
    I like to argue too but I try my best to stay cool headed or else everyone will claim that "you're mad"...

    Yeah, I kinda assumed that. Why didn't you tell me earlier?
    You should put "Tomo Takino" on your ignore list here on SWF if he's really annoying you.
    That sucks dude. Oh well, I'll let you know how it goes!

    Ah, well I'll be sure to remember to wish you a happy birthday here on SWF and Facebook.


    And uh, how goes the Halo thread? lol (People are posting their GTs and I want a list like we have in the MW2 thread)
    Aren't they hosting similar events near you? I'll let you know how Reach is when I play it there. :)

    I'm sure your party will be awesome dude! Have a great birthday! I turn 21 in December. (I'm old LOL) :p

    In case I forget: HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE/TRG!!!

    10 days? September 9th, correct?
    I'm actually going to the Halo: Reach event in Toronto on Saturday. (I'm such a nerd haha) The first 200-300 people in line get a free Halo: Reach t-shirt and you even get to play laser tag against the Xbox Canada team! Can't wait for Saturday! Gonna try to get there extra early to be first in line and receive a t-shirt. :)

    When is your birthday btw? I'm assuming your parents will give you some money for your gift? You can use that to pre-order those games. No, I have very little faith and respect for Treyarch. Haven't been impressed with CoD3 or WaW. Black Ops is basically MW2 re-skinned. Same old, same old.
    Sorry, I didn't really feel like playing MW2 yesterday when you invited me. I already played it for a while before that and wanted to play a different game.
    I'm sure you'll find some time to play 360, look at me, I'm 20 years old, in my final year of college and I'm still on the 360 from time to time. (Mostly on weekends and holidays cause I need to concentrate on my school work to keep my 'A' average :))

    Yes we are...I wish I could stay this young forever and continue doing what I love but we all need to grow up...oh yeah if you have any questions on college, please do not hesitate to ask me. Always glad to help a friend! :) (Free tip: Don't buy all textbooks, even if your teachers insist that you'll be needing them. I bought all of mine 1st year and we barely used them...FFFFUUUUUU!!!!!)

    Good luck with college and the musical dude!!!! I know you'll do well in both of them!
    The only games I'm looking forward to are: Pokemon Black/White, Halo: Reach, Gears of War 3, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
    and Last Window: The Secret of Cape West. The 3DS does look amazing but I don't want to get screwed over as an early adapter like I did with the DS. (I bought a DS Phat, but then I upgraded to a Lite a few years later) I plan to wait 1-2 years after the 3DS is released when they upgrade and release a new version of it then I'll probably buy one. The graphics look amazing, no? omg yes, OoT remake? Sign me up!

    MW3 is currently in post-production but is being slowed down due to the on going lawsuit(s) between Activision and former Infinity Ward owners. I'm pretty much done with the whole CoD franchise tbh. Kinda getting bored of it.

    Well, the special move which you get is pretty easy to do and it's surprising very powerful. Basically, Broggy hops onto the screen but he is covered in dirt and you have to wipe him clean with your stylus. If you get a 'Excellent', Broggy charges towards your enemy, jumps on top of them and all 15 Blitties follow and attack the enemy. It's pretty fun. xD

    I'm currently doing the challenge node inside of Bowser and boy, is it ever difficult!

    I also collected the last Blitty in BIS and the Broggy special movie is awesome and easy! Now I have to rank M/L and Bowser up to level 40 for that special rank.
    Glad to hear life and school is going well for you so far. I understand, I remember when I was in my senior year, I had a lot of stuff to do in and out of school. Oh, you're into musicals? Never thought you were into that kind of stuff. Sucks how you won't be on your Xbox as often as you were last year, oh well. When you get the chance to get on XBL, hop online and we'll play some MW2. Oh yeah, are you getting Reach and GoW3 btw? I am, I just need to pre-order Reach soon but I'm kinda waiting on a deal right now before I send in my order on Amazon.

    Do you think you can re-create it before Reach is released in less than a month? I would do it myself but you're a bigger Halo fan than me so yeah... :rolleyes:

    Sucks on what happened to the thread, I have full confidence in your abilities to create awesome threads! :)
    Okay, so I'm going to c&p your response cause I like to read what I'm responding to on the same page:

    "Life has been very good to me lately thank you. I've started my senior year off great I'm looking forward to the rest of it. But in terms of real life stuff, I've been really busy now between school, the upcoming musical, and just friends in general. Like tomorrow when I'll be back at my mom's I can't even see myself picking up my Xbox at all that day. And Saturday I'll be at my friend's house working on the musical most of the day and maybe movies later...

    All I'm saying is that I'm going to be on my Xbox a lot less this year than I have been previous years.

    And I'm still bummed out about the Reach thread... I haven't gotten around to it yet I put a good amount of work into the original."

    Continued with my response...
    You posted that on your own wall again. (How many times have you done that? :laugh:)
    Life has been very good to me lately thank you. I've started my senior year off great I'm looking forward to the rest of it. But in terms of real life stuff, I've been really busy now between school, the upcoming musical, and just friends in general. Like tomorrow when I'll be back at my mom's I can't even see myself picking up my Xbox at all that day. And Saturday I'll be at my friend's house working on the musical most of the day and maybe movies later...

    All I'm saying is that I'm going to be on my Xbox a lot less this year than I have been previous years.

    And I'm still bummed out about the Reach thread... I haven't gotten around to it yet I put a good amount of work into the original. :urg:
    How many blitties do you have? I'm only missing the first 2 and the last one. I also saw in the end part of the game (the ranks section) that there is a hidden one after the shine rank. You know anything about that?
    Just beat the game. Dark Bowser/Fawful weren't that difficult. I just used Mario/Luigi's special move where Luigi lets Mario jump on that spring on his head and Bowser's Shy Guy attack. Great game, one of the best DS games I've ever played. I'd give the game a 9.5/10 because the game has a few minor flaws. Now I have nothing to play on the DS till hopefully a translation team translates Pokemon White/Black next month when it's released in Japan.

    How have you been lately btw? Haven't played with you in like 2 weeks. And are you gonna re-do the Halo thread still or have you given up on that?
    Hey, you play BIS? (Bowser's Inside Story)

    I'm almost done the game and fighting Dark Fawful right now.
    Well, technically I can afford to go to college for another year after my program ends in April, but I don't think they have any programs in my field (Marketing) that are only one year in length.

    I'll be MIA once I find a full time job because that takes priority over video games. You'll probably see me online a few times a week because I'll be working Mon-Friday and 8 hour shifts. :(

    All I'd like is the thread to be redone before Halo: Reach is released next month.

    Sucks how all your bags got lost at the airport, I've never had that happen before when I traveled to the US for vacation.

    Take your time, you're not getting paid to do this. :)
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