That's fair.
1st match:
-double slap to grab? no. maybe JC grab or FC Fair
-useless Dsmash when he grabs the edge. could be used to grab a turnip/begin floating
-don't try to grab the edge vs a Marth mid DB. hit him after he uses the move or just wait and then grab it.
-Ftilt is bad anti-pressure. JC grab probably works since most people don't always space Peach. If they do, try to dash at them and shield/dash attack if they retreating aerial, or grab if they shield. most people would shield I think.
-floating in one place doesn't seem like a good idea vs Marth to me. he seems like he can just move around you too quickly. I like the way armada used every turnip he was holding quickly to try and get inside his opponent. I suggest chucking that junk quickly(from a float as you land) and then dash in and react/punish. that's the point of projectiles after all, to force your opponent into a situation that can help your character.
-throw turnip down on marth or drop it to edge grab on marth's recovery
-needs more WD back OOS as pressure relief instead of rolls
-FC Uair for opponents above you?
-Ftilt sucks
-grabbing the edge vs a low marth is good because you can do the quick getup and Dsmash.
-DI Fairs away
-not a lot of you approaching, you just seem to throw out stuff and hope he runs into it. Marth isn't baited easily since he usually is baiting, but if you can use turnips to approach and stay moving then you can get in on marth more or make him think you're approaching and punish him.
okay I'm done with this match now(1:11) because I feel like it.