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  • Phew! I thought you were just going to immediatelly say "STAAAALLLKERR! HEEELLP!", as a Christian that is definatelly not my priority. speaking of which, I get so paranioed when people take it the wrong way. But that's just how I am mate, being curious and anxious is certainly not a good mix!
    Oh come on Reo, if you only play mostly Shiek your secondaries won't get any better man! That's way everytime I play with somebody I let all my characters get a shot to improve not just one person all day! Come on buddy! :(
    I can't believe this! I can't play Marth man, I main him back then too. You know what just forget it, I try to give you a challenge but I guess it can't be helped! Maybe this was a mistake to pick Marth in the first place! :( And besides I was humiliated by my friend for picking all my mains, and beat the crap out of me! And even Luigi! But I realise ob those battles that I need to learn more and get better, and it' worked Reo! So fine I won't pick Marth, or Shiek anymore because those are your characters! I hope your Happy now! :( :cry:

    P.S. Now I have to say goodbye for mastering Zelda/Shiek! And to help Princess Zelda21 to get better with Zelda/Shiek! :( :cry:
    hey umm spam smashes wernt your style today...

    and the one you left on the first time i won!! what a coinkidink....

    then i won later on w/Ike which was totally random...
    Oh yeah....
    When you use Fox 1v1... beware of my CGs
    I will use D3 and pwn Fox lulz.
    Well okay but I can't play tommorow cause of home school well I'am gonna eat some dinner okay later.
    Hey ReoZeo good news me and KaZe got Caleb back and it made me feel better after my lost to lil cj.
    Oh ok, sorry about that wait buddy, so much freaking dishes! Rhaaaaa! Haha! :)
    I'm finally finished, that's a large pile up! So you still ready buddy? Sorry for a long wait. :(
    i got a science project due for a family tree so i better get on that... if i get done early ill let you know ok?? your falco was the easiest to beat so far....
    idk if marth is a good match up against sonic... that fair and dair is ferocious agaist light weights.....
    Hey buddy how long you gonna be up, because my mom want me to get the kitchren right now. :( And Snakes is gay, I don't like Snakes there broken! Real men don't use Snake! :laugh: Ohhh! This sux I gotta clean the kitchen. :( Doh!
    Thanks ReoZeo I got it and I will not apply yet anyways can you be in my tournament (singles) to get things started.
    this will be the new account, so keep me posted on the tourneys
    Hey ReoZeo I'am hosting the tournament thing again check the group also how do I be a smash director?
    hey, im creating a new file for my new name which is n0va so i just wanted you to be aware, im going to add myself to the tourney groups and such, but if its gonna cause confusion i can leave my name as it is.
    lol thats fine, I'm not used to online at all actually, it feels so weird now.

    But at least I can finally play again. You're the first person I've fought online in over 2 weeks. GG's
    Hey that's my first time playing Snake and I don't like Snakes. Now I see how broken they are! And it's gay!
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