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The Real Gamer
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  • Can't really afford to go to college after this year, money is kinda tight right now. (It's like $3,000+ every year and I've already sunk over $10,000 for college/textbooks etc.) I'm planning on going straight into the work force once school ends for me in late April next year.
    Well, I'm not so lucky cause this is my final year in college (I'm in a 3 year program) so once school ends in April, I have to look for a full time job. :(
    Already??? I don't start school till September 6th... :bee:

    I guess Americans start school way earlier than us lucky Canadians. (And no, I get out the same time too. Late April)
    No problem dude, we all have lives outside of posting on a video game forum. :laugh:

    We should play some MW2 tomorrow.
    Are you gonna e-mail or PM it to me?

    And I love it when you say "RAPID FIRE!!!" :p
    Hey, just wondering if you're done the revamped version of the halo series thread?
    Isn't my K/D 2.01 or 2.02 right now in MW2? Haha, and my W/L is 2.38.

    You need to get your K/D up to 2.00 :mad:

    Thanks man, I appreciate it. :)
    Went on a 18 kill streak today while trying to get another nuke. Then some MLG n0 sc0p3r l33t pr0 hard scoped me with his HBS Intervention.

    I'm not taking off the nuke till I get one. :mad:
    Better change that sig silly :p
    Just tried doing it...I failed. Help?

    I'm supposed to do:

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEO ID GOES HERE&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

    Which would be:

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/yyDZscyf8lU&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

    But it's not working.

    PS: You done w/the revamp?
    Hey, I'm adding music to the Halo series thread now. I'll let you know when I'm done.


    Looks like I gotta transfer my team to shoddy now

    And we start at 6 man, I'm busy atm
    I thought we were starting at 6

    And can we please do this on PO? It has a much better interface
    When you get the chance, check out the MW2 thread. I just posted details on next weeks game day.
    Sucks how you didn't manage to get a nuke today while playing Domination. Next time I should make a bling class and put a RDS/holo with a silencer, kill myself and then you can pick it up.
    Perhaps tomorrow then if you're ready at around 5 or 6?

    I'd really prefer if it were then because my parents are unpredictable and can take my computer at any time after 6
    Sorry I was kind of rude to you. I'm not a jerk, really. I was just a little short tempered already that day.
    Hey man, you're missing 20x XP in Gears of War 2. I ranked up from level 15 to 33 today in an hour. :laugh:
    Miami suuuucks :) kthxbai
    Alright, cool. Cause we totally have to play some more MW2 when you returned. I had a lot of fun today playing w/you and the other guys from SWF. :D
    Just thought I'd remind you about tomorrows game day. It's at 1 PM EST.
    I just became overwhelmed to the point where it wasn't that fun anymore. In one day I had to do three battles for the weekend tournament, I did that BotW, and I did a crew battle which was rushed because we started late and I had real life matters to attend to. I wanted to take a long break after that, but eventually I decided that I still wanted to participate in things like the PSC and other discussions, but I just won't battle. The idea of it still doesn't sound good to me. :ohwell:
    I did tell him that, but I decided I'd come back to work on my spriting and I'd still talk in the battle topics, but for the most part I'm not going to battle anymore.
    Sounds good, I'd rather you create a good quality revamped thread instead of a rushed one just to please impatience members.

    Oh and I'm really looking forward to playing some MW2 with you on Monday's game day! You haven't been online in forever! lol
    Yeah, you should probably wait till you get home and take a look over your GI magazines. I'm trying to find the article right now but no luck so far, if I find it, I'll link ya to it.
    Got in a tenth lobby :D
    Well, I never bought WaW because CoD3 was a pretty bad game. I borrowed WaW from a friend a little while ago to see if the campaign was any good (it wasn't) and the multi-player. (Meh)

    CoD4 will always be the best CoD game in the series as far as I'm concerned. I'll still play MW2 though cause it's new and that's all my friends play these days.

    Yeah, I'm betting that Activision will settle out of court cause they need the CoD franchise. It would really suck if they couldn't make MW3 and we will never know what happened to those two. I'm hoping that they've learned from all their mistakes with MW2 (i.e. no beta) and will take them into mind when they make MW3.

    Btw, I'm excited for the game day on Monday! We already have several people signed up! :)
    Well, if they win the lawsuit, (it's been delayed to next year) it may give them the power to stop any future MW2 DLC or games in the MW series. I believe that MW3 will still come out (who knows when) but only after all of this lawsuit business has been taken care of. So no, MW3 has not been officially announced yet. Take it as a rumour/speculation at the moment.

    No, I still don't forgive Treyarch after CoD3/WaW. I am getting Halo: Reach and Gears of War 3 though. How bout you?
    Well, no it hasn't been officially announced yet by Activision/Infinity Ward. The only real proof we have is from court documents obtained from gaming blogs (i.e. Joystiq/Kotaku etc.) which said that the employees would get the rest of their withheld bonuses once they completed MW3 which has been rumoured to be released November of next year. The document also said that MW3 is in post-production but here's where things get tricky...you know the lawsuit happening between former founders Jason W and Vince Z and Activision?

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