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  • I can't find my opponent, he still haven't came back! What shall I do Reo!?
    Yeah. He liked to think he was good. He said that he'd beat you. I had many doubts. He said I cheated when I won with Ike. I told him that I earned my points fair and square. Still, you and I were able to get some wins in. Heck, I didn't even mind if I was in second place. XD But yeah, I agree with the spamming part. On Yoshi's Island, I was trying to get you, but he kept spamming that Aura Ball and so I dashed towards him in attempts to make him stop.
    Yo. I was going to tell you this earlier, but it seems that I had forgotten while company was still over. Anyway, the question mark that was around when we were playing, that was I guess family? I don't know how to explain it, but whatever I guess. Anyway, he wanted me to team up against you, but that wasn't my intentions. He was wanting to play and I wanted to play online, so I made both happen.

    Just to let you know, I did not team up against you. I just wanted to tell you that in case you maybe thought I was. I was actually going up against you because you're a bigger threat in the match than he was. You probably thought the same about me. XD Either way I had fun. I was just looking for anyone to play with. I just brought along the company is all.
    ♥It's alright. Smaci couldn't record anyway.

    ♥It was 2-0 in Mr. Pink Fresh's favor.

    ♥Do you think we could start the finals from the beginning? I got so nervous from the recording that I didn't play well at all.:(:
    Cheers mate :), you made my Smashboards day... I seriously appreciate it. Sorry, for the late reply.
    dude, that game you were trying to join was the final lol...but I couldn't record it anyways because my mom is yelling at me to do work...
    My denomintation is Cathlolic, I started taking my relationship with Christ when I was in my 2nd year of middle school. Now as a Catholic I somewhat value their belief in unity and thanksgiving. Paul said it was acceptable to The Lord explicitly in Timothy chapter 2 verse 1-4, on the other hand I'm also aware that Cathecism(correct my spelling if I'm wrong)has some factors and contradictions that meddle with the Bible, so therefore other people with diverse interpretations come to confrot Catholics. In conclusion, just don't condemn me about the flaws of my denomination. Just embrace, same goes for every other... (LONGEST MESSAGE EVER!)
    sorry reo...my bro came home and forced me to get off the wii. :( nice games :) i think I'm finally getting the timing down on those chaingrabs...
    Hey Reo! I'll be on a little later i'm so freezing right now and I can't feel my hands! :( So i'm trying to get warm before I start, i'll let you know ok. I just came back from the store.

    edit. I'm ready now Reo I can feel my hands and i'm ready to play! :)
    ya man...I think I figured out why i sucked so bad against your marth. Let me go turn on my wii...create a room
    ya...your marth isn't bad...My Ice Climberz suck horribly online :urg: when I switched to ZSS, everything was much better....but I wanna use my Ice Climbers cause I put hours of training on them. I don't usually suck offline as much as i did when I played you. One thing I really don't get is: how come when you charge a fsmash near the edge, and I come up from the edge it hits me??? I'm supposed to have invicibility frames :confused: and you killed me half the time like that :(

    man, this is so annoying, cause my Ice Climberz are better than my ZSS and I can't even prove that online...:urg: I'm frustrated
    Who's hosting? :) awww forget it, i'm on my way buddy! It's showtime! :) :laugh:
    That reminds me...the person im playing is having problems with wifi so im not sure if he'll make it...just letting u know...for prove go to my page XD...
    hey today's friday! does that mean you can play???!!! :bee:

    btw, the Safe_Kid dude I'm playing...I've contacted him, and he's replied and everything. but he comes on smashboards for like 2 mins then he leaves...I don't know if I'll ever be able to catch him :urg:
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