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  • Yea I will as soon as I can. I'm busy with college stuff, senior year, etc. I haven't forgotten :)
    Well perhaps he needs to think his cunning plans all the way through next time, yes?
    And just think, the Pika panel is going to be even FUNNER :DDDDD

    And alright cool ill check it out
    Yo I remember there was a macth of you vs an mk on smashville uploaded to youtube in which you did pretty good, any idea of where it might be?
    What got me was your direct interjection at those who view things differently regarding MK, then proceeding to announce ignorance on their behalf. To grant yourself a pedastool above others is not the correct way to proceed to discuss a topic. Nor will it sway any opinions.

    The fact of the matter is, I am indifferent to the ban, and always have been. I am fully aware of Metaknights effect on the game, being someone who used to refuse using him for the sake of a cheap win. I eventually came to the conclusion that most decent players do, which is, if you can't beat em, join em. Metaknights domination of the game has killed diversity and also the scene to an extent, as his easy learning curve and also his erray of tools render most characters useless. (Being a Luigi & D3 main for 3 years, I have felt the pain of scrubs changing to MK for the 'easy win').

    However, I do not believe every effect this might have on our scene has been discussed, hence my varying view points added into the discussion thread. The MK topic aside though, everyone has a valid opinion. Regardless of knowledge or experience, it is still an opinion, and everyone has a right to express it without someone putting fingers in their ears and saying 'lalalalalala I'm right your wrong because I'm better than you'. I had a new guy to the brawl scene up here say that MK and Kirby should be banned in doubles because kirby can steal the tornado and swallocide. This doesn't make him incorrect, nor does it mean he is ignorant. He has viewed what he has seen in tournaments and situations, and made a completely valid argument regarding what he knows. What I then proceeded to do, rather than tell him he was wrong, is I sat with him and explained situational effects of different characters against the tornado and how to beat it. I also showed him with his main that there are ways around the swallowcide. He was not ignorant, he just didn't know what we know about the game.

    It's not only yourself who has done this, which I know you are aware of. A lot of Australia has this aura of elitism and it has reared its ugly head many times. Many new players get shot down without so much as a reason why, and I don't agree with this. I apologise that you caught the headwind of my tyrade against ego, but as you can understand the situation called for it to some degree. No hard feelings, just heated debate :)
    Warios really want you to try to discuss our matchup rating with your panel.

    Consider my rating the same as theirs I guess. I just want this mess to be over with XD I feel really bad not making it more spear headed at marth to convince them but everyone there apparently hates marth so . . . (sigh)

    In the end we could just leave it to Phase 2 with Warios wanting a -2 (except me) and Marths wanting a +1 (except you?)

    It's all up to ya.
    oh, I had to disconnect from LoL and I couldn't message you in game because I dunno how to do accented a's lol. Anyway, thanks for the offer but I should be okay :)
    MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN why can't I keep it I had it for a while no1 has said anything :(. And alright do you have any good clips on youtube?
    Should you ever decide to fly into LAX, be aware that there is a couch here with your name on it, JP.
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