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The Real Gamer
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  • No 4th gen was fine. It was great and win or lose I would spend a majority of my time having fun. Now the 5th gen has just created overcentralising strategies and Pokemon. Some Pokemon only need to get 1 or 2 moves off before they become unstoppable forces that sweep entire teams, something that never happened in the 4th gen.

    Maybe I'll come back when all the broken things are banned but right now it's like trying to build a wall with no hands.
    Bro there are no requirements and there is no Back Room, haha. We're just chatting and stuff. But planning does occur there so we'd probably just make a separate chat for everyone else.
    I had my first exam today, I have another one on Thursday. Then next week I have one on Monday and two on Friday. Then FREEDOM!!!! Haha! :p

    Ya, looks like it. I still play MW2 occasionally with friends.
    Smart move. A lot of my friends are going back to MW2 actually. The only games in the future which I see myself getting are: MW3, Gears of War 3 and Bioshock: Infinite.

    I'm sure you have other games which you'd rather play anyways. (i.e. Pokemon White/Black)

    Good luck on your exams btw!
    I like your new avatar. Glad to see you won't be getting Black Ops? I'll just wait till next year when (probably) MW3 is released. I'm early! :p
    Hey, we're thinking of continuing our CoD4 streak on Friday, can you make it?
    Sorry I missed the challenge. I'll be anytime after 6 tonight. I'm in Central.
    Glad to hear you had a great time doing it. :)

    I wouldn't know, I don't have the game yet. I dunno, MW3 will probably be out next year and then Black Ops will be considered "old".
    ****ing shoddy is being laggy for me right now. I just got disconnected from the server and can't get back on.
    No, I only said it because I was getting frustrated while battling the 8th gym leader in Pokemon Black. His **** pokemon kept on using the move 'dragon dance' to increase their attack and speed and then used 'dragon claw' to OHKO most of my pokemon. I barely beat him, was done to my 2nd last pokemon. :urg:

    How'd the musical/play go btw?
    Can you play later? I'll hop online when I get home from school this afternoon.
    Hope the musical goes well for you dude! Then we can have the good ol' Eddie back who will play 360 with us haha. :)
    Dude, sorry but I had to do it cause it was spam. No hard feelings, right?
    What's funny is that I never actually reported you. Quote my post for the hidden message.
    Totally understandable dude, I might see that movie soon. If I do, I'll let you know what I think of it.
    I woke up at 11 pm because I took a nap. I wake up at 6 am every day, haha.
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