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  • Yea GG's thankyou very much for that! :)

    Yea I was spamming spaced Bairs to see if Bowser had any options...and it looked like he has quite a few. That's been a massive help, thankyou :) I'll be sure to use Peach as normal next time
    Sorry yea I wasn't really paying attention :/ I didn't have time either. Yea I'm up for some games :)

    Could I make a request? The Sonic people are doing Bowser on their match up chart...I was wondering if we could have some Sonic vs Bowser matches. You used to use him so...you have the whole out of sheild Up + B (Fortress) thing and all of Bowsers other stuff sorted right? Would that be ok with you?
    That's cool, it's always good to fight other people :) I need to have some matches with Kataefi again myself - her Zelda is hardcore

    Aww thanks ^^ you're very good yourself :)
    I was very lucky! ^^

    I always find heavier, big characters easy for Zelda - she has a few true combos on them that end in sweetspots =O

    I hate Zelda dittos =( they are so hard. I love peach ones however. Have you tried her out?
    Thankyou for those games ^^
    I learned alot. You are very good with a large portion of the cast! Maybe you could pick up Zelda at some point.
    I can play ^^ But only for a few games so if I leave early I do apologise in advance! Start a room!
    Awe the only times I'm normally free is passed 19:00 =(

    I can't play now at the moment because I don't have access to my wii, but I'm definitely sure we'll eventually play each other again =D I have a green connection with you anyways so it would be handy for us to play each other ^^ We just need to find the right time now!
    Ahhh cool that's fine by me :)

    Sorry about my random leaves btw, I've been very busy recently and I have to leave suddenly now and then

    And tell your friend not to worry - the reason I taunted was to say that I was leaving yesterday :p
    Yea if we didn't have lag, we could perfect shield each others projectiles

    Btw, if the lag isn't very good and you grab me, I'm going to assume you're going to CG me so I've started to walk into you and then try to jab you to give you space to get the CG done properly rather than mash A frantically and knock you out of the grabbing because the lag messed the CG up :p
    Oh lol xD

    Yea Up Smashing your recovery is fun :p And the lag messed up your CG a bit...that thing is so annoying :(

    I wish we could fight in non laggy conditions. I'd be perfect shielding your waddle dees and get round your Bair...and you'd pull off your CG properly and stuff :(
    Lol indeed :p. But chaining also goes annoying in lag.

    I try to work on up b connecting on stage on instant but your up smash punishes that, so I gues no good idea :(.
    Urgh >.> That lag was ridiculous. I couldn't punish your Bair or anything...and the amount of ruddy times I tripped in a CG/got hit by a fully charged F Smash... >< GG's
    I have some time yea :) Gimme a sec I'll be online soon, although if I have to leave I either 1. am having dinner or 2. I'm playing someone else cause I owe them games D:
    Rizul! Been too long! Unfortunately I currently lack my wii until next wednesday!!! I'm going to be out of practise =( but the moment i play I'll get myself back on track. It's not like Zelda's a hard character to use anyways =D

    I'll give you a shout when I get the wii back and we'll play sometime!
    Well, just remember - I don't mind what you do to get a win as long as it's not something wierd like having my character crash or something :p If I get stuck by a wall, grab away as it's my fault if I get stuck there

    You up for some matches now btw? I have some free time
    Hey, sorry I had to leave so abruptly yesterday. GG's yesterday, nice DeDeDe :) I need some experience with that match up

    Lol if you get the chance to wall infinite me, do it. You didn't on Delfino and it cost you the match. And dam my Sonic is garbage ><
    Sure I'll be on in a sec

    And you seem to be doing fine with Wario and lol yea I did try that infinite once...I can't do it though so I don't think I'll bother...I might try and throw it in now and then but I can't use it so I probably won't bother
    Yea GG's sorry about that ground floating Nair spam...I need to look into that one a bit more

    Your Wario is a LOT better. It's so difficult to grab you :O
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