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The Real Gamer
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  • Thanks, I think I should battle more and get some notoriety around the boards :p

    I think Dorry overall gives me more trouble than Shanderra, cause unless I have my Dorry Killer team (Roopushin/Infernape) one SD and Game Over.
    I am free anytime between 11am and 7pm eastern Time, so if you have any preferences just let me know. I prefer between 11am-1pm.
    Yeah, I'm ready right now, actually.
    catch me on the Pokemon Online server. Name is Meta-Kirby.
    Sure, no problem! I'm working on a paper for most of today, but later tonight, if you wanna VM me/PM me/AIM me (MetaKirbeh) then I'll play.
    Nope, nothing I can think of on the top of my mind. Save your money, don't feel obliged/the urge to buy something just because you have the money available. I do a lot of research on games before I purchase them.

    I'm a smart shopper, haha. :)
    Which version are you getting?

    And we need to play CoD4 someday this week! Let me know when you're free!
    Oh yeah, Pokemon Black/White finally has a release date for NA: March 6th.
    Cool, and a Zune? Everyone has iPods. :p

    I would suggest that you wait till next year since there's nothing really good out right now. There's the new Zelda game next year for the Wii, (that's all I can really think about for the Wii...) and probably MW3 and Gears of War 3 next year for the 360.

    And you up for some CoD4 tomorrow?
    should be fine, depends on if im awake or not, i have a crazy sleep schedule
    just vm me whenever
    Great man, got a new pair of glasses which I actually needed. (High quality and expensive.) :cool:

    What did you get?
    yea, but just VM'ing me will be fine. I was asleep earlier though lol. If I'm awake I'll see it, like anytime from now for a while.If you're online lemme know
    I should be free to play sometime either during tomorrow or tuesday. VM me your schedule, I can pretty much fit around it.
    I see you're back from your vacation? :bee:

    We need to start mine and Nick's win streak again and continue yours.
    We found a glitch today in CoD4. Even though we didn't lose any games, our win streak has seem to reset.

    I'm started playing today on a 105 win streak, won every game, checked my stats and it didn't go up.

    Nick's on a 95 win streak, and the same thing happened to him.

    Just finished a 5 hour CoD4 session with the clan. I'm now on a 95 win streak. :bee:
    Yo, sorry I missed you today on XBL. You gonna be on tomorrow afternoon? :)
    Good, tell your mom that you'll be busy for a few hours so she won't bother you. ;)
    Yeah, we're too good of a team lol.

    We're planning on playing tomorrow @ 3:30 PM, can you make it?
    You remember that thread you made where GI said that 2010 would be the greatest year in gaming? They were wrong. Probably one of the worst years if you ask me.

    '07 (Halo 3 and CoD4) was the best IMO.
    Won all 9 games today with Nick, now currently on a 35 win streak in CoD4. :)
    Roger that, no problem at all. Oh yeah, Nick finally reached level 65 in WaW today so he's now going to play CoD4 and get his 10th prestige gold cross back.

    Let's plan a day where we can all get on and continue our win streak, alright? :)

    I'm free most of this week, only have to go to school on Monday and Friday to take some exams then I'm done school for the semester.
    I would play CoD4 but Nick told me he's not going to play CoD4 till he's done with WaW. (He's currently level 60 out of 65 atm.)

    I don't want to risk our 26 win streak right now, you know?

    You should study anyways, exams are more important than video games.
    Ah, understood. Hope your team wins!

    Looking forward to playing CoD4 with you this weekend! I have nothing to do! :)
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