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  • Of course I do :p I'd just like to play at tournies offline that's all. I still like to play Wi Fi don't get me wrong but...well, Wi Fi doesn't really get you recognized :p

    With that said, up for some games? I want to cram some of what might be the last Brawling in before the long hard slog that is my exams
    Aww no more? But my Wario is so trashy :p

    GG's for now and earlier, you've gotten a lot better in such a short space of time! I think I've realised where I went wrong...I'm being far too aerial against characters like Bowser, Wario and G&W who have more range/stronger/better aerials. I need to work a bit on my ground game

    Rofl what the heck was that bike thing all about? I finally see what you were trying to do after taking goodness knows how much damage D: Where did you get that from?
    Well it sucks getting shield grabbed after failed spacing or getting killed earlier than I should because the lag makes me Float instead of jump for momentum cancelling which actually pushes me furthur towards the stage boundries..

    Meh well whenever you're ready. You've obviously improved and I still need to keep up. I'll do better next time (though I said that last time)
    Kk well after some food do you want to carry on?

    And I'm swearing cause I'm irriatated by the times I got ***** :/ I can't understand where I'm going wrong. I'm doing everything right and I keep getting ***** by these strings of hits, walking into crap and generally sucking
    Lol don't be silly. I just wanted it removed because I didn't want you getting involved with such matters since they're so silly :p

    Up for some games anytime soon? I don't have long but I'd like to fit some brawling in sometime today :p
    Rizul I removed it for you ;) The quicker the better I thought ^^ And nope there was no warnings involved so you're alright =D

    Also... we should play sometime!
    Trip to lightning kick is pretty nasty D:

    Lol that Wolf vs MK thing sucked. I took tons of damage trying to figure out how I could get around his blaster without sheilding :(
    I thought it the lag was a bit jumpy at times...that could explain why. It didn't mess too badly with it. I'd say your good with G&W :o It's also a pretty bad match up for Peach since G&W out ranges and completely out kills Peach

    I'll do better next time for certain. I just need to be a bit more patient...in the matches I was patient, I did well. I did well about half the time I fought your G&W. Those trips sucked - all of them except one or two set me up to die :(
    GG's. Ergh, I hate G&W. I still need to learn the match up better...I shouldn't have been so impatient when trying to use OoS Turnip throws. It would be nice if Wi Fi didn't trash my DI and make me run (or rather, trip ><) into those ridiculous kill moves of his :/
    Yea sorry I'll be on in about 15 mins hopefully :) Taking a bit longer than I thought

    Gah, getting a Beam Sword can be very stressful since there's always the worry that my opponent will grab hold of it and use it against me :(
    Yea I couldn't be bothered with random :p GG's...I love Peach's F Tilt, it can be a very useful anti air move indeed

    And how ironic that I get killed by a grab release Up Smash xD
    Yea Olimar was good :) I don't know a right lot about the Olimar match up but apparantly, Peach does really well in it. The Up + B thing is very good against her in the air, I wasn't expecting that :O It's a shame his recovery is horrible xD
    GG's :) Doing that grab release thing is hard on Wi Fi :(

    Ahhh my button input was all over the place in those matches. I'd been playing loads of offline this afternoon...didn't realise it would mess it up so much that I'd end up Peach Bombering right into the side of the stage and falling to my doom instead of Up + B'ing :'(
    Exams will be over in about a month xD

    And I put the timer on incase you wanted to try out that air camping thing with Wario :p You saw me give it a go when I used Wario (although I wasn't very good at it xD)
    Hey rizul good to hear from you! Yes we must play again sometime. I'm not free anytime soon though, it's exam time now >.< Possibly sometime next week though! Would be a pleasure fighting your bowser again!
    Yea sorry I need to get on with some work now

    Yea I hate Falco's lasers :( They're so difficult to deal with online. I can't PS them so that means I can only normal sheild them or get hit which is a very slow way of approaching. That leaves me with Floating or air dodge and I'm easily hit by something else when doing that :(

    Dang, G&W is...tough. He hits so hard, has such long range and his moves tay out forever. That turtle is so difficult to get round and if I mess up on the OoS Turnip, I' could get punished heavily. At least DI'ing up and away from it let's me punish you with a Bair :p
    I'm not going to be able to play Brawl for a while now :/ Sorry Rizul. I'll be sure to message you if I do get time but my exams are coming up and I really need to crack on with revision. Brawl is effectivly wasting time I could be using to revise

