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  • Yea I've been unbelievably busy recently :( I haven't had time to go on Brawl or anything. We should have some games soon :)

    ...although I can't play again today though :( As I'm still busy :(
    Yea our games seemed a big laggier than normal today. And nah, you're Luigi is waaay better than mine xD But yea, his Nair does seem to do well vs Wario's aerials
    Yea GG's :)

    Don't worry about hitting me, it's bound to happen in team games. And yea, that Luigi missile saving was cool xD

    Ohhh btw, if I grab someone and you're using Luigi, that's the perfect chance to get your Up + B in :D
    Ah sorry I'm having something to eat right now and I said I'd have some games with Chis today :/ If I'm on later, would it be ok then?
    Lol yea that Bob-omb kill was great xD You were doing so well avoiding all those Turnips and then BAM!

    I'm still a red dot D: Wierd, it says your a yellow dot on mine :/ meh, at least the lag was better
    Hurray! My lag's pretty much gone :D At last...wierd, I haven't changed anything xD

    Sorry I need to go now. GG's your Luigi is great! Really kept me on my toes there :D
    As far as I'm aware, yea I am :/ I managed to get into some matches at least yesterday but they were quite laggy

    Can I see what my lag is like with you? It might have improved so if you got the time, I wouldn't mind checking :)
    This is infuriating >< Our lag was worse than ever! This is rubbish...I'm really sorry but in lag like that, matches aren't even fun :(

    I'll get to the bottom of this eventually...have you been experiencing lag really badly with anyone else recently?
    Yea it's still messed up...I tried with Kataefi again yesterday and my internet was still red dot :(
    We can try again a bit later if you like. I'm just sorting out some stuff I need to finish off.
    Yea it must be me because my two recent AiB matches were red lag despite them being from Europe. Chis and Kataefi are both red lag and now you...it's got to be my connection ><
    I don't believe it. My connection with you is now red :/

    Sorry but that lag is horrible. Sorry for such laggy matches. I need to figure out what's up before I can sart having matches with people again :/ Sorry
    Not atm Rizul :/ Sorry but my connection has been really rubbish lately and I want to get to the bottom of it. Both Chis and Kataefi are now a red dot for me and my lag with you has been getting worse by the day. Another time k? When I've got my lag issues sorted out

    And yea I did. Edreese has retired sadly so I'm controlling the match up thread now. Which reminds me, I need to do all the write ups D:
    GG's :) I kind of felt like I was playing a bit iffy today D:

    Lol well since you were using someone else, I decided to try out Zelda :p But omg, I was HORRIBLE with her xD I don't think I'll be using her anytime again soon
    Yea I promised them ages ago. Nah I don't have MSN xD

    GG's :) Another time for sure, sorry I have to keep leaving so suddenly all the time
    I'll be on in about 25 mins is that ok? I need to have something to eat

    Nah I don't really get bored with Peach much. I've used her since Melee though. Sticking with one character? Hmmm...just use them all the time. Just don't use any other characters xD it's really as simple as that. It's easier for me because all I've ever used is Peach. I started with her and because she's so different to all the other characters, with the exception of Sonic every other character I tried felt different. So I just went back to Peach
    Mmm ok

    Lol don't worry about the Falcon Punch, it was hilarious. And if it makes you feel better, when I was teaming with him, I team took his last stock and then hit him with a fully charged golf club xD
    Yea it's wierd but you'll get used to it :)

    Well against Peach and Zelda, you've got Dair and Up Smash which eat big characters like DeDeDe xD If you really don't like it then you can always use someone else but my advice would be to play as normal and just be aware of your partner. Try chaingrabbing opponent away from your team mate. And use projectiles! Just don't hit your team mate :p
    Meh who knows. Sonic isn't my best character and they know a lot better than me

    And I can't have any Brawls atm sorry :/ If I am on later though...I'll have to request you don't join. Sorry about that :( We can have some games another time if that's ok
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