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The Real Gamer
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    Yeah, just playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. ^_^
    TRG! Where've you been? D:
    Sweet. Can't wait.

    Well, it's rumoured to use Kinect. For all we know, it could just be a spin-off from the GoW series. (Since GoW3 is supposedly the end of the epic trilogy.)

    You try Kinect yet? I tried it on Sunday at BestBuy and it's pretty good IMO. :p

    Same, controller > motion sensing/controllers.


    Remember, this is just speculation right now. All they've done is trademark the title and registered the logo.
    And there's a rumour going on that "Gears of War: Exile" is Epic's next Gears game. (Maybe Kinect enabled?)
    Dudddeeee, you have to play some CoD4 with the gang this weekend! We miss you. :(
    Unfortunately, I will not be getting Skyward Sword because it requires the Wii Motion Plus peripheral and I do not own one. (Nor do I plan on purchasing one in the future.) :(

    I will be getting the OoT remake for the 3DS. :)
    I'll probably play some CoD4 after dinner tomorrow since I have to stay late at school. (9-12 AM and 2-5 PM classes...)

    Your welcome, I take good care of my friends.

    And I'm liking the Pokeball icon next to your username. ;)

    And we need to play some CoD4 again soon. It's been a while.
    I disconnected as well, but it honestly looked like I was going to win...

    want to do my skarm vs your Gliscor and Doryuuzu, just to make sure?
    just give me a time and place and I can do it.
    Sorry, been busy somewhat.
    lol I didn't even realize I was doing that. I thought I had clicked on your profile.
    Because it has to power 2 screens and 3D? Don't forget that wi-fi is on by default.

    It's not false.
    Yesh, it is awesome :3
    I even have the soundtrack. o_o
    Ah, crap, I didn't leave, the server disconnected me =/
    I'll try to get back on.
    lol I remember posting on my own wall when they first introduced it. :p

    I didn't know you were so good at pokemon battling. I just play the series for casual fun. :)

    Btw, you still off next week? We haven't played CoD4 for the past while...:urg:
    One of your resolutions for 2011 should be to stop posting on your own wall. :p
    Funny thing is you will probably see my same two teams for the rest if the 5th gen metagame. That is if nothing I am running gets banned or Iron Fist Roopushin somehow doesn't get released into WiFi. Once I find a team I like, I always have a hard time changing.
    Thanks, and it's not that hard to get it though imo. Imo all it is is just getting a good idea and working on it till it looks good enough to enter.

    Besides, the REAL thing to be jealous about is that Luxury Ball. Oh boy how happy would I be if I had that thing under my side thing <3
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