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  • good night...I really want to play against you lol---school sux :urg:

    and marth sounds good...I'm gonna stick with IC's even if they suck really badly online. I'm going to force myself to play them well online. :)
    btw, does pink fresh need someone to record his match??? I could do it =P although how would I join as a spectator?

    ps. watch the vid below in High Quality...I'm serious---It makes quite a difference O_O

    you'll have to sign in to your youtube account before you can see it...You were sheik---but no worries, you were amazing that night, and I was crappy. I'm better now though....I think I'm finally ready to use my IC's in this tourney, cause I even beat Dk2 quite a few times with them today :)
    i doubt it'll be easy.
    if i'm up at all i'd be surprised.
    if i am winning 2-0....
    i'll pick...
    uhh... bowser lol
    btw, I have one of our vids up as a private video...I'll go send it to you. I'm too lazy to upload the other videos =P
    ya sounds awesome!
    i can't wait...
    i hope it's fun =]
    hmm... never played ~peachy~ i wonder how it's going to turnout
    like ~peachy~ says
    i'm unable to record.
    you should do what ~peachy~ says and get someone that is able to record join.
    Hey ReoZeo is ~PinkFresh~ my next opponent cause he told me he is and there is nothing new in the tournament?
    Alright good night buddy! I'm gonna spend the rest of the night with my girlfriend so she won't be lonely! :laugh:
    Oh yeah! About that lightning kick, I need alot of practice on that down air lighting kick as well. But it's seem much harder than melee with the lightning kick, so what do you think of my Zelda lightning kick. And how do you do that meteor smash with Marth, it's seem harder on Brawl too me. I can't get a single meteor smash at all! :laugh:
    ya man. nice marth...I changed my mind about FFA's now lol...they're really fun! :bee: but I still prefer 1vs1. My Ice climberz sucked so badly in FFA haha...but I think they got a bit better from last time we played :)
    Hey buddy do you think I play Zelda better than Peach or it's a tie. :) My fighting style on Zelda is kinda weird a little bit. And I need more practice with Peach because I forgot Peach is bad against people with Swords, well I need more practice with Peach about that problem. :)
    Of course! Except that last match where stupid Pokemon Stadium (Melee) gimped you! D:< Stupid stage! But I'll choose the right levels if I'm ever in a tournament. Stages. I meant stages, not levels. If you have a list, show it to me so we can play on the right ones next time.
    ....caleb is so jealous -_- don't listen to him...he doesn't appreciate the work you put into this stuff...

    you still able to play? lol
    wanna play me now? you're online on smashboards...keep in mind that I still have to go turn on the wii lol

    and caleb is. just.............................jealous? lol
    sure we can play now...let me go turn on the wii...create a room buddy;)

    edit: crap, I think I missed you by a minute...let me know if you still wanna play if you come one soon...
    hey reo...you wanna play me at 9:15 pm (my time)/ 11:15 pm (your time)????????????...I feel a little bit better...
    Haha! Yeah. I was surprised you got me with Marth's Sheild Breaker. I was totally expecting my PK Flash to get you, but you poked me off the stage. I was quite surprised when that happened. XD What stages weren't official? Was it PictoChat? I keep hearing that it's counter pick but then I keep hearing it's banned. I'm not sure. Anyway, I wanted to go to different stages because I don't go to all of them and it does kind of get boring going to the same stages some times. Anyway, good matches.

    I left simply because I was playing Brawl for awhile and I wanted to go my laptop that my brother was hogging for a bit. I think I'm going to go ahead and write some music now. I'm trying to make up my own unofficial EarthBound themes if there were an EarthBound 3/Mother 4 game. D:
    Reo I got a little small problem. I have to clean up the kitchen right now, i'm sorry buddy! :(
    its because i haven't been playin offline too much i won a few tourneys 2 with samus 1 with zss
    anyways thnx and i will get better i can spend plenty of time playing online now
    Sure! As long Princess won't get cranky on me, or i'm gonna get it! LOL! :)
    Alrigh but I have to spend time with my girlfriend again! :) LOL! I know I just missed her so much! I'm sorry buddy! :( I guess you can call me softy because i'm to soft on girls. :( LOL! kinda sad isn't it.
    Agreed buddy! And I can't use Peach, Zelda/Shiek, Toonlink, and Sonic since those 5 are my main also. And I really need to get better with Zelda/Shiek but it's up to you on that part buddy. And your Marth is pretty strong too! :)
    i play with alot of chars. My lucas is my main. i put 8 months into him lol. WiGi/diddy are my secondaries and i've been playing them for like 2 months.
    everyone else i just play every now and then, mostly just for fun. i know my matchups very well. what outranges what; what outprioritizes what. what leads to what, what i should try to avoid (ftilt lock against falcon/fox/wolf/falco). Oh and one of the most important things. i know how to do Di.
    Well my hands is warm now, i'm ready to play! Meet ya online buddy! :)
    Hey buddy i'm back! Sorry about the wait I was having a snowball fight! :laugh:
    i won't be able to play for long because i have hw.
    ok and if you haven't already check the tourney group.
    oh crap reo...I'm really messed up for this tournament...I'm not winning anything against my bro, and I'm messing up with ZSS and Ice Climbers, and I sucked against you yesterday...:( I am so gonna mess up this tourney...I think my weaknesses have to do with rolling around to much and getting punished for it, and not spot dodging and sheilding enough...but I don't really know...i'm really screwed for this tourney.

    btw, did you get my youtube friend thingy?
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