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  • Reo you can give the Luigi title to Samusbrawler, I don't deserved it anymore. Samus is a much better Luigi mainer than I am. Congradulations Samus you got my Luigi Title. :( Let him know Reo. :(
    Well i'm just plain sux Reo, that's it I failed Luigi Peach and Zelda. And I don't know how to help Amber to be the best Zelda/Shiek mainer, I completely failed. :( I'm sorry Amber, please forgive me. :(
    Thanks, I won already lol
    But my internet is being slow right now, but we can try and play still if you want
    I never rly spam when I was a noob lol XD ^^, anyways true, too bad I didn`t see ur shiek and u seemed to hve a hard time with sonic huh? XD ^^ btw, I bet ur sheik is beastly lol. I hate getting doubled teamed lol o-o XD
    GGs, plz less spam with fux, I realized wat caleb has gone through against u lol, other than that, work some of ur approaches, other than that he can be a good fux. also lasers don`t bug ppl lol XD ^^
    i need to play more brawl again to get my charactors bak and my boozer was gonna win against ur marth then....................dc :O ahwhaaaaaat
    actually that was a horrible cg my pikas cg always takes fox to at least 80% but yeah my ness sucked
    Hey buddy! We can go and play now so she said she gonna get some rest so she'll be back after one. And sleeping like a sweet little angel, sleep tight princess. Heehee! So you ready buddy! :)
    Is that's ok buddy, because I don't want you to get bored or anything. :(
    Um Reo I got one small problem, I can't go online because Princess want me to talk to her tonight. And she can't play the game because somebody watching a movie right now, so as soon as I finish talking to Princess i'll jump in ok. I'm sorry buddy, i'm just to soft on girls. :( How embarrassing. :(
    Ggs...all i got to say is in a way i got better in the other hand i must train...n with Pikachu just wtbh...like i actually did hurrible with him...n just when i came out from a battle with him owning my opponent...T_T....well can't wait for our next incounter XD...
    I'll be on in three minutes ok, i'll let princess know i'll be back ok. And drink some lemonade. :)
    Shadowfirex100 (Dropout DemonicTrilogy)
    I beat his guy 3-1
    Lucas vs DK (He beat he in FD... bleh)
    ICs vs Sonic (I win in BF)
    Pit vs Pit (I win him dittos at smashvile)
    ICS vs PT or Sumone (I win)

    wTf was up w/ Fox's super ultra ultimate single jump that was like sonic's spring only in a single jump?
    I'm sorry for that wait buddy, I had family prayer. Sorry about that. :(
    I'll wait on ya'll online ok, and 9:00 pm I have to stop for family prayer. :)
    OMG! Right on time buddy, haha! I almosf done sweeping the kitchen! :laugh:
    lol, I was wondering what that guy thought he was doing, and your Martha was just as good anyways, probably better. GG's
    hey man, maybe tomorrow say around 3ish? i have class tonight, and also it's hard for me to get comp access so i'll look 4 u then
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