    And lol, I don't care who you use when fighting me xD You use who you think will help you to win
    It's not that hard honestly. It's much much easier than DACUS. I still can't do them properly

    Give it a go, honestly, it's not that difficult. Just press Y, B and Up on the control stick whilst holding the Sheild button (L or R). Have your index finger of your right hand on the Y button and your thumb on the B button and your thumb of your left hand pressing Up. Press Y (causes you to jump), Up and B at the same time (causes you to Up + B) and this will let you do a jump cancelled Up + B OoS
    GG's :) Sorry I really need to do some work now. Good to see our playing is still good after the long breaks :p

    Ohh yea, I found a pretty easy way to do OoS Up + B without using Tap Jump

    You know Jump cancelled attacks? Well, you can do a jump cancelled Up Smash OoS (that's what I was doing when I was Up Smashing out of my sheild when I used Bowser) but I've found you can do the same with Up + B

    The easiest way I've found is to hold L or R depending on which one you use for sheild. Then, use your index finger to press Y and your thumb to press B and your other hand to press Up. This will let you do an OoS Up + B without having to turn tap jump on :) It's a bit fiddly to swap your position on the controller but I reckon it could be useful :)

    And sorry for not letting your friend join, I just wanted to have some 1 vs 1's with you today :) He's welcome to join next time
    Ahh sorry :( I'd just gone out

    I never bother to log off from SWF xD It always makes me look like I'm online when I'm not...it's so misleading :p

    Oh well, have a nice holiday :)
    Yikes...my internet just died...sorry about that. Only just got it back up


    I'm not sure what advice I can give you to be honest. You seem to be doing ok atm. Just watch how I play and think 'How can I get around what he's using'?

    I think punishing me more often would help. Take Bowsers Side B and Fair for example. I know that you're probably going to use one of the two when you're in the air. So what I do is jump out of the way of your attack and the punish you by hitting you back with an attack

    Try applying that when fighting Peach. For example, if you think that Peach is going to try and Floating Dair you, jump up and hit her with an aerial. If you think that she will try to drop down with a Nair after Dairing your sheild, why not wait for the Nair and punish her with an OoS Fortress? If it looks like she's going to use her Fair, try to avoid it and then jump in and hit her with something

    It's basically stuff like that. You know how to punish and stuff. Take Toad for example - you pretty much know when I'm going to use it and punish me pretty hard for that xD Don't always feel that you have to approach me. Wait for me to approach and then attack me back. Of course, that could be difficult because I have a projectile D:

    And yea, the lag was definitly noticable. Why is bad unfortunetly because it means you have a harder time avoiding my Turnips. You could try sheilding them and OoS attacking my follow ups. Or you could try jumping and airdodge/catch them

    Also, use your grab releases. If Bowser grabs Peach, Peach cannot escape unless she forces jump release. So, if you grab me and grab release me onto the ground, you can actually dash re grab me again and again until I mash enough buttons to make myself jump release into the air. And when done right, Bowser can hit Peach with a Fair when she is air released. If you ground release me, you can dash regrab me, Side B me or Jab/ F Tilt me. Use grab releases to your advtange

    And if things aren't going too well...Side B me and try and drag me off the stage xD

    If you think asking the Bowser boards for advice would help, I say go for it. The Peach Boards have definitly helped me on how to deal with match ups and stuff :) Hope that helps

    P.S Don't use Fire Breath for so long that it allows me to either Toad it or DI into you and hit you with something nasty like an Up Smash during your ending lag xD
    I don't think that's how it's done...here, take a look

    What you want to be doing is tapping up and away from Peach's feet. That's the best way to get out of her Dair

    Unfortunetly, it's still not easy to do and Bowser is huge and heavy so it'll be pretty difficult for him to get out. You can also try hitting jump as well as tapping up to try and jump out of them
    Ah no I don't. it's np, GG's

    Lol I can't believe my sheild broke xD How embarrasing...

    As for the Dairs, I would try mashing up and try to jump out of them. I think that's how you get out of them anway
    Nah I've been slacking off on the forums sice I've got other stuff I need to do. Lol nah I won't be a mod for it xD It's already got about three and they're doing a fine job :p

    Sure, I'll be online soon :)
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