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  • Lol no sorry I lost track of time and I had to go. Sorry about that

    Urgh...ruddy Wi Fi. I always get hit by DeDeDe's Bair ~.~. If I get screwed up by Wi Fi I end up mis spacing and getting grabbed...or die from DeDeDe's silly powerful attacks or a gimp myself by Floating instead of jumping for momentum cancelling or die due to late Up + B and Peach's vertical recovery is already dreadful

    I'll find a proper way around his Bair eventually...although it'll involve me getting campy probably :/ I did ok in those games but I didn't enjoy get lag comboed by Fairs ~.~
    Sure I had an exam today and it went pretty well so I'm giving myself a break :D

    :/ I honestly don't know Rizul. You could try doing what I did and abuse DeDeDe's Bair like I did when you used Peach. You've been getting better all the time...just keep it up that's all I can really think of. Let's have some matches and I'll see if I can throw out some better advice
    Sorry :( when you chose DK I wanted to see if the infinite actually worked (turns out it did) but I wasn't very good at it :p You won anyway :p

    GG's. You've gotten much better so very fast :D I hope you understand the pain and grief that DeDeDe's Bair causes Peach. Getting around it is a nightmare...sadly the main way of fighting DeDeDe with Peach is to use Turnips :/ I don't like getting campy and Turnip happy on Wi Fi cause they can't be shielded properly but...meh :/

    I laugh at how the characters you use can kill me at around 95% if they want to and yet with the characters I use, it's not surprising if my opponent is still alive with 195% xD

    Olimar is tricky :/ Apparantly I'm supposed to be really agressive but I end up running into things. Oh well that's Wi Fi. Lol Peach is quite the pikmin slayer. And I thought I abused poor vegetables :p
    Yea that's a bit annoying :/ I was holding shield when you were doing the CG cause I know you'd be able to do it offline but I was spamming attack to try and force a grab release which caused me to jab :X

    And it's np I just don't like it when the lag is jumpy and my spacing ends up ruined or I accidently do stuff when I don't mean to (or don't in some cases) :/

    DeDeDe will not die >< Silly Peach and her 1 kill move
    Gg's...you can tell I'm rusty. I was playing offline earlier :/ That lag was crap sorry about that...it's been raining over here >.> I was whiffing aerials everywhere

    Grrr I ****ing hate DeDeDe's Bair...it's so hard to punish on Wi Fi. And I hate the fact that neither of us can properly shield projectiles :/
    Revise is the same as to study. It's my preparation for exams, basically looking at everything I need to know for my exams and making sure I know it all

    Lol flat G&W xD With DeDeDe, can't you cancel his recovery and grab the ledge? Although I suppose that leaves you vunerable to ledgeguarding D:

    I'm very sorry about that. My parents want me to revise more so I'm not allowed on the Wii. Sorry :/
    Ohhh we must try out you having C stick set to attack. Yea missing out on instant smashes must be a bit rubbish. See how it goes though :)
    omg... the ability to transform into Sheik saves her lol... olimar is a HORRIBLE matchup for her >.< She cannot do anything aside from make huge risks and gambles, though apparently the matchup has got better according to some. I just hate the little bugger, hahaha!

    Yeah I suppose you could say I just like the playstyle! She's my main, but I do definitely use others, most notably Peach, Jigglypuff and now Diddy Kong. I like Dedede too!
    Lolz! I understand xD It would so great if all the people who played online could have a chance to meet offline. I'm going through the stages of organising some events down this end but it's trickier than I thought.
    I can't right now rizul sorry. Possibly on monday! Sometimes I have quite a good connection, other times it's just really bad =( Hopefully all will be well over the summer when I get a new connection. You're very welcome to come and play me OFFline though =D
    No can do :( I've got a busy day today - no time for Brawling :(

    And yea, the infinite is hard to do. It's also difficult to pummel correctly since Bowser has a slow pummel. If you pummel wrong, you can jump release out of the grab and not get infinited...but sill get hit by a Fair :(
    It's horrible :O I can't believe they actually have a 95-5 match up

    It takes me a while to warm up :p Olimar is pretty tricky. I can't understand how it's 70-30 in Peach's favour. I imagine when the rediscussion comes about it'll be closer to being 60-40 or even but surely with Up + B stopping Floating approaches it would be less extreme for Olimar
    Yea Peach's dash attack seemed to work quite nicely. It's got two hits and the second hit is very disjointed...it's nowhere near Peach's hands lol

    And I think you can follow up into stuff like an Up Smash but not another grab because 1. I'm in the air and 2. I'm out of hitstun by then so I can Nair you
    Yea I'm not fussed by it as long as it's legit but rofl I couldn't do anything with Ganondorf! No wonder he has such horrible match ups...

    And being good with everyone is always a plus because it allows you to know how they'll move and what they might do when your fighting them yourself :p

    As for me, if it doesn't Float (or run fast and spindash to a certain extent), I can't use it well at all xD
    Sorry for leaving early Rizul! I had been playing earlier with Rick and I needed to go revise for stuff. Definitely next time... plus I think my connection has got really bad =(=(=(
    And you'll hear chaingrab chaingrab chaingrab :p Although it's tough to do online. Fighting Falco is filled with SH attacks and Turnips to punish

    Lol the random pulls certainly seem to come when I least expect them. They normally always save the day for me too :p Although tbh, I just randomly throw them since I'm not expecting them and then bam, you've been sent flying :p

    Also, take a look at this. Should give you something to mess around with :D


    It'll be amazing if it does actually work

    I hate how they can't be shielded properly because it's unfair on you and sometimes it's giving me hits I shouldn't be getting but I also hate how I get hit by other stuff I shouldn't. That's Wi Fi I'm afraid

    I honestly do try and limit my Turnip use because I know they can't be shielded but when I'm losing...it's hard not to. Your a hell of a lot tougher these days so playing defensivly is a must...and to do that, Peach needs Turnips

    If it's any consilation, most of my Turnips are OoS Turnips/normal Turnips used to punish whiffed/laggy moves...so they'd hit you offline as well :p

    And dang, Falco's laser is mega evil on Wi Fi :p
    I know they weren't great I knew you must have been getting tired but I just mean in general I need to be less agressive. I've had a bad tendancy to get really impatient and just run in there throwing attacks out and your punishing me very badly for it. I could tell when you Up Smashed me with Lucas predicting my Float :o I need to work on mixing things up

    The gimp was only funny cause of the Bob-omb. Kind of like adding insult to injury. I'd hit DeDeDe with so many Turnips and then after all that a bomb xD
    Gimped by Nolimar :D

    Gg's I must stop being so agressive sometimes...I think I'm finally seeing where I'm going wrong. I'm rushing right into your attacks whereas if I'm just patient and play more defensive I don't get hurt as much

    Also, rofl at that DeDeDe offstage gimp by my Peach. Turnip, Turnip, Turnip, Turnip, BOB-OMB!
    Sorry I started to use Peach >.> Every other character is so strange to me and I was getting tossed around like a rag doll which wasn't fun at all

    God my edge game sucks so much. It's from all those months of not trying to edgeguard people...and I always get juggled and hit when recovering and I can never ever seem to hit you when you're getting up from the egde...
    Yea I can. Well, try hosting and let's see what happens. I don't think anything too drastic has been lost...I don't get why it's deleted itself though and why I've got a new FC

    I've just logged onto Wi Fi and...my FC has changed. My Friend roster has been completely deleted, yet my online play record is stil there


    I don't know what's happened but apparantly my new FC is 2965 5928 7403

    I don't get it...can you check if my old FC profile still exists is online?
    Well I can probably give you a few games now :p Fancy having Random matches where we both use Random? :p I need to be a bit more diverse with my character ability xD
    Well that sucked :( My internet just died...I've been trying to get it to work and I've finally got it sorted. Up for anymore games later today? Silly internet...
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