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The Real Gamer
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  • I did? I don't remember playing you. But anyways, my computer was really laggy yesterday, so I kept having to exit out. It would even be a struggle to exit out of it because of all the lag.

    I'll play you tonight if you're on, I'm usually on Shoddy anytime from 7 to 10 p.m.

    Oh, and if it was after 9 that you played me, that was probably my brother playing on my account without realizing it.
    Yeah, that's understandable, besides you should be enjoying your vacation anyways. :)

    Maybe type out a draft in a PM and send it to me? It's supposed to be on every game (1-3 , ODST... and Reach) in the series so we can't have each game as detailed and long as the MW2 thread is. Yeah, just briefly go over the previous Halo games then go into greater detail for Reach.

    I was wondering if you'd like to help me revamp the Halo series thread? You seem to be more of a fan of the Halo series and more knowledgeable of it than me. What do you say?
    Heh, I don't blame you. It's quite an honor to have been chosen to become the new moderator for the LightHouse sub-forum here.

    I'm glad to hear that you're having fun, I wish I could go somewhere this summer... :(

    We'll be sure to play some MW2 or whatever when you return! It's a shame that you're missing the double XP that's been going on for the past while.
    Thanks man, I appreciate it. I try my best to keep members here updated with the latest gaming news. Too bad you can't make our game day on Thursday...but don't worry cause they will be more to come in the future! :)
    Nothing really. I just saw that you were online, and realized that I hadn't seen you around in the MW2 thread. Where have ya been?
    Is your Wii modded? Mine is. Free games lol. :p

    Looking forward to the new Zelda game at this year's E3. I've always wanted to play Red Steel and the sequel but can't play the sequel because I don't have the Wii Motion Plus thing.
    I like this one better than the one with Mario riding the Yoshi. And the lumas are a nice touch. They're o so cute. :)
    Like that avy, but why SMG1?
    Hey, sorry about leaving you tonight. I had to go after the game when you came online that we were playing. Hope my friends invited you to play with them.
    Yeah Im good for that. I'm also off anytime this weekend. And as for winning, you probably have a better chance than me. My LC teams suck!

    Im free: Friday Saturday and Sunday at 8 ~ 12

    Monday - Wednesday at more sporatic times. My AIM name is risqueblock.
    I've started playing Gears 2 again! I'm really not bad (if I say so myself). Lemme know if you wanna play sometime.
    AGAIN! Ugh. It's so weird. Made a Shoddy btw :)
    I am. I brought my K/D up .02 just today. 1.17 now aww yeah!
    Ah, I see. I need to pick one of those up. It's still really creepy o.o

    Got 3 EMP's today! :D
    Do you ALWAYS have to post at the same time as me?
    Hey, do you have a subscription to Game Informer?

    Cause next month's issue is on Gears of War 3.
    Let me know when finalark makes a good point on the PS3. He's tried a few times before but ultimately, has failed. (i.e. When he said that the Uncharted series was better than the Gears of War series and more recently, that Natal is copying the Playstation Eye. If you look in the E3 2010 thread, I replied by saying that the Playstation Move copies the Wii Remote. Boom roasted. That's what Icy would.)
    I was on the Smogon server. I got off now, it's so difficult to talk if we're not on an instant messenger or server PM.
    Send me an invite when you want. If I don't accept, it's because someone else challenged me.
    Actually I'm ready now. I also have a crappy OU team I can use after we get done with the first match.
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