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  • good games earlier, rizul. We really should play again. I've gotta say though even though I won, your Bowser is definetely the best I've seen and when you owned me with fox I was completely stunned o.O. Anyway nice playing u after a long time, hope we can have some more in the future...
    GG's :D Daaang your Bowser is scary. Amazing work there :D

    Rofl at that Side B jumps xD That really caught me off guard...what was that?
    Ack :( Sorry I didn't get this, I was busy with work

    Noooo I don't get bored of playing you Rizul :p I just have so much work to do recently. It's getting increasingly harder to have games with ANYONE, not just you. It's not because I don't want to play with you, it's because I simply don't have the time :p

    Don't suppose you have any time now/a bit later? I'd be online then (hopefully)
    You did a perfectly good job breaking my defense. What caught me way off guard was your ftilt outranging my fsmash and breaking through. That would force me to come to you, and then you'd fortress and deal heavy damage from there.

    I'll be more prepared next time. I could start to see habits I were doing wrong, and I believe I know how to correct them now, especially with din's. I need to stop using it >.<

    Also you must be wary... if you trip from a dtilt, Zelda can connect a sweetspotted Fair on you and kill you at 79% from the centre of FD! It's very handy. I should start making use of it lol considering how early you kill me =D
    My god! Your bowser is an absolute BEAST! I couldn't find away around him. Next time I'll be extra defensive and try not to hit your shield so much ;) Those fortresses were lethal!
    I can't do now at the moment =( But will you be available tonight? I can most definitely do 6pm or around about that time (in the UK), which is ideal for me. We can possibly get some team games going also if we manage to get rick and a 4th member - possibly your german friend or chis?

    Yes they have VERY lethal uairs... I think they're exactly the same except bowser's is wider and zelda's is taller. I need to apply my uair more often!
    I actually found it hard sweetspotting you xD And omg the disconnection at the start was because someone was using the phone down my end... I got reeeeally frustrated >.>

    Next time we MUST do team games... who would have been the fourth person though at the time? Chis didn't seem to be on.
    Yeah okay! Give me 10 minutes or so first, I'll come online in a bit so if you see me on just host a game and I'll join!
    Hey yeah I just got your messages (I was updating my profile), and yes I am invisible ^^... for now I guess until I finish everything. It looks like I may not be able to get on right now. Possibly later however!
    GG's :) I was about leave myself actually, I need to get ready to go out

    That Turnip pull thing is really difficult to pull off online :( Managed to get a few in though. It seems really useful if you ask me

    Grrr I hate Falcons Uair :(
    Lol the place has gone crazy xD And we're all green!

    Sure I'll be on soon :) Btw, if it looks like I'm dashing about all over the place or spamming Peach Bomber at points, it'll be because I'll be trying to use this without the B Stick


    I've managed to get it down almost 100% without the B Stick offline but online will be another question :p
    Sorry Rizul for missing your message, life is a tad bit hectic but I promise to give you games along with rickerdy (doo-da-day ^^ I feel like breaking into song and dance it's SUCH a good username) once I find that golden opportunity to get on at a good time.

    Don't forget me!
    GG's :) Lol those Beam Swords do more harm than good for me :(

    Made a few daft mistakes vs your Falcon there. Kept getting hit by that dang Uair :( Nice Falcon/Bowser :) That OoS Fortress is nasty but with Tap Jump on, it could be even nastier :p Unfortunetly, tap jump on can mean you do a Uair instead of Up Tilt... D:
    Ack sorry about that...wasn't your fault at all, apparantly, my parents hadn't finished messing around with the internet D:

    I'm going back online now
    Unbelieveable...will you be on later? My parents are messing around with the internet connection and stuff so I can't get online which is why I have to keep leaving :/

    Sorry about that. If you're on later when they've finished we can have some games. Your Bowser has gotten scarely better :O
    P.S That Lol taunt was meant to be my Ka POWWW taunt xD

    OoS Fortress is crazy good. Do you have tap jump off now?
    I just saw your message. I can't play now unfortunately =( it seems like work is getting the better of me. We should play sometime tomorrow though. I can't say for certain, but I'll try =D
    Rizul it has certainly been AGES! We must play soon! I can't unfortunately play right now but perhaps later on tonight?
    I'm sorry I can't :/ I have work I need to do and I REALLY need to get it done as well. I can't put it to one side because it's causing me a lot of stress atm so I want to get it out the way. I was about to log off anyway as I was just checking around and checking up on match ups and threads etc.

    :( Another time perhaps
    Ahhh you outplayed me quite a bit in some of those matches :) GG's. I made quite a few mistakes there...latenightnotmuchsleep johns :p You've gotten better :D

    Btw, do you have Tap Jump on? I noticed that when I was Dairing you, I actually shattered your sheild at one point D:

    If you have Tap Jump on and I'm Dairing you, you can counter by using your Up + B/Up Tilt when the first Dair is over. And because you have tap jump on, you can do it instantly without having to suffer lag from dropping your sheild because you're technically 'jumping' out of your sheild
    Heeey :) Yea I've been quite busy recently :p
    You up for some games now? Hopefully the lag will be ok. And please, if you're ever up for some games just leave me a message. I'll only say no if I have work to do :p
    Hey!!! I've just noticed you and dear rickerdy playing brawl online. I've contacted Chis so hopefully he'll jump in and we can get some team games going!

    Also... I strongly recommend braw+. You will LOVE bowser in brawl+.
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