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The Real Gamer
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    Oh, someone got Tomato colors. Reminds me of the Cavaliers colors...
    Did you know that Infinity Ward is making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 right now? It's currently in production and rumoured to be completed and released by November next year.
    I'll let you know how Pokemon Black/White is when it's released in Japan. I'll be playing it early before it's release next year for NA. ;)
    Okay, well I hope you can make it cause it's in your honour. :laugh:

    And no worries, you're not being paid to do this so no one can complain about anything. You're doing this cause you want to. :)

    I suck at shoddy, i need to re-install it. Did you apply to become a pokemon master? Why does Spire not like you that much?
    Actually, I'm going to delay it to Monday since BKPro and Serin can't make it on Sunday. That cool?
    Ah, I see. And I posted details on the game day on Sunday in your honour. Is 1 PM good for you?
    Sure, why not? But only briefly go over it. I'd say you should write more on Halo 1/CE, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. IMO Halo 2, Wars and ODST aren't that important. Halo 1/CE started the series and Halo 3 is the most popular Halo game out there right now. Reach is also important cause it's coming out this year and the last Halo game that Bungie will create. (I dunno what 343 industries will create...I already know that Microsoft is hiring for 343 industries's Halo game)
    Awesome, I'll post details on it tomorrow. I'll put you down since you're obviously going to be playing. Can't wait to play with ya, it's been far too long! Hope you had a great vacation btw!

    Sweet, send it to me via PM and I'll take a look at it. :)
    Btw, some of Halo: Reach's achievements have been released. Check 'em out in the Halo series thread.
    One more week till you return home! Would you be able to play on that day or the following day?
    So, uh, Miami is gonna suck next season. Just a thought.
    I took it off, because I use Smash Blue. On Smash Blue, your name is white, and white matches with the Jolly Roger (The flag of the Pirates; my avatar) I'll probably change it back sometime this week.
    How was/is Baltimore now? Working hard or hardly working? xDDD
    Eddie I miss youuuuuu.
    Teh 4PPLE SEED: Last Online 39 Days ago=Wrist Cuts D:
    No, I'm still trying to figure out how to add music to a thread here. If you figure it out before me, let me know. :embarrassed:

    Remember, quality > quantity.
    Haha Thanx! :) Toy Story 3 is amazing! <3

    Ack the survivor thread, I miss as well :(
    but I have little to contribute seeing as the series hasn't aired in Australia...
    And I'll think about making a game day thread. Not sure if many people would use it. Considering only the people in the MW2 thread are interested in the game days that I host.

    And you're right. Most people here on SWF either own a Wii or a 360. Of course PS3 owners would feel left out, there's really not much to play on the PS3 these days. (Maybe MW2, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and Resistance 2)

    And no rush for the revamped Halo thread. I want it to be the best that it can possibly be! :)
    Just made me first post in the PC! :D

    And yeah, maybe. I'm really bad. Like, REALLY bad at Shoddy battle. You'll prolly 4 stock me as well. :(
    I'm going to start posting in the PC though so no worries. I suck at shoddy battle lol. :mad: like 4 stocked me. :p

    Yeah, you gotta apply via the user cp.
    You're right. I've never posted in the Pokemon Centre before. :p

    lol don't be. You should apply to become one.
    Ever since:

    I want to be the very best,
    Like no one ever was.
    To catch them is my real test,
    To train them is my cause.
    I will travel across the land,
    Searching far and wide.
    Each Pokémon, to understand
    The power that's inside.

    It's you and me
    I know it's my destiny
    You're my best friend
    In a world we must defend
    A heart so true
    Our courage will pull us through
    You teach me and I'll teach you
    Gotta catch 'em all

    Every challenge along the way
    With courage I will face
    I will battle everyday
    To claim my rightful place

    Come with me the time is right
    There's no better team
    Arm and arm we'll win the fight
    It's always been our dream
    It's coming along great! Hopefully people will take the time to actually read through it though...

    And about the Game Days that you host... What do you think about the idea of a Game Day thread? You could choose to host (Insert popular multiplayer games here) game days like bi-weekly or something, but it would be more convienent because it would all be in one thread!

    I personally like the idea because I feel like these "Game Days" could extend past Modern Warfare 2 and be a really good way for fellow Smashboards people to get to know each other.

    A downside I see coming is that PS3 Game Days won't be popular enough since the majority of gamers have 360s, so they might feel left out.
    How's the revamped Halo thread coming along btw? I know you do good work and I'm confident I chose the best person on this site to handle the project. :)

    And I'm thinking of also hosting Halo 3 game days here on SWF. Game days are great because they let you play with people you don't normally play with and you might even become friends with them. :D
    Yeah, I guess it is. Although it does get me pumped whenever I heard it. :p

    So it's decided? We'll go with "Never Forget"?

    And I lied about knowing how to do it lol. I asked :mad: how to do it but he hasn't responded yet. :p
    I know I'm going to receive flak for this but...I don't like the 3rd song lol. I'm torn between the 1st and 2nd songs. (I'm leaning towards the 2nd one cause it's the most memorable and well known although you always hear the 1st one when you're in the main menu/multi-player lobby when you play Halo 3)

    In fact, I'm listening to the 2nd song right now. It's so good lol. :p
    Yeah, I know how to do it. Do you want me to find a suitable song or should you? I think you should cause you're more of a Halo fan than me and can probably find better music. :)
    Alright, I'll keep that date in mind. No worries, we all play for fun anyways. (that's the point of video games, right?) :p

    Oh yeah, take your time with the revamped Halo thread. When you're done, send it to me via PM and I'll take a look over it and we can discuss changes if they are needed.

    PS: I'm getting Gears of War 3 on day 1, how bout you? Beast mode looks like so much fun, you start off as a ticker but you can gradually become a beserker I read. :O
    Thanks TRG! When are you getting back from vacation btw? We'll have a game day when you return. :)
    It's a character from Animal Crossing. HYESZ
    Also, I just updated the Call of Duty: Black Ops and Gears of War 3 threads here. (It's been a while since I've updated them)

    New information and videos from E3 2010 basically.
    I'm also 17. I just realized that you're American, so school is already out for you.

    By high school applications, you mean to universities right?
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