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  • Wow, I find it very rare for a person to be as thankful as I am to other people. Thank you a whole heap for taking my advice, and yes it would be a good Idea to take down both lists :). But out of curiosity, what denomination are you in mate?
    If there is no real title or denomination called 'christian'(as infzy commented) then, then what does the group 'christian' mean on your list in your social group (I was just discovering your social group).I mean that majority of christians could be 'mormons', 'Jehova's Witnesses' and etc. (I'm not trying to have a go at you mate.)
    DK got lucky XD...we had one more match n i could had won if it wasn't for the signal lost n yeah...if it wasn't for that i would had won my Link was owning his Toon Link XD...*smiles*...but yeah i feel like im talking junk so i'll stop...she is good with Peach i admit that n Luigi can be annoying to past...darn..makes me wanna think how the last match went...it was his Luigi against my Pikachu...n i lost like badly...for some reason i just couldn't do anything as in move or dodge...idk i guess i passed out sometimes...hmm...
    I see...so is just ur secondaries im going to face huh...n ur main i have to face u in the tourney...so be it...either way i need training with my mains Link n Pikachu...so it'll be fun *smiles*...n the more the marriar (or however u spelled it XD) i wouldn't mind DK joining us...even though i want to see how u play but then again im not going to face ur best so is ok...*smiles*...
    Thx for granting my request Reo...thank u very much...i just can't allow my opponent to just leave because of problems like these...like i said before thx very so much *smiles*...n i can't wait for Friday to see what ur made of with Shiek...so is that ur best character?...
    ok fine dude ill stay and thats only because there is a losers bracket ok?
    also who is my opponent?
    Oh Reo...there's something wrong...my opponent n i can't face each other...we keep getting disconnected...in other words we can't face each other...can u do something about it...like maybe change who were facing each other...like me facing someone else n killa face someone else...
    Hey Reo...i never faced u before so if ur not busy i would like to have some friendly battles with u...*smiles*...
    smash director ftw! good job man lol

    I applied to be a debater...and I gave the best reason ever, and it seems that they ignored me :urg: here is my reason (if this isn't a good reason, I don't know what is :(): I am a very sensible member of the community and I don't post useless threads. I've helped clean up the Ice Climber boards with 2 stickied threads: 1. A Question/Answer thread 2. A Useful Thread Index and Rules For posting on the Ice Climber boards
    no i won all the 1 vs 1 matches but blackwoulf joined and messed it up by puting items on...i got second on all the ffas'
    Oh sunday? Well then I guess I can stay in it then :)
    I need to try harder to get my wifi back...
